Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Review: The Christmas Remedy by Cindy Woodsmall / Erin Woodsmall
Blurb (from Amazon):
When an Old Order Amish woman takes a job at a small-town pharmacy struggling to survive in a world of "big box" stores, her motive is to help her Plain community. But the advent of the holiday season brings an unusual mystery to the surface--and possibly love.
Twenty-four-year-old Holly Zook lives a unique life for a young Amish woman. Years ago, her bishop allowed her to continue her education and become the lead technician for Greene's Pharmacy, an old-timey drugstore that looks out for the Amish community--a group largely without secure healthcare plans. She knows she can't marry and hold onto her professional job. She's Amish, and she can only have one or the other, so she spurns love and works toward addressing treatable diseases--like the one that claimed her father's life.
As long as Holly continues to avoid Joshua Smucker, the one man who draws her like a warm hearth in winter, she should be fine. When something unexpected threatens Greene's Pharmacy, Holly and Joshua must work together to unravel what's happened and find the "missing" patient before the Board of Pharmacy shuts them down. As the snows of December arrive, with Christmas in the air, will Holly succumb to the generous spirit of the season?
My Review:
The Christmas Remedy: An Amish Christmas Romance is a great Amish Christmas story. I enjoyed this quick read. I had no problem having it read in no time. It has a small mystery to solve, as well as, sweet and clean romance.
I am giving The Christmas Remedy a well deserved five stars. I highly recommended for those who love Amish and Christmas stories. A reader will most definitely want to add this heartwarming tale to their Christmas time reading.
I received this book from the publisher. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.
Blog Tour and Giveaway: Miles from Where We Started by Cynthia Ruchti
About the Book
Book Title: Miles from Where We Started
Author: Cynthia Ruchti
Genre: Christian Romance/Family life
Release date: October 16, 2018
These no-longer-newlyweds want out of this road trip—and their marriage. Too bad they can’t find the off ramp.
Author: Cynthia Ruchti
Genre: Christian Romance/Family life
Release date: October 16, 2018
These no-longer-newlyweds want out of this road trip—and their marriage. Too bad they can’t find the off ramp.
Weeks away from their one-year wedding anniversary, Mallory and Connor Duncan can’t even agree on how to end their marriage. But when a last-minute crisis lands them on a three-thousand-mile road trip together, Mallory wonders if their story may not be over after all.
The trip begins to unravel before the key is even in the ignition, and an at-risk, trouble-seeking missile of an eleven-year-old is unexpectedly launched into their travel plans. Close quarters get even tighter, and the couple believes this whole experience will spell disaster.
Their first year of marriage hasn’t been the arm-in-arm togetherness they expected. How can they find a new beginning when the road ends?
Click here to purchase your copy!
About the Author
Cynthia Ruchti tells stories of hope through novels, nonfiction, devotionals, and speaking events. She serves as the professional relations liaison for American Christian Fiction Writers and is a frequent speaker at writers’ conferences across the country. She married her grade school sweetheart, and the two live in the heart of Wisconsin, not far from their three children and five grandchildren.
Guest Post from Cynthia
I have a confession to make. I heart millennials. My other novels have had a few millennial characters. Some even played starring roles. But I knew there was more to the heart of millennials than I could gain from listening to the often unfair sighing or comedy routines about that generation. As a person, I wanted to know them better—what are they really like? What challenges do they face with which previous generations saddled them? What strengths to they offer our culture? Until now, I hadn’t written a story about a millennial couple whose marriage was in crisis. Like, serious crisis. I-don’t-want-to-be-married-to-you-anymore. That kind of crisis. As any good novelist knows, part of what we do to our characters is make the situation worse. So, millennial couple, approaching their one-year anniversary, ready to call it quits because “This marriage thing is really hard. Is it supposed to be so much work?” But what if…? What if they were forced to be together for three weeks…in a micro-camper…on America’s backroads…with an 11-year-old foster boy troublemaker…and both the husband’s AND the wife’s jobs depended on the trip’s success? Plot idea in hand, I set off to write Miles from Where We Started, not entirely sure when I began the journey where they would end up or how they’d get there. It was an education for me in so many ways. The impact of the turning point of the story? In the words of my millennial friends, “That’s lit!” Side note: I’m a big fan of a young teen musician at our church. The boy has mad skills as a keyboard artist. He approaches life as if it’s an endless game of Ninja Warrior. Why walk when you can vault into the room? Why walk up a flight of stairs when you can hop four at a time? He also sports a perpetual smile and is famous for his kindness, but his eyes give away that a little mischief may be hiding behind that smile. I asked Judah’s permission to use his name (and a little bit of his personality) as the foster child character in Miles from Where We Started. I can’t wait for him to read the part he inspired. Can’t wait for you to read it, too. Hemmed in Hope, CynthiaBlog Stops
Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 25
Reading Is My SuperPower, October 25
The Power of Words, October 25
All-of-a-kind Mom, October 26
Lighthouse Academy, October 26
Real World Bible Study, October 26
Quiet Quilter, October 27
Kristin’s Book Reviews, October 27
Christian Bookaholic, October 27
cherylbbookblog, October 28
Simple Harvest Reads, October 28 (Guest Post from Mindy Houng)
Remembrancy, October 28
Godly Book Reviews, October 29
Captive Dreams Window, October 29
By The Book, October 29
Maureen’s Musings, October 30
Spoken from the Heart , October 30
SusanLovesBooks, October 30
D’S QUILTS & BOOKS, October 31
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 31
Locks, Hooks and Books, October 31
Mary Hake, November 1
Book by Book, November 1
amandainpa , November 1
Pause for Tales, November 2
Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, November 2
Just Commonly, November 2
Southern Gal Loves to Read, November 3
Baker Kella, November 3
Two Points of Interest, November 3
Book Bites, Bee Stings, & Butterfly Kisses, November 4
Inklings and Notions, November 4
Bibliophile Reviews, November 4
Proud to Be an Autism Mom, November 5
Texas Book-aholic, November 5
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 5
Janice’s Book Reviews, November 6
Carpe Diem, November 6
A Baker’s Perspective, November 6
A Diva’s Heart, November 7
Reader’s Cozy Corner, November 7
Bigreadersite, November 7
To celebrate her tour, Cynthia is giving away a grand prize of the Adventure begins” large tote bag, “This way to adventure” travel notebook, “Home is Where We Park It” metal wall hanging, a teardrop camper birdhouse, PLUS a $50 gift Visa gift card…to start your adventure fund!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
I would give Miles from Where We Started one hundred stars if I could. I highly recommend it for readers who need to something that is clean, heartwarming, inspirational, full of faith, and lessons that so many of us all could learn from.
Miles from Where We Started is a great book that readers should not miss. I had a hard time putting the book down and wound up reading it in after a few hours.
I received this book from the publisher. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.
My Review
Miles from Where We Started is yet another winner by Cynthia Ruchti. She knows how to write believable characters that readers can relate to and this book is proof of that. I enjoyed this story. My favorite character would have to be Judah. I personally he was hilarious and a perfect addition to Mallory and Connor Duncan’s world. I loved the journey they all went on. I never knew what would happen to them next.I would give Miles from Where We Started one hundred stars if I could. I highly recommend it for readers who need to something that is clean, heartwarming, inspirational, full of faith, and lessons that so many of us all could learn from.
Miles from Where We Started is a great book that readers should not miss. I had a hard time putting the book down and wound up reading it in after a few hours.
I received this book from the publisher. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Blog Tour and Giveaway: Rebirth (Marium Kahnet Book 3) by R.J. Amezcua
Book Details for Rebirth:
Book Title: Mantis Force: Rebirth (Marium Kahnet Book 3) by R.J. Amezcua
Category: Adult Fiction, 260 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi, with elements of fantasy
Publisher: Quentorex Studios
Release date: May 31, 2018
Tour dates: Oct 1 to 31, 2018
Content Rating: PG + M (No explicit sex scenes or bad language)
Book Description for Rebirth:
It is a day of prophecy and celebration when Jazrene Vallo accomplishes her ordained task to refashion the Marium Kahnet, and witnesses them finally becoming representatives in the Grand Assembly of the Mantis Alliance. But the victory is soiled by reports of a faction of wayward sisters joining a necromancer Order, the Saurcine.
The rebels plan to bring forth the Krevomax, the seed of the Tisrad Dragon, to defeat the Mantis Alliance. To combat this new evil threat, in Jazrene Vallo’s last act as supreme leader, she activates the sisterhood’s elite warriors, the Criss Lumbra. Their mission: destroy the spawn of the Tisrad Dragon. Should they fail, it will mean the end of the sisterhood and all peace in the universe.
