Friday, April 29, 2022

Book Blast and Giveaway: Ella by Nancy Fraser

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Nancy Fraser will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

To get away from her late husband’s questionable deeds, Ella Winslow takes her three children and heads west to the unsettled Washington Territory to claim land she believes she’s inherited from her father.

Tucker McAlister was fired from his position as deputy marshal for arresting the mayor’s brother-in-law for spousal abuse. His mentor has found him another job, first escorting the wagon train going west, and then as the new marshal in the growing town of Tacoma, Washington Territory.

The trail is long and hard, yet Ella is more than up to the task. Still, Tuck feels the need to watch over her and her children, whether she wants him to or not. It isn’t until they arrive in Washington that he realizes his protection will now need to extend even further than the wagon train itself.

Will Ella’s faith allow her to trust again and make a safe home for her family, while welcoming Tuck into her heart?

Read an Excerpt

Over the course of the next five days, both she and Thomas took turns working with Connor to learn the most efficient way of harnessing the four large Percheron horses to the wagon. Then, right on schedule, they pulled the oversized, custom-made, wagon out into the yard behind the farmhouse.

Connor had attached the canvas cover at the last minute, the enclosure making the huge prairie-schooner all the more impressive. Her father had truly outdone himself with the vessel they’d christened Miller’s Folly.

“It’s time to finish loading everything so we can get on the road,” Ella announced, her words sending all three children scurrying toward their rooms in search of their belongings.

“I’ve loaded the food stores into the bottom bins so you won’t have to lift them down. You can just open the lid and scoop out what you need,” Connor reminded her. “Your sewing supplies are in the smaller bin right above your treadle machine.”

“You’ve anchored it to the side of the wagon?”

“As tight as I could. You’ll still need to be careful because it’s heavy. Make sure you check the ropes every day to see that the knot is taut.”

“I will. I promise.” The very last thing she wanted was to damage the one thing she’d need in order to earn money for her family once they’d reached their new home.

“I’ve stored the horses’ supplemental feed in the compartments father built along the outside of the wagon, and placed an extra set of tack in the compartment under the wagon bed next to the water barrels.”

“Are you sure you’re okay with my selling the horses once we’ve reached our destination? After all, they were left to you too.”

Connor slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his side. “I got the farm as my part of our inheritance. You wanted the deed, the wagon, and the horses, so they’re yours. I’d bet you’ll get a pretty penny for them—and the wagon—once you no longer need them anymore.”

“I’d like to hang onto the wagon, if I can,” she admitted. “As a memento of sorts, I suppose.”

“Whatever you decide is up to you. Heaven knows there’s enough hardwood in that thing to heat a small hearth for months.”

She swatted at his arm. “I’ll not be burning it either, no matter what.”

By half-past eight, with everything loaded, and hugs given to their aunt, Jacob and Callie held out their arms for Connor to boost them into the back of the wagon before he closed and tied down the flaps. Thomas took his seat at the front, next to his mother.

“If it feels like the horses are getting away from you, pull them up as best as you can,” Connor instructed. “Are you sure I can’t ride in the wagon with you?”

“I need to know I can do this myself, without you there to grab the reins away from me.”

Connor’s deep chuckle was his first show of humor in days. “Fine, but I’ll be right behind you.”

“You really don’t have to follow us all the way to St. Joseph,” she reminded him. “It’s only a day’s ride. We’ll be there by nightfall.”

“I’m not doing this for you,” he clarified. “It’s for me. I’d worry myself to an early grave if I let you go off not knowing for sure you could handle the team.”

“Well then, mount up, because I’m pulling out.” Ella snapped the reins, and the horses surged forward. The wagon shuddered, then settled, the big wheels rolling smoothly over the dirt.

About the Author:
Nancy Fraser is a best-selling and award-winning author who happily jumps across multiple romance genres with gleeful abandon.

