Thursday, June 20, 2024

Blog Tour and Giveaway: Adult-o-Nomics: How to Nail It On Your Own by Tez Brooks


About the Book

Book: Adult-o-Nomics: How To Nail It On Your Own

Author: Tez Brooks

Genre: Nonfiction (self-help)

Release date: April 30, 2024

Launching out and making your way in life can be hard. But it doesn’t have to be.

One study revealed that over fifty percent of young adults boomeranged home in the first five years. Often, this is caused by underestimating how many curveballs life throws. You may not want to return home, and helicopter parents don’t help as they sympathetically offer to cushion you in the name of “setting you up for success.” But you know there’s nothing more rewarding than making it on your own.

Mom and Dad couldn’t teach you everything. Your peers can’t offer the wisdom of experience. Even mentors don’t often know what you need guidance for. You need preventive counsel; information obtained before a crisis hits. Well, you found it! Within these pages is experience and know-how collected from famous personalities and others who’ve forged the path ahead of you; from all different ages and walks of life.

This mix of ancient wisdom (adapted from God’s Word) and modern advice from contemporaries will place you ahead of the curve as you increase in know-how and understanding for more effective adulting.

Adult-o-Nomics is a gift book to yourself or others. It’s a collection of 500 short quotes, scriptures, and suggestions for those leaving home for the first time. Topics cover everything from practical housekeeping, automotive maintenance, and career advice, to romance and spiritual living.

If consumers in the target market read Adult-o-Nomics, they will:

  • Discover practical tips for becoming independent.
  • Handle setbacks and trials with know-how, confidence and courage.
  • Understand societal norms for more effective life skills.
  • Learn how to walk closer to God.

Because the book will:

  • Inspire readers to step out and take risks.
  • Encourage young adults to mature and grow a thick skin.
  • Produce a growing dependence on God rather than others.
  • Offer peace in the midst of turmoil and stress


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Whether he’s working as a missionary journalist, coaching aspiring writers, or writing devotions, Tez’s passion for walking with God is evident. His book, The Single Dad Detour won Book of the Decade with Serious Writer Academy and recently, featured him in “50 Authors You Should Know.”

As a multiple award-winning author, filmmaker, and international speaker, Brooks was recently named one of the Top Writing Coaches by the Coach Foundation. His work appears in Guideposts, Power for Living, The Upper Room,, Clubhouse, Focus on the Family, and more. Tez is a member of Colorado Authors League and president for two chapters of Word Weavers Intl. He and his wife serve as full-time missionaries based out of Colorado Springs. They have four children.


More from Tez


Q: Adult-o-Nomics shares insights and encouragement from high school and college students, parents and your own experience as a youth pastor and father of four. What led you to write it?

I wrote it because I see so many young adults struggling with anxiety after moving out on their own. By asking around, I realized it that anxiety comes from a lack of know-how. It’s so stressful to attempt something with little to no information. Google makes it so easy to avoid asking real people by just looking it up online. The trouble is, that alienates us and it doesn’t give us everything we need. People don’t know what they need to learn. I thought it would be nice to have an easy-to-read gift book filled with one-liners and tips – something you could pick up when you have a free minute just to learn something new. Many don’t have time to invest in reading a complete “How-To” book but 30 seconds of advice is easier to digest….bite-sized pieces. So I wrote it!

Q: Would you be willing to share a little bit about your observations from watching young people launch from home?

I have observed a lot of young adults boomerang back home after a few years because they underestimated the cost of living or they forgot to plan for unexpected expenses. But we’ve all had stuff happen that caught us off guard, right? It’s impossible to anticipate everything. But parents who want to be a safety net to rescue their kids don’t really help. Helicopter parents cause their adult kids to lack confidence and become overly dependent upon them. Im not saying parents shouldn’t help in time of need. Im saying help by all means, but with clear expectations and specific end dates. One parent I know bought their daughter a security camera for her apartment so they could watch her sleep and wake her if she overslept for work. Ugh! Another dad insisted on talking to his son’s professor about his grades. It’s my hope this generation will find the peace that comes from total dependence on God and total independence from Mom and Dad. Anxiety doesn’t have to be the norm for those launching out for the first time. Adulting should be a rewarding right of passage, not a dread.

Q: Many young people think living on their own is going to be either really difficult or super easy. You had a difficult event that affected your launch. Can you share with us, what was your experience as a young college student? 