Buy Rebirth:
Meet the Author:
Connect with the Author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook
My Review
Rebirth is the third and final installment from R J Amezcua’s Mantis Force: Marium Kahnet series. This book and series is listed under the Christian Fantasy genre on Goodreads, which is a different genre for me. That being said, I thought it was a good read. I did find it a little confusing at times, but I believe that it was just me not used to fantasy books. It is important to note that it would be best for a reader to start with book one and two of the series before starting this one. I think it helped me understand better what was going on.
Rebirth has a little bit of everything for a reader to enjoy. Which includes: unpredictable suspense, non stop action and adventure, and several wonderful thoughtful Christian messages (which is my favorite of all). To me, this combination kept me going and wanting to see what would happen next in the story. There is a bit happening that made me intrigued. I never knew where the characters were going to go to on the following page.
I give Rebirth three and a half stars. I recommend it for those who would enjoy a clean and well written fantasy, as well as, for fan lovers of Star Wars and Star Trek stories. They would not want to miss this one. I would love to read more by R J Amezcua in the future. He is definitely talented and should have no problem coming up with more exciting books.
I received this book from the publisher. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.
Enter the Giveaway!
Ends Nov 7, 2018
Book Tour and Giveaway: Rescued by the Firefighter (Shores of Indian Lake #10) By Catherine Lanigan

On Tour with Prism Book Tours
(Shores of Indian Lake #10)
By Catherine Lanigan
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
November 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming
He saved her life…
But will he destroy her dreams?
Firefighter Rand Nelson is tall and handsome and has literally walked through an inferno for Beatrice Wilcox. He’s a hero…and that’s exactly the problem. Beatrice knows all too well the risks of loving a man with a dangerous career. But when Rand’s report threatens her beloved children’s camp, Beatrice can’t refuse his offer of help…even though she knows they’re both playing with fire.
Other Books in the Series

About the Author
Catherine Lanigan is the international bestselling and award-winning author of over forty-five published titles in both fiction and non-fiction, including the novelizations of Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile. Ms. Lanigan’s novels have been translated into over twenty-four languages. Lanigan was tasked by the NotMYkid foundation to pen a collection of compelling and informative true stories of teen addicts. Ms. Lanigan’s SHORES OF INDIAN LAKE series for HARLEQUIN HEARTWARMING includes LOVE SHADOWS, HEART’S DESIRE , A FINE YEAR FOR LOVE, KATIA’S PROMISE, FEAR OF FALLING, SOPHIE’S PATH, PROTECTING THE SINGLE MOM, FAMILY OF HIS OWN, HIS BABY DILEMMA, RESCUED BY THE FIREFIGHTER and MY RACING HEART (2019).
Ms. Lanigan is a frequent speaker at literary functions and book conventions as well as inspiring audiences with her real stories of angelic intervention from her Angel Tales series of books. She is an outspoken advocate for domestic violence and abuse and was honored by The National Domestic Violence Hotline in Washington, D.C. She has been a guest on numerous radio programs including “Coast to Coast” and on television interview and talk show programs as well as blogs, podcasts and online radio interview programs. She writes a monthly blog for
Guest Post
We lived on the world’s tiniest houseboat in Marina Del Rey ON the water and far from anything resembling a forest. Yet,my husband’s elderly aunt and uncle lived in Novato, on top of a mountain surrounded by nothing but forest.
It’s only been a few years when we were in Los Angeles working to sell my screenplays, when the fires near Magic Mountain raged out of control. San Diego area was ablaze. To the North of us and the South, it felt like California would be consumed. We had driven in from Novato making sure Jed’s aunt and uncle were safe, and they were, but all along the “5” interstate, it was a stream of fire trucks, engines and firefighters driving to southern California. The trucks had license plates from all over the west. Many from Washington. THAT scene will stay in my mind forever. So many men and women, risking their lives to come to a state far from their homes and families to fight a hungry demon of a fire, to risk their lives for people they didn’t know.
I don’t know how heartwarming a scene can get, but for me that one settled into my bones and cells.
The smoke even at the Marina, on the water, was so dense, I couldn’t breathe. I HAD to get back to our home in Scottsdale for a major doctor appointment I’d prepared for for over a month. We got into our car in the middle of the night and started driving. We kept the radio on and discovered that at three in the morning, the state had closed I-10 going east and no traffic was allowed on the highways. We had just missed that closing by two hours. We got to Scottsdale safely and my “procedure” was performed for the thyroid and vocal cord cancer I’d had.
