Monday, December 11, 2023

Book Tour and Giveaway: Creating Your First Novel by Hank Quense


Book Details:

Book Title:  Creating Your First Book by Hank Quense
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction, 120 pages
Genre: Non-Fiction, Self Help, ​
Publisher:  Strange Worlds Publishing
Release date:  Oct 15, 2023
Content Rating:  G 
Book Description:

Are you writing your first book? Or are you thinking about writing it?
Do you have any idea what you’re getting into?
No? Let’s talk about it.
Most aspiring authors concentrate on writing the book to the exclusion of all else. However, the reality is that creating a book is a long-term, multi-phase project and writing it is only one facet of the project.
The complete project involves five separate phases:
  • Planning the book
  • Writing the book
  • Publishing the book
  • Marketing the book
  • Author business issues
Unfortunately, planning and writing a book does nothing to prepare the author for the other phases of the project. The only commonality between the phases is that they are about a single book.
Another difficulty with the creative project is that almost all information on the process only discusses one phase of it.
Until now.
Creating Your First Novel covers all five phases.
It is written by an author who has gone through the project over two dozen times. Creating Your First Novel provides a road map to get you through the process without losing your sanity.
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Meet the Author:

Hank Quense has self-published his books for over 12 years. His non-fiction books cover fiction writing (Creating Stories), self-publishing (How to Self-publish and Market a Book, Self-publish a Book in 10 Steps), marketing (Book Marketing Fundamentals) and author business (Business Basics for Authors).

He also lectures on these subjects in schools, libraries and on webinars.

Hank recently started The site provides solutions to pain points (problems) for fiction writers, self-publishing authors and authors who are trying to market their books.

Connect with the Author: Website X ~ Facebook Pinterest YouTube ~ BookBub ~ Goodreads
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My Review: 
I have read other writing self help books from Hank and Quense and was interested in reading his newest release, Creating Your First Novel: A Comprehensive Guide Spanning the Entire Long-Term Project: From Planning Through Marketing and Starting Your Author Business. The book is broken down into 5 parts:
Planning – The beginning phase of writing, such as, characters, setting, plot, etc.
Writing - Includes a Fiction Writing Workshop, which has thirteen lessons on how to get started on bringing a novel to life. 
Author Business – How to get started with the business of becoming an author, such as, royalties, profits, losses, taxes, etc. 
Publishing – shows ten steps on how to get the novel published from becoming self-published or traditionally published. 
Marketing – explains different ways of promoting the novel from getting reviews to showing a presence on social media. 
I found the book to be easy to read and follow along and I appreciated the tips, advice, and tricks. 

Creating Your First Novel: A Comprehensive Guide Spanning the Entire Long-Term Project: From Planning Through Marketing and Starting Your Author Business will be getting five stars from me. I highly recommend it for readers who are interested in writing their first novel and needing guidance on how to get started. 

I received a paperback copy of Hank Quense’s Creating Your First Novel: A Comprehensive Guide Spanning the Entire Long-Term Project: From Planning Through Marketing and Starting Your Author Business from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion. 

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