Soon after I graduated high school, my mom died unexpectedly after a minor surgery. I went off to college five states away with little to no experience living on my own. My mom prepared me a little bit before she died. I knew how to do laundry and clean a bathroom but not much more. I experienced a lot of trial and error as I adapted to life away from home. When I returned home after that first semester, my dad had already re-married and started a new life that I was not a part of. My step-mom was not the nurturing type like Mom, and it was clear I needed to take care of myself. It wasn’t easy but I made it. So I have an understanding of young adults trying to adapt to adulthood. It’s way harder for them now than it was for me. Anxiety doesn’t have to rule us though. It’s my hope they will find comfort from some of the tips others have provided in this book.

Q: Adult-o-Nomics is filled with practical advice on topics like romantic relationships, employment, car maintenance, housekeeping, what food to keep in your fridge, and even financial tips. But you also include physical, emotional and spiritual advice? Why are these important?

In the end, our spiritual condition is all that matters. If we get that correct, all the other areas of our life will fall into place. But yes, I do address physical, emotional, and other aspects because these things are vital to our success. Let’s face it, if we know how to get hired for a job but don’t know how to respond in a healthy way to criticism from our employer, we’re not going to have that job very long. Many of the tips in the book are connected and play off each other.

Q: Anxiety is a common issue for this generation. They deal with it more than other generations have. This causes some young adults to delay, avoid, or even abandon their launch. Do you have any advice?

Yes, there’s no need to avoid your launch when God is in your corner. If you have large financial debt and you’re delaying the launch temporarily, that makes sense. I’d pray about how you might trust God to be your Provider. God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. He’s in your corner, cheering you on!

Q: What’s the most important thing a young adult needs to know before they move out? If you could pick one thing to tell them, what would it be?

I’ve said it before, learn total dependence on God. Seek his face. Be sold out to Him…all the rest will work itself out.

Q: What is your next book?

It’s a book based on the pre-marital counseling I have done. It’s called “Is Calling Us to Marry?: 100 Questions for the Well-Prepared Couple”

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, June 14

Guild Master, June 15 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 16

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, June 17 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, June 18

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, June 19 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, June 19

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 20

Beauty in the Binding, June 21 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 22

Back Porch Reads, June 23 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 24

Artistic Nobody, June 25

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, June 26 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, June 26

Little Homeschool on the Prairie , June 27


To celebrate his tour, Tez is giving away the grand prize of a $75 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Review

I really enjoyed reading Adult-o-Nomics: How To Nail It On Your Own. It is full of sayings, quotes, and references to scripture. They give tips and tricks on how to be an independent adult. There were some that were some that were funny, heartwarming, and full of truth. I thought there are a lot of valuable lessons for so many could learn from. The guidance within is a great reminder for those just starting out on their own, as well as, for those of us who have had to start over again.

I am giving Adult-o-Nomics: How To Nail It On Your Own a very well deserved five plus stars. I believe it would be a great gift for others. I would love to read more books like this one from Tez Brooks. 

I receive a paperback copy of Tez Brooks' Adult-o-Nomics: How To Nail It On Your Own from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Book Blast and Giveaway: Private License by Kevin R Doyle

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kevin R. Doyle will award a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

All Lorie Jones wants is a little help with her divorce. Some extra information, a bit of ammunition to take into court against her no-good husband. And when she hires the biggest and best investigation firm Kansas City has to offer, that’s exactly what she gets. But after their operative wraps up Lori’s case, he decides he doesn’t want to move on, and Lori soon realizes that she’s got an even bigger problem than she had before, one that threatens her privacy, and maybe even her life.

It’s up to Sam Quinton, one-man detective agency, to take on the largest firm in the business, and as Sam digs into the background of Lori’s harasser, he soon finds something bigger, and much more dangerous, than one overzealous guy who just can’t let go.

Read an Excerpt

They wore blue jeans, sneakers, and tee-shirts, the blond wearing navy blue and the brown-haired guy wearing bright red. Both wore their tee-shirts hanging out, and the shirts looked a size or two too big for them.

“How you doing?” the blond one asked me.

“Up to now, not bad,” I said.

The blond man continued, “Like to talk to you if you don’t mind.”

“And if I do mind?”

The two glanced at each other before turning back to me. “Going to talk to you anyway.”

I flicked my head towards the second man. “He have a voice?”

“Let’s say I’m the spokesman here, okay?” The blond tensed his arms and chest to show me he was in charge.

“You know,” I said, “flexing your muscles doesn’t do a whole lot when your shirt’s too big. You can either show off the muscles or conceal your weapons, but not both at the same time.”

Both men made involuntary hand motions towards their left hips, then caught themselves.

I smiled. “See what I mean?”

“We need to talk,” Blond repeated.

“No, you mean you want to talk. Just like I want to sit here and finish enjoying my breakfast, which isn’t going to happen if I have to take time to bounce you two bozos out into the street.”