But my prayers those weeks were for all our friends and family back in California. There’s not a “fire season” that goes by that I don’t say extra prayers that this year the number of fires will lessen. Rain will fall and all the firefighters and smokejumpers are safe.
I hope you enjoy my story.
God bless you all,
Tour Schedule
October 30th:
October 31st:
November 1st:
November 2nd:
November 5th:
November 6th:
November 7th:
November 8th:
November 9th:
November 10th:
Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
1 winner will receive a print copy of RESCUED BY THE FIREFIGHTER (US only)
Ends November 14th
Monday, October 29, 2018
Blog Tour and Giveaway: Don't Write a Crappy Book by James M. Ranson
Book Title: Don't Write a Crappy Book by James M. Ranson
Category: Adult Non- Fiction, 210 pages
Genre: Business, Authorpreneurship
Publisher: Master Wordsmith Media, in association with Thanet House Books
Release date: Oct 1, 2018
Tour dates: Oct 8 to 31, 2018
Content Rating: PG for occasional mild swearing (hell and damn, mostly, one instance of "shitty")
Book Description:
A great book can launch your business into the stratosphere. Unfortunately, most self-published business books rank somewhere between “meh” and “flaming pile of crap.” But your book doesn’t have to suck!
In “Don’t Write a Crappy Book,” editor and entrepreneur James Ranson unpacks the most common–and toxic–mistakes that first-time nonfiction authors make. Peppered with wisdom from a panel of industry experts, this book debunks the dangerous myths that can torpedo your text and offers clear, practical guidance for writing a book you’re proud of. This is the resource for the aspiring authorpreneur who wants to write and publish a book with minimum hassle and maximum results.
This book will teach you:
- How a self-published book can make or break your business (and the THREE factors that determine which it does)
- The biggest blind spots no one tells authors about (and how to look for them BEFORE it's too late)
- How to write a first book that will get positive reviews on Amazon (and why that’s a better goal than becoming a bestseller)
- When writing a business book is the right move for you (and when you should NEVER write one)
- How to self-publish on Amazon to actually get good results for your business (a lot of it happens before you even start writing!)
- What NOT to do when you’re looking for an editor (and how to find a great one)
- Why trying to write and publish a book in 90 days or less is a recipe for disaster (and why no one tells you that!)
- How to avoid do-overs, sunk costs, and other self-publishing headaches (and how to get out of them if they sneak up on you)
Stay out of the crap pile! Discover the secrets to creating a highly valuable book that will expand your influence and grow your business for years to come.
To read interviews and guest posts, please visit James M. Ranson's page on iRead Book Tours.
Buy the Book:
Meet the Author:
James Ranson, The Master Wordsmith(TM), is a Wall-Street-Journal-bestselling editor, ghostwriter and book coach who has helped over 200 consultants, coaches, speakers and other thought leaders create high-quality books. Clients of his have gone on to sell thousands of books, receive book deals from publishing houses, and be featured in regional and national media outlets. In addition to his own clients, James is a writer and book doctor for Thanet House Books, and is on recommended professional lists for Scribe Media(formerly Book in a Box), My Word Publishing, BrightFlame Books and Authors Unite. His second book, Don’t Write A Crappy Book!, will be published on October 1, 2018. A graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, James lives in Atlanta, GA, with his fiancée and a very needy cat.
Connect with the Author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook
Why write a book like this?
In 4 years of working with business authors, I observed that there was a hole in the process that most of them fall into. Authors are essentially making mistakes that they don’t know they’re making, and the guidance and coaching and counseling they’re getting from a lot of the self-publishing programs and books and gurus out there are not addressing a lot of those mistakes. So these authors, who are brilliant people who great businesses and have amazing content and value to share, are writing books that don’t represent them well and present them to their ideal clients as sub-optimal business partners, hires, and consultants. But the authors don’t know they’re doing any of these things. So they’re in this situation where they’re thinking, “I did my best, I did what I thought I was supposed to do, I wrote what I thought was a good book, and it’s not doing anything for me. It’s not actually helping me. It may in fact be hurting me, and I don’t know why.” And a lot of the voices who are loud and active in the self-publishing industry are doing those authors a pretty big disservice by not addressing these mistakes. So I want to fill that hole, address those mistakes, and help those people write the best books they can.
What’s your writing schedule like?