She's also the granddaughter of a Methodist minister known for his fire-and-brimstone approach to his faith. Nancy has brought some of his spirit into her Christian romances. And, her own off-beat sense of humor to her clean & wholesome books.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

Amazon Author Page

Blog Tour and Giveaway: The Bounty Hunter's Bride by Janis Jakes

About the Book

Book: The Bounty Hunter’s Bride

Author: Janis Jakes

Genre: Christian Fiction

Release date: June, 2021

Bounty hunter Luke Lancaster brings the best of both worlds to his work—the tracking skills of his Comanche father and the marksmanship he learned from his missionary grandfather.

When Luke is hired to track down a young man wanted for murder, he assumes it’s a routine capture, but he’s taken on a wild ride when he discovers that the accused is actually an innocent school teacher who knows too much for her own good.

Determined to uncover the truth, Luke sets out to keep himself and Billie alive while bringing the real outlaws to justice. As they race across Texas, Luke falls more in love with Billie. But could a schoolteacher ever want a half-Comanche bounty hunter? Does Luke stand a chance or is he just her ride to freedom?


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Janis Jakes encourages women through inspirational fiction and non-fiction. She is a Texas native with a penchant for winding country roads, faded jeans, street tacos, and fiery West Texas sunsets.


More from Janis

It wasn’t unusual to find dime-store western novels on my grandfather’s nightstand. As a young girl, I poured through the yellowed, dog-eared pages. There was just something about the characters—resilient women, courageous men, and hardened outlaws—combined with the rugged terrain and inevitable showdown—that drew me deeper into every story.

In writing The Bounty Hunter’s Bride I wanted to capture the western element while creating faith-filled characters facing an uncertain future. Billie and Luke confront relentless peril with true western grit—finding victory over past regret and love as big as the Texas sky.

Hidden Facts: Billie is named for my mother, who passed away unexpectedly when I was still in high school; she was in her late thirties. The boy’s ranch idea came from a Christian boy’s ranch less than ten miles from my home. And, the early scenery depicted in the story is from my neck of the woods and the land I adore—West Texas.

Blog Stops

Inklings and notions, April 23

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 24

Texas Book-aholic, April 25

Of Blades and Thorns, April 25

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, April 26

For Him and My Family, April 27

deb’s Book Review, April 28

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 29

Connie’s History Classroom, April 30

Simple Harvest Reads, May 1 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Labor Not in Vain, May 2

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 3

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, May 4

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 5

Vicky Sluiter, May 6 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, May 6 


To celebrate her tour, Janis is giving away the grand prize package of a $100 Amazon Gift Card and a copy of The Bounty Hunter’s Bride!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Review

The Bounty Hunter's Bride is a wonderful debut for author Janis Jakes. I adored this book. It was a fun and quick Western read that had me right from the start. I loved the interactions between Billie and Luke and taking this journey with them. It was entertaining to keep reading to find out how it would all end for them both. The element of faith and inspiration was another wonderful plus to the story. 

The Bounty Hunter's Bride will be getting a very well deserved five plus stars from me. I highly recommend it for readers who enjoy clean historical fiction. I sure hope Janis Jakes releases another book soon. She has definitely proven her talent. 

I received a digital copy of The Bounty Hunter's Bride from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

Blog Tour and Giveaway: The Rancher's Wyoming Twins by Virginia McCullough

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

The Rancher's Wyoming Twins
(Back to Adelaide Creek #1)
By Virginia McCullough
Clean Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
March 29, 2022 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Her worst enemy...
Could bring her heart home

Heather Stanhope wants to despise the man who now owns the ranch her family lost. But Matt Burton is raising his late sister’s adorable twins, loves horses, and is known for his loyalty and honesty. Sneaking into Adelaide Creek for her friend’s wedding, Heather hopes to avoid Matt, but fate and family have them crossing paths. Heather knows falling for Matt means risking her heart, but it’s a risk she can’t resist.

(Affiliate links included.)
About the Author

Born and raised in Chicago, Virginia McCullough has been lucky enough to develop her writing career in many locations, including the coast of Maine, the mountains of North Carolina, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and currently, Northeast Wisconsin. She started her career in nonfiction, first writing articles and then books as a ghostwriter and coauthor. She’s written more than 100 books for physicians, business owners, professional speakers and many others with information to share or a story to tell.