“You think you can do that?” the brown-haired guy finally spoke up.

“Not sure,” I said. “But if you guys keep bothering me, I’m going to do my best to find out. And whether I succeed or not, it’s going to cause a ruckus, which I’m guessing your sergeant isn’t going to like too much.”

About the Author:

A retired high-school teacher and former college instructor, Kevin R. Doyle is the author of four novels in the Sam Quinton mystery series, all published by Camel Press. He’s also written four crime thrillers, including And the Devil Walks Away and The Anchor, and one horror novel, The Litter, along with numerous short horror stories published in small magazines over the years. The first Quinton book, Squatter’s Rights, was nominated for the 2021 Shamus award for Best First PI Novel, and the fifth in the series, Private License, will be out in August of 2024.

Buy Link:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, June 14, 2024

Movie Review and Giveaway: Jesus: A Deaf Missions


The long-awaited, first feature film about
Jesus in American Sign Language is finally here!

The best part of it all is that it’s Deaf led production and cast. 

Be among the first to experience the first full-length feature film about Jesus entirely in ASL! 

68 out of 70 million deaf people are waiting to encounter  Jesus.
We are ready to make Him seen ... would you join us? 

Spread the word, share this around the world! 

Buy tickets today to see JESUS: a Deaf Missions film in theaters starting June 20th! 


God’s story is unstoppable when it is in the heart language of a people  group. JESUS: a Deaf Missions film, uses Deaf actors to bring the story of Jesus to  life from a Deaf perspective for a Deaf audience. 



Buy Tickets

My Review:

As a mother of a child who has hearing issues, I was excited to have the opportunity to see Jesus: a Deaf Missions film with him. I unfortunately have not yet learned a lot of ASL and appreciated that the film provided sub titles for someone like me. While watching, I loved the quiet music playing all throughout. It was peaceful and tranquil while seeing the beautiful story of Jesus and his followers. I enjoyed every single minute of it. 

I am giving Jesus: a Deaf Missions film a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for viewers who are from the deaf and hard of hearing community. I would love to see more inspiring films from Deaf Missions in the future.

I received an early screener link to watch Jesus: a Deaf Missions film from Deaf Missions, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.    


Many thanks to Deaf Missions for providing a sample of the product for this review.  Opinions are 100% my own. 


$10 Amazon Gift Card

Leave a more than two word completed sentence telling me who you will be watching Jesus: a Deaf Missions film with. Don’t forget to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win. Winner’s name will be drawn on June 24, 2024.

Giveaway Rules:   

Giveaway is limited to US winners only.        

Two word comments will be deleted and will not be entered into the giveaway.

Chosen winner/s will be contacted by email to verify information needed to give to the appropriate channels to get the prize to you. 

Winner/s MUST reply to this email within 24 hours

If no response, a new winner’s name will be drawn and you forfeit the prize.

Locks, Hooks and Books is NOT responsible for lack of response from the chosen winner. 

Winners from previous Momentum campaigns within 90 days will be disqualified. 

Please note: Locks, Hooks and Books is NOT responsible in sending the prize.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Book Tour and Giveaway: R by Eli Wellington


Book Details:

​Book TitleR: A NOVEL by Eli Wellington
Category:  Adult Fiction (18 +),  340 pages
Genre: Dystopian , Science Fiction
Publisher:  Dystopian Publishing
Release date:  April 2024
Content RatingPG-13 + M to R. The book includes violence, sex, white supremacy, adult language
Book Description:

From the author of The Compound, this gripping dystopian novel explores the delicate lines between truth and propaganda. As the president focuses all efforts on securing his position of power, employing tactics that blur the lines between lawful governance and autocracy, a variety of individuals must confront their own beliefs, biases, and fears. R is a riveting exploration of the American psyche, examining the themes of racism, white supremacy, and the steadfast quest for power.

Each character, rooting in their own beliefs and experiences, provides a unique lens examining the fabric of America. As misinformation and conspiracy theories flood the internet colliding with legitimate news sources, the characters' paths intersect in unexpected ways, challenging their convictions. R isn't just a story; it's a wake-up call to the resilience of the human spirit, with a mirror reflecting our highest hopes and deepest fears.