I don’t have a set writing schedule. I’m actually not one of those people who writes every day, who will get up at 5:30 in the morning and write for an hour or something like that. Nope, at 5:30 in the morning, I’m asleep! But when I’m working on a writing project, I set aside time for that project the same way I set aside time for my client work. That’s usually between about noon and 6:00 on any given weekday, during my typical work hours. And doing those hours, I’ll spend 2 or 3 or 4 hours or however many hours on that project as if it were another client project. I am my own client, in that sense.
What’s an authorpreneur and what’s one specific way authorpreneurs are writing crappy books?
An authorpreneur is an entrepreneur who is using a book about their business to grow that business, and to leverage it for more or better clients. Or if they’re a speaker, to get more or higher profile speaking gigs. If they have online courses, to drive traffic to those courses. Things like that, where the book is a tool and a foundation and a cornerstone for their business growth. That’s my understanding of what an authorpreneur is. (I stole the term from Jesse Tevelow, who wrote a book called Authorpreneur about how to use a book to grow your business.)
Like I mentioned earlier, many authorpreneurs are making mistakes that they don’t necessarily know that they’re making, and the people who are teaching or coaching them to write these books aren’t telling them about those mistakes. One example: many of the voices in the self-publishing industry are telling authors to write books as fast as possible. Honestly, that’s not as helpful as many people think it is. I mean, if you absolutely must write a book on a fast schedule, there are ways to do it well, but very often writing a book quickly means discarding the idea of writing a good book for just writing any book. And if you’re going to write “just any” book, you’re going to get “just any” results.
In today’s tech savvy world, most writers use a computer or laptop. What about you? Do any parts of your writing process happen in pen on paper?
I have to admit that I use my laptop most of the time. But I do have a stack of post-it notes, and oftentimes I’ll jot down ideas and just stick them somewhere so I’ll remember them. Or, especially if I have an outline piece or a to do list around a particular part of my writing, I’ll make that checklist or those notes on a post-it note so I know that they’re all in the same place and I need to do them together.
What’s the last book you read that really moved you?
The last book I read that really had an effect on me was Decisive, by Chip and Dan Heath. It’s a book on how we, as human beings, make make worse decisions than we think we’re making, and how to make better ones. I actually need to go back and read it again, just to take notes on all of the really helpful things that I saw in it the first time. Anything by Chip and Dan Heath is fascinating, frankly. I’d also recommend The Power of Moments, and I’m about to read Switch and I can’t wait.
Where do you love to travel and what’s your favorite thing about it?
That’s a tough one, because I like traveling a lot of places, and my fiancé and I like to travel together. Later this year, her sister is getting married in Cancun and we’re going to go down there; it’ll be our first time visiting Mexico, so I’m really excited for that. But more than places, I really like the experience of traveling, I like going somewhere new and getting to experience things I might not always experience otherwise. And I really enjoy the process of getting there - I’m one of those weird people who loves road trips and flying on planes just for the sake of doing it. Believe it or not, I actually like being in airports! I usually get to airports like 2-3 hours before my flight, to make sure I’m on time, but also just to hang out in the airport and enjoy the airport experience. Same with road trips. Back when I started my business, in 2014, I basically went on a 2-year road trip around the United States; I was living on the road for much of that time while I was building my business. I got through the whole lower 48 in that time frame, which was pretty cool. I just really enjoy the act of traveling; I think I may even enjoy the act more than the destination.
Enter the Giveaway!
Ends Nov 7, 2018
Review Tour and Giveaway: Sophie Washington: Secret Santa by Tonya Duncan Ellis
Sophie Washington: Secret Santa
GENRE: Children's Middle Grade
is three weeks away and a mysterious "Santa" has been mailing
presents to sixth grader Sophie Washington. Her friends guess that the secret
Kris Kringle could be either Nathan Jones or Toby Johnson, two boys in Sophie's
class who have liked her in the past, but she's not sure. Sophie uncovers clues
to find her secret Santa and the final reveal is bigger than any package she's
opened on Christmas morning. It's a holiday surprise she'll never forget!
NOTE: The book will be on sale
for only $0.99 during the tour.
“Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg!”
“Be quiet, Cole!” I put my hands over my ears to muffle my
brother’s out-of-tune singing and focus back on my laptop to finish my English
essay. It’s less than three weeks until winter break and my teachers have been
piling on the assignments to make sure we get our end of semester grades in.