Virginia’s books feature characters who could be your neighbors and friends. They come in all ages and struggle with everyday life issues in small-town environments that almost always include water—oceans, lakes, or rivers. The mother of two grown children, you’ll find Virginia with her nose a book, walking on trails or her neighborhood street, or she may be packing her bag to take off for her next adventure. And she’s always working on another story about hope, healing, and second chances.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $25 Amazon e-gift card & a $25 Etsy e-gift card (INT)

Ends May 4, 2022

Grab Our Button!

My Review

The Rancher's Wyoming Twins is a wonderful start to author Virginia McCullough’s Back to Adelaide Creek series. I adored this sweet and heartwarming book. I enjoyed taking a trip to this little town. I loved getting to know Matt and Heather. The little twins were an additional delight to the story. I adored this light read and one that was easy to read by the fireplace while snow flew outside. Which was time very well spent. 

The Rancher's Wyoming Twins is getting a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers who enjoy reading clean and wholesome romance. I am looking forward to reading the next installment from the Back to Adelaide Creek series. 

I received a paperback copy of The Rancher's Wyoming Twins from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Blog Tour and Giveaway: Copenhagen Cozenage by Kristen Joy Wilks

About the Book

Book: Copenhagen Cozenage

Author: Kristen Joy Wilks

Genre: Christian Fiction

Release date: September, 2015

Morgan Ravn arrives in Denmark seeking clues about her mysterious heritage. What she finds is a flirtatious stranger who regales her with a story about a jewel thief from 1958 and then abandons her with a large unruly dog. Can Morgan locate the irresponsible pet owner before his monstrous canine drags her through every puddle in Copenhagen and sheds all over her last dress? And why are strangers dogging her every step, snapping photos? Is the shutter happy behavior a bizarre Danish custom or something more sinister?


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Kristen Joy Wilks lives in the beautiful woods of the Cascade mountains with her camp director husband, three fierce sons, and a large and slobbery Newfoundland dog. She spent her misguided youth falling in love with Commander Spock via Star Trek reruns, being suspended upside down over a homemade pit filled with gardener snakes, and stampeding herds of elk while on horseback. Now most of her adventures consist of preventing her hubby from filling another wall of their dining room with board games, thwarting her 3 boys’ efforts to sneak their pet chickens onto their bunk beds whenever she turns her back to fold laundry, and trying not to trip over the random teenagers that swarm her house to play all those board games.


More from Kristen Joy

Have you ever gotten stuck with someone else’s luggage? How about someone else’s dog? Let’s make that someone else’s ill-mannered, 150lb, Newfoundland dog!


Yes, Morgan, my poor heroine just wanted to discover her roots during a calm tour of Copenhagen, Denmark. What she gets … a wild chase through a foreign city with a giant and hairy beast in tow!


We have owned two wonderful Newfoundland dogs and they are truly gentle giants … once they grow up. But that training process is a sight to behold when your “puppy” weighs 100lbs before he reaches his first birthday and doesn’t even notice you bouncing along behind him as he charges for the lake.


Our first Newfoundland, Shamu, ended up weighing a hefty 163lbs in his prime and was a handful for those first few training years. Thus, I have taken some of our crazy dog stories and used them to harass my hapless heroine during her Danish vacation. Shamu would gallop toward any body of water he spotted. A lake, river, nice fountain, you name it! If you happened to be dragged along with him, he didn’t mind. The more the merrier! Don’t worry, there is plenty of water in Copenhagen to tempt a fun-loving Newfoundland dog. One might see various fountains, a paddle boat pond in Tivoli Gardens, or even a restaurant that is actually a pirate ship floating on a lake. Add a bunch of dog hair and slobber and this crazy RomCom hits a bit close to home for someone who actually owns a Newfoundland dog.


As a prize, I’m offering notecards that feature our current Newfy (Princess Leia Freyja) in all her hairy glory as well as a box of Danish chocolates and a paperback copy of the book.

May your day be full of adventure … but not quite as much as Morgan endures in Copenhagen Cozenage. God Bless!