​As the clock counts down to the election, the question remains: can democracy survive the storm, or will it crumble under the weight of its ideals betrayed?
Amazon  ~ B&N 
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Meet the Author:

R is Eli Wellington's second novel. The author believes that fiction provides the perfect platform to make social commentary on the world around us and is influenced by authors such as George Orwell, Ayn Rand, and Arthur Koestler. Eli writes on an island in Greece.
Enter the Giveaway:
R: A NOVEL Book Tour Giveaway

My Review: 

R is my first introduction to the novels written by Eli Wellington. I thought it was a pretty good novel to read. I am not a huge fan of science fiction but after reading the blurb to this one, I was intrigued and wanted to go outside my comfort zone and give it a try. I found it interesting how it has a futuristic theme but yet somewhat mirrors current events. I did find that the plot was thought provoking at times. I was often wondering what is real and what is not. It is not one of those books that could be easily to predict. I never knew what to expect from scene to scene. There were a few chapters that were somewhat slower paced than I would like. I did myself a little confused as to what was going on but once I was able to catch on again, I wanted continue on.

I am giving the novel R three and a half stars. I believe fans of the genres of dystopian, fantasy, and science fiction would enjoy reading it and not want to miss it. To me, it is definitely worth a read. I would be interested in more releases from Eli Wellington in the future to see where their imagination will take their readers to next. 

I received a paperback copy of Eli Wellington's R from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

Review and Giveaway: The Chronicles of Arax Series by Benjamin Sanford

Book Details:

Book Title: Of War and Heroes (The Chronicles of Arax, Book One) by Benjamin Sanford
Category: Adult Fiction 18 yrs +, 392 pages
Genre: Fantasy, Epic Fantasy
Publisher: Stenox Publishing
Release date: August, 2023
Format available for review: print-softback / USA and Canada), ebook (EPUB, PDF).
Tour dates: June 10 to July 2, 2024
Content Rating: PG-13: There are some battle scenes between humans and gargoyles utilizing mostly swords. Very light romantic scenes just kissing) with little description. Minimal swearing. I am mostly giving it a PG 13 rating due to the battle scenes.

Book Description:

​What defines a hero? Are heroes born, or created?

For Terin Caleph, living on his family’s farm in the Torry realm, the complexities of wars and heroes have never crossed his radar. He spends his days tending to the lush fields, and his evenings with his loving parents. But all that changes when, nearing his 18th birthday, he has been hand-chosen to work as a scribe for a Torry ambassador, and an old friend of his father’s.

Before leaving for this new life, his father gifts Terin with an ancient, luminous sword and instructs him to keep it close at all times. Terin can’t possibly fathom why he would need such a magnificent weapon, and yet he soon discovers that life outside his family’s farm is nothing like he could have imagined, and the sword will soon come in handy.

Gargoyles are threatening the kingdoms of Arax, emboldened by their alliance with Tyro and his army of humans. Together, they intend to overthrow the rest of the humans. The future of Arax looks grim as gargoyle attacks become more fierce and frequent, pulling resources from the central cities and separating the human armies.

Terin must band together with a motley crew of renegades that include an esteemed Torry warrior and a thuggish group of “Earthers” who shipwrecked on his planet. Together they find themselves in the midst of the fight against Tyro and his gargoyle empire. With his father’s mysterious sword at his side guiding him, and the fate of the human world resting on the outcome of this war, Terin begins to question the real reason he was called to be a royal scribe.

Will Terin’s heroic attempts to thwart the gargoyles prevail, or will the kingdoms of Arax fall to their vicious attacks?

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Book Details:

Book Title: The Siege of Corell (The Chronicles of Arax, Book Two) by Benjamin Sanford
Category: Adult Fiction 18 yrs +, 610 pages
Genre: Fantasy, Epic Fantasy
Publisher: Stenox Publishing
Release date: August, 2023
Format available for review: print-softback / USA and Canada), ebook (EPUB, PDF).
Tour dates: June 10 to July 2, 2024
Content Rating: PG-13: There are some battle scenes between humans and gargoyles utilizing mostly swords. Very light romantic scenes just kissing) with little description. Minimal swearing. I am mostly giving it a PG 13 rating due to the battle scenes.

Book Description:

​“The enemy is at the gates, and we must unite against them.”

Tyro’s forces are growing stronger by the day, as is his wrath against Terin and his friends. Now in possession of Terin’s mysterious necklace, Tyro sets his sights on the Torry realm leaving nothing but destruction in his wake.

Separated from the rest of his friends, Terin desperately attempts to get back to his native land, stopping only to assist the raging battles in the Yatin Empire and Corell. With each passing fight he is learning to follow the direction of his father’s ancient sword–its full powers yet to be revealed to him.

Meanwhile, Cronus has escaped the lairs of Fera with some help from his friends and now they must navigate the treacherous lands of the Benotrist realm to return to the Stenox in hopes of reuniting with the rest of their crew and stopping Tyro once and for all.

But with Tyro’s fury spreading all across Arax like wildfire, will the kingdoms of Arax ban together to fight this common enemy, or be destroyed by their own hatred toward one another?