There sure is a big change between fifth and sixth grade,
workwise, at Xavier Academy, the private school my brother and I go to. Between
all the essays and projects and studying for final exams, I feel I can barely
take time to pat my dog, Bertram, when I get home; whereas, my eight-year-old
brother Cole acts like he’s already on vacation.
Since we got home from school an hour ago, he’s been living
it up, shooting hoops in the driveway, eating a snack and now playing on the
handheld video game player that my mother would make him put up if she were
downstairs with us. I ought to tell on him now…
Ding Dong!
The doorbell interrupts my thoughts.
“Can you get it, Sophie?” Mom yells from upstairs. “I’m
putting some clothes in the closet.”
I would ask her why she wants me to answer the door, and not
Cole, but I already know the answer: “Because you’re the oldest.”
Of course, that logic doesn’t hold when it comes to who gets
the first dessert or who doesn’t have to do the dishes at night. As the baby of
the family and favored child, my little brother has got it made.
I trudge to the front door in time to see the mail carrier
heading back to his truck. He’s left a medium-sized box on the porch. Wonder
what it is?
My mother sometimes has holiday packages delivered to the
house, but Cole and I haven’t made our Christmas lists yet, so I doubt it’s
anything for us. I open the door, pick the package up, and check out the label.
It’s got my name on it in bright, red ink, “Sophie Washington.”
Who could this be from?
I never get any mail, except for birthday gifts my Granny
Washington sends to our house in Houston from Corpus Christi when she can’t be
here, and I don’t remember my parents ordering anything for us online. Granny
is driving up to see us tomorrow, so I
doubt she would mail presents here when she could just bring them with her.
“Mom, I got a package!” I call out.
“What is it?” Cole bounds from the family room to stare at
the box as I set it on the kitchen counter.
“Back off, Cole, it’s mine,” I move him to the side with my
hip and take a closer look at the delivery. The box is wrapped in brown paper,
and there is no return address. It looks difficult to open with my fingers, so
I pull a butter knife out of a drawer in the kitchen and slit through the tape
on the side. A sweet, sugary scent fills the air.
“Cool!” exclaims Cole in appreciation as the brown wrapping
slides off to reveal a box filled with packages of licorice, gummy bears, gum,
and red and green M&Ms. I notice a typed note underneath.
Dear Sophie,
Hope your day is super sweet!
Your Secret Santa
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Tonya Duncan
Ellis is the author of the award winning, Readers' Favorite "Five
Star" rated, Sophie Washington children's books series, geared toward
readers ages 8 to 12, and is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers
and Illustrators (SCBWI). She has received awards for literary excellence,
worked as a journalist and freelance magazine writer, and is a graduate of
Centre College of Kentucky and Washington University in St. Louis.
The Sophie
Washington book series recounts the adventures of a precocious African American
preteen from Houston, TX and her diverse group of friends. Each funny and
heartwarming story teaches lessons about friendship, responsibility,
truthfulness and perseverance. Books in the series include Queen of the Bee,
The Snitch, Things You Didn't Know About Sophie, The Gamer, Hurricane, and
Mission: Costa Rica.
Tonya loves to
travel and has visited 49 American states and three continents, but some of her
best journeys have been between the pages of a novel. As a girl she could
always be found with a book in her hand, and reading is still one of her
favorite hobbies. When she's not reading or writing, the author likes to ride
her bike, swim, and spend time with her husband and three children. She lives
in Houston, TX.
Duncan Ellis will be awarding $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via
rafflecopter during the tour.
October 29: Locks, Hooks and Books
November 5: The Pen and Muse Book Reviews
November 5: The Tired Buyer
November 12: Bookaholic
November 12: Fabulous and Brunette
November 12: Kit 'N Kabookle
November 12: Sybrina's Book Blog
November 19: Andi's Middle Grade and Chapter Books
November 19: Journey of a Bookseller
November 19: Hope. Dreams. Life.. Love
November 19: Notes From a Romantic's Heart
November 19: The Children's and Teens' Book Connection
My Review
Sophie Washington: Secret Santa is my favorite Sophie book to date. If a reader has read the first book from the series, they will meet again characters that they have not seen since. I enjoyed the little twist and mystery involve in the story
I highly recommend Sophie Washington: Secret Santa. I am giving it five plus stars.
I received this book from the author, but was not required to write a review. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.
I highly recommend Sophie Washington: Secret Santa. I am giving it five plus stars.
I received this book from the author, but was not required to write a review. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.
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