​Will Terin finally unlock the secrets of the ancient weapon that is guiding his journey and discover his true origin, or will his destiny be too heavy a burden to bear?

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Meet the Author:

Benjamin Sanford grew up in Western New York. He spent almost twenty years as an air marshal, traveling across the United States and many parts of the world, meeting people from a broad range of cultures and backgrounds. It was from these thousands of interactions that he drew inspiration for the characters in The Chronicles of Arax series.

He currently resides in Maryland with his family.

​Connect with the author: website ~ goodreads


Enter to win author-signed copies of Of War and Heroes and The Siege of Corell (Chronicles of Arax Books One and Book Two) (ends July 3)

My Reviews:

Of War and Heroes is the first book from new to me author, Benjamin Sanford's series, The Chronicles of Arax. I am not a huge fan of fantasy or magical novels but do like to go outside my comfort zone and try something new. The cover of this one had me intrigued and wanted to give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised and thought it was a good read. It was nice to leave this stressful world and be taken into a new one of Arax. The plot was interesting and the characters were unforgettable. The bonds and friendships formed all throughout made me feel as though I was part of their story. There was a lot going on within the pages of this tale with lots of adventures, action, battles, and danger. I liked there were a few lessons to learn. Even though the novel is over four hundred pages long, I did not want to let the characters go.

I am giving Of War and Heroes four and a half stars. I have no doubt fans of fantasy fiction will greatly enjoy reading it. I am curious to see what the next installment involves and what Benjamin Sanford has in store for his characters from his The Chronicles of Arax series, The Siege of Corell.

I received a paperback copy of Benjamin Sanford's Of War and Heroes from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

The Siege of Corell is the second installment the talented author, Benjamin Sanford's series, The Chronicles of Arax. After reading the first book, Of War and Heroes, I could not wait to get my eyes and hands on the follow up and seeing how it would continue. I was far from being disappointed. I thought this continuation was even more exciting than the first. It was great to take a journey back to Arax to see where the characters will go now. I was once again sucked into this tale of action, danger, adventure, and magic. There was no way of predicting of what would occur from scene to scene. The book size is intimidating with over seven hundred pages but I had no problem finding time to have it fully read with in a week. I was entertained with these characters and spending time in their world.

I am giving The Siege of Corell a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers who love to read books that are fantastical and of magic. I feel fully invested in this series and have to see where the imagination of Benjamin Sanford has in store for his fans from his The Chronicles of Arax series with the third installment, The Battle of Yatin.

I received a paperback copy of Benjamin Sanford's The Siege of Corell from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Blog Tour and Giveaway: Kent and Katcha: Espionage, Spycraft, Romance by Larry and Rosemary Mild

Kent and Katcha by Rosemary and Larry Mild
Kent and Katcha: Espionage, Spycraft, Romance by Larry and Rosemary Mild 
Publisher: Magic Island Literary Works (March 28, 2024) 
Category: Spy, Thriller, and Romance 
Tour Dates May 13-June 21, 2024 
ISBN: 979-8986386409 
Available in Print and ebook, 
248 pages 
Kent and Katcha

Description Kent and Katcha by Larry and Rosemary Mild

Larry and Rosemary breach deep cover to bring you a novel of high intrigue drawn from Larry’s former association with secret operatives and their spook agencies. The year is 1992. The Soviet Union has collapsed, but danger persists. Young Kent Brukner, a freshly trained American spy, arrives in Moscow for a high-risk mission: to infiltrate and compromise a Russian Federation Army facility. Under an alias, in a military uniform, he plies his skills—unprepared for the brutal confrontations and irrational consequences. Kent meets the innocent and passionate Katcha, daughter of a British expatriate and a Russian dissident. Together the lovers embark on a nearly impossible journey, beginning in the foothills of the Ural Mountains. Stalked by the evil Major Dmitri Federov, they must escape from St. Petersburg to Helsinki, Finland, or face life in a Russian prison.

Praise for Larry and Rosemary Mild

Cry 'Ohana: Winner of the Readers Favorite, 2011 Award "I was hooked from the very first page. The chapters are short but there is plenty of suspense, intrigue, blackmail and betrayal. The characters are very easy to connect with. The descriptions of Hawaii are excellent. Adventure and suspense make this a book you won't want to miss."-Readers Favorite, for Cry 'Ohana “The beautiful setting, engaging characters, and lively plot combine to bring readers a story that is literally difficult to put down. The novel deftly moves between the characters and their stories concluding with a satisfying finish. It is an engaging story of tragedy, hope, and unconditional love."- Mystery Books Site, Reviewed by Edie Dykeman, BellaOnline's Mystery Books Editor, for Cry 'Ohana “Shame can tear families apart, and murder can obliterate them. Cry Ohana: Adventure and Suspense in Hawaii tells the story of a Hawaiian family who through a string of tragedies finds their family torn apart. But when they need to find justice, the family struggles to reunite. A story of family and reunion for the betterment of it all, and dedicated to Hawaiian culture, Cry Ohana is a choice pick, highly recommended.”- Midwest Book Review Reviews for On the Rails “I enjoyed this story and felt like it was well researched in regard to the Depression, the different government work programs, and what it was like to live in the mid-30s. Life was very different then compared to today. The story does not gloss over the dangers of her adventures. She did encounter some men who wanted only one thing. Others tried to rob her of what little she had in her possession.”-Leslie, Storeybook Reviews “This book has everything you could ask for, non-stop adventure, some history lessons, villains and most importantly, highly likeable characters, who have to overcome every imaginable obstacle.”-Denise, Amazon “Excellent character development. I adored Bertie. She had such an amazing personality. She was a fighter for sure. She wasn’t afraid to go for what she wanted, even if it meant... pretending to be a man. And fight, she did. She had to fight her way through every situation she came to. Don’t let the sweet and fun of this book fool you. There is plenty of action. Having taken place in 1936, this book has lots of great historical aspect to it, which I love! I highly recommend this for anybody who would like something a little bit different. I would definitely read more by this great writing duo!”-Wendy, Wall To Wall Books “I enjoyed reading On the Rails by the talented co-authors, Larry and Rosemary Mild. I liked going back in time to the Great Depression era and meeting Bertie. I loved her character and getting to know her. She was intriguing and I was fascinated by her story. I would love to read more like this from the writing team Larry and Rosemary Mild in the future.”-Amy, Locks, Hooks, and Books “A book that not only brings some laughter, but packs an emotional punch. I was pleasantly surprised by the high caliber of the writing in this novel! The writers did a lot of research, and it was employed well throughout the book. This is a great read and one that I highly recommend!”-Bee,

About Larry and Rosemary MildKent and Katcha by Rosemary and Larry Mild

Award winning authors Larry and Rosemary coauthor mystery, suspense, and fantasy novels and short stories: The Paco and Molly Mysteries; The Dan and Rivka Sherman Mysteries; 2 Hawaii suspense/thrillers; a sci-fi novella; a historical novel (new); and four collections of short stories. They are members of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, the National League of American Pen Women, and Hawaii Fiction Writers. Making their home in Honolulu, Hawaii, in a condo overlooking the Pacific Ocean, they relish time with their daughter and grandchildren. Rosemary’s popular personal essays include her new book IN MY NEXT LIFE I’LL GET IT RIGHT. She is a former assistant editor of Harper’s Magazine.. Website:

Pre-order Kent and Katcha by Larry and Rosemary Mild

Amazon BarnesandNoble

Giveaway Kent and Katcha by Larry and Rosemary Mild

This giveaway is for 3 print or ebook copies. Print is open to the U.S. only. ebook is open worldwide. This giveaway ends on June 27, 2024 midnight, pacific time. Entries accepted via Rafflecopter only. a Rafflecopter giveaway

My Review

Kent and Katcha: Espionage, Spycraft, Romance is another great book by the talented co authors, Larry and Rosemary Mild. I enjoyed this story that was full of suspense, mystery, danger, and action. I loved getting to know the main characters, Kent and Katcha. I never could predict would happen between the two from scene to scene. I was intrigued and engaged with their story from start to finish. 

I am giving Kent and Katcha: Espionage, Spycraft, Romance by Larry and Rosemary Mild  five stars. I believe fans of historical mystery will not want to miss out on it. I would love to read more like this from the writing team Larry and Rosemary Mild in the future.

I received a paperback copy of of Mild and Mild's Kent and Katcha: Espionage, Spycraft, Romance from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion. 

Follow Kent and Katcha by Larry and Rosemary Mild

Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus May 13 GP Linda L. Goodreads May 15 Review Leslie. Storeybook Reviews May 17 Guest Review-Nora & Excerpt Gracie S. Goodreads May 20 Review Carole Rae's Random Ramblings May 21 Review Mike M. Goodreads May 22 Review Kathleen Celticlady’s Reviews May 23 Guest review-Laura & Interview Denise Amazon & Goodreads May 31 Review Tammy TTC Books& More June 3 Guest Review-Sal & Excerpt DT Amazon & Goodreads June 5 Review Suzie My Tangled Skeins Book Reviews June 7 Review & Interview Ellen Goodreads June 10 Review Amy Locks, Hooks and Books June 12 Review & Excerpt Marion Amazon & Goodreads June 25 Review Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus June 26 Review Bee Book Pleasures June 27 Review & Guest Post 

Kent and Katcha

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Review: Still Needs Work by Ellen Barker

Book Details:

​Book Title:  Still Needs Work by Ellen Barker
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  286 pages
Genre: Literary Novel
PublisherShe Writes Press
Release date:  June 2024
Tour dates: June 11 to June 28, 2024
Content Rating:   PG-13 +M:  Moderately bad language, mostly in the opening pages, but no F-word or truly crude language. No sex, some violence (a mugging with no serious injury).
Book Description:

Marianne gets the call while attending a conference in San Francisco: laid off, department dissolved. Two days later, she's back home in the dicey Kansas City neighborhood she moved to after a reversal of fortune two years ago. Her house and her life still need work, and now she needs a job, too.

Marianne tries all the usual routes to re-employment, but a middle-aged woman has little job cred in the tech world, no matter how skilled she is. A contract job at a Chicago startup morphs through two acquisitions in eight weeks. And then she is mugged in her own neighborhood, which frightens her enough to considers a permanent move.

​An irreverent look at the alien denizens of the tech world, the fraught business of mergers and acquisitions, and the parallel universe of job openings, Still Needs Work is a contemporary story of the working world wrapped around a very human story of one person, her dog, and her community.

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Author Ellen Barker
Meet the Author:

Ellen Barker grew up in Kansas City during a period of demographic upheaval, and she returns there in her novels. She has a bachelor’s degree in urban studies from Washington University in Saint Louis, where she developed a passion for how cities work, and don’t. She began her career as an urban planner, then spend many years working for large consulting firms, first as a writer-editor and later managing large data systems, jobs rich in corporate drama, large and small. She is the author of East of Troost, which introduced readers to the neighborhood where Still Needs Work takes place. She now lives in Los Altos, California, with her husband and their German shepherd, Boris, who is the inspiration for the dog in this novel.

connect with the author: website facebook instagram X/Twitter ~ bookbub ~  goodreads

My Review:

Still Needs Work: A Novel is a fabulous introduction to Ellen Barker's writing. I loved getting to know the relatable character, Marianne and her best friends sidekick canine. It seemed as though she was constantly dodging crisis after crisis. I admired her determination in finding herself and at how she handled everything that is thrown at her. No matter what, she continued to be resilient. The twists and turns of her current life made me feel a connection with her and understood what she was going through. Even though there were some seriousness of some the issues, there was still room for humor. I could not help to crack a smile or even feel a giggle bubble up. I thought it was a beautiful, well written, and feel good story. I loved every single page and had no problem reading it in one sitting.I am giving Still Needs Work: A Novel a very well deserved five plus stars. I believe fans of women's fiction with a side of humor will not want to pass up on this one. I do not think it should be missed. I would love to read more from Ellen Barker in the future to see what other novels she has in store for her readers and fans. She has earned herself a new fan right here. 
I received a paperback copy of Ellen Barker's Still Needs Work: A Novel from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion. 

Blog Tour and Giveaway: HopeFULL: Your 30-Day Devotional to Discover Biblical Hope by Marta E Greenman and Maureen H Maldonado

About the Book

HopeFULL: Your 30-Day Devotional to Discover Biblical Hope

Authors: Marta E Greenman and Maureen H Maldonado

Genre: Devotional

Release date: November 27, 2023

God can turn despair into hope even in a world that seems to be falling apart. He instilled hope in David, Esther, the Children of Israel, Paul, and the twelve apostles, and He can instill hope inside you. God is the giver of hope; we just need to find His prescription for hope in His Word. This 30-Day Devotional gives an in-depth look at Scripture and Biblical Hope. Join us today. 


• From various Biblical figures, how hope can be found in a turbulent world.

• The different Hebrew and Greek meanings of hope in Scripture.

• How to apply God’s strategies for living a HopeFULL life.

Read Old Testament and New Testament accounts of Biblical hope along with personal stories of how God has worked in the lives of His children around the world. Thoughtful reflection question provides a jumping off point for personal or group study.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Authors

Marta E Greenman – Marta left corporate America in 1998 to become a staff missionary with a church planting organization known today as e3Partners where she led American churches in planting new ones with international church partners. During this period, Marta spent much of her time in the field on evangelism and discipleship traveling to Columbia, Mexico, Moldova, Peru, Romania, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe. She also had the privilege of leading women’s conferences in biblical training.

Marta began teaching Inductive Bible Study at her home church in 1997 where she taught faithfully for fifteen years. Debbie Stuart, a Women’s Ministry Director, said, “Marta Greenman is a master teacher weaving biblical principles, personal stories and clear application with every lesson. She walks in Truth and loves the Word and has dedicated her life to teaching that Truth to women.”

After seven years on the mission field in Romania, Marta began to write Bible study curriculum. Her first study, Bound To Be Free, was published in 2011. May 2011, Marta founded Words of Grace & Truth, a ministry devoted to teaching God’s Word to the nations and teaching others to do the same, through the curriculum God birthed through her teaching ministry. Since then, Leaders, Nations and God and ACTs420NOW have been published. Today she continues to write a series of twelve 30-day devotionals with co-author Maureen H. Maldonado. Their first is entitled FearLESS: God is calling you to be fearless and to FearLESS, second LoveMORE: Your 30-Day Devotional to learn to love like Jesus, third is HopeFULL: Your 30-Day Devotional to Discover Biblical Hope.

Marta’s added GraceAndTruthRadio.World (GTRW), a global radio outreach to the world with God’s message of grace and truth. You can hear her show, Under God with co-host Maureen Maldonado, on GTRW, Monday’s at 3:00pm CST. The passion of her ministry, regardless of the nation she may be in, is teaching God’s Word and equipping others to teach. She is a gifted teacher, speaker and expositor of God’s Word.

Maureen H. Maldonado – Maureen is the second of seven children. Growing up in a home where worldly wealth was a foreign concept, she always felt treasured by her parents and knew she was rich in love. Maureen married young and raised two amazing daughters. Her grandchildren are a blessing beyond anything she could imagine. Recently, she was able to add two granddaughters-in-love who add joy to the mix; and the best yet, God has blessed her with a great-granddaughter!

Maureen has a master’s degree in education from California State University and spent her career as a teacher, vice-principal, and principal in elementary education. Maureen never planned to leave California or the education system, but God had other plans.

After Maureen’s husband was transferred to Arizona in 2006, then to Texas in 2011, she spent several years teaching ‘Just Moved,’ a Christian-based ministry program developed by Susan Miller for women moving homes because of life changes ( God used her teaching education and experience as a training ground to begin preparing for Him.

Involved in Bible studies in California, Arizona, and Texas, Maureen grew exponentially in her faith and love of God and His Word. The culmination of these experiences led her to co-host the radio program ‘Under God’ on GraceAndTruthRadio.World, where God’s Word is taught to the nations.

Today, Maureen is using her new-to-her method of studying the Bible and her long-applied teaching methods to teach the next generation of believers. Her prayer is for others to gain as much insight into God’s transformational Word as she has received. She describes it as “opening the shades and letting in all the sunlight on a gloomy day.” Maureen feels honored and humbled to be a part of Words of Grace & Truth and asks others to join in prayer for this needed ministry, the church, our country, and our world. LoveMORE is the second devotional Maureen has co-authored with Marta. Their first devotional was FearLESS: God is calling you to be fearless and to fear less.

Maureen and her husband, Raymond, reside in Texas, where they have transplanted almost their entire family from California.

More from Marta and Maureen

HopeFULL is the third in a series of twelve 30-Day devotionals covering various topics. With titles like FearLESS, LoveMORE and HopeFULL you will discover what God’s Word has to say on each topic. Each book has 4 components, First, 30 Devotionals on the chosen subject. Second, Reflection questions. Third, each book delves into the original language of Hebrew and Greek to help discover what God is trying to communicate to us. Finally, each book has stories, to help illustrate how God still works today.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 31

Inspired by Fiction, June 1

Artistic Nobody, June 2 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 2

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 3

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, June 4 (Author Interview)

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, June 5

Its Mama Safe, June 6

Guild Master, June 7 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, June 8

Cover Lover Book Review, June 9

A Reader’s Brain, June 10 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, June 10

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 11

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 12

Blossoms and Blessings, June 13 (Author Interview)


To celebrate their tour, Marta and Maureen are giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Review

I loved reading the HopeFULL: Your 30-Day Devotional to Discover Biblical Hope by Marta E. Greenman and Maureen Maldonado. Each day are about 3-4 pages and include: colorful pictures and graphics, scripture, commentary, and a catergory called Reflection for the reader to answer questions on the lines provided. All throughout there are sections called My Story, where the authors tell about themselves and their own experiences in life. The book is a bigger size and perfect for those who need larger print. 

I am giving HopeFULL: Your 30-Day Devotional to Discover Biblical Hope five stars. I highly recommend it for readers who love devotionals for those who are searching for hope in their lives. 

I received a soft cover copy of Greenman and Maldonado's HopeFULL: Your 30-Day Devotional to Discover Biblical Hope from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.