In His Hands,



Blog Stops

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, April 16 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 16

Texas Book-aholic, April 17

Inklings and notions, April 18

For Him and My Family, April 19

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, April 20 (Author Interview)

deb’s Book Review, April 21

A Baker’s Perspective, April 22 (Author Interview)

Artistic Nobody, April 23 (Spotlight)

Guild Master, April 24

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, April 25

Simple Harvest Reads, April 26 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 26

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 27

Splashes of Joy, April 28 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 28

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, April 29


To celebrate her tour, Kristen is giving away the grand prize package of a box of Ingeborg’s Danish chocolates, plus six blank notecards with Newfoundland dog photos on the front, and a paperback copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Review

Copenhagen Cozenage is Kristen Joy Wilks contribution to the multi author series, Passport to Romance. I thought it was a great addition to the series. It is, also the first book I have read by this author and it will not be the last. This book was so much fun to read. I laughed so hard at times, it was so unexpected. I loved every single page and was sad to see it end. 

I am giving Copenhagen Cozenage five plus stars. I recommend it for readers who enjoy reading clean and quick fiction with lots of humor. I will be looking forward to more from Kristen Joy Wilks, as well as, the other books from the Passport to Romance series. 

I received a digital copy of Copenhagen Cozenage from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

Blurb Blitz and Giveaway: Brazen by Bobbi Smith



by Bobbi Smith



GENRE: Western Historical Romance 



Casey Turner could rope and ride like any man, and she scandalized folks by wearing boys’ clothes, but when she strode down the streets of Hark Luck, Texas, nobody took her for anything but a beautiful woman. Working alongside her pa to keep the bank from foreclosing on the Bar T, she had no time for the frivolous things of life, no time for romance. But all that was about to change…


Michael Donovan had had a burr under his saddle about Casey for years. Ever since she caught him skinny-dipping and stole his clothes, making him the laughingstock of the whole Circle D. The last thing he wanted was to be forced into marrying her, but it looked like he had no choice if he wanted to safeguard the future of the Donovan ranch. Their families had been bitter enemies for years, but now his parents were urging Michael to court Casey, to treat her like a lady. He’d do his darndest, but he could never let on that underneath her pretty new dresses Casey was as wild as ever, and in his arms she was positively…BRAZEN. 



It was a hot late-August afternoon. Young Casey Turner had been out working with some hands from her family’s ranch, checking for strays since early morning. She’d ridden away from the men to look for stock along the river that marked the property line between the Bar T and the Donovan ranch, the Circle D. 

Casey was hot and tired, and the water looking mighty inviting, but she couldn’t allow herself the luxury of taking a break. Times were hard on the Bar T. Money was tight. She had work to do. When she heard splashing around the bend just up ahead, she expected to find cattle. She rode quietly closer, not wanting to spook the strays.

Then she rounded the bend.

Casey’s eyes widened in shock and amazement at the scene before her, and she quickly reined in.

There, standing in the waist-deep water with his back to her, was none other than the Donovans’ son Michael, and he was—as best she could tell—skinny-dipping.

Michael hadn’t heard her approach, and she was glad. She’d never seen a naked man before. As embarrassed as she was curious, she took her time looking him over. His shoulders were broad and strongly muscled, and his waist was lean. Casey was grateful he was staying put, though, for she’d seen all of Michael Donovan she wanted to see.

Then she had a thought… The Donovans and the Turners had been feuding for years, and suddenly Casey realized this was the perfect time to take a little revenge on Michael.

The thought of getting even with him made Casey smile. The last time she’d seen him in town, he’d made fun of the way she was dressed. She hadn’t wanted to admit it at the time, but his comments had hurt her. Arrogant and rich Donovan that he was, he deserved what he was about to get as a payback for being so mean.

She smiled. Michael was unaware of her presence. She looked around to make sure he was alone. Her grin broadened when she saw his horse tied up nearby and his clothes hanging over a low tree limb. True, the clothes were on the Donovan side of the river, but that wasn’t going to stop her today.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

After working as a department manager for Famous-Barr, and briefly as a clerk at a bookstore, Bobbi gave up on career security and began writing. She sold her first book to Zebra in 1982.

Since then, Bobbi has written over 40 books and 6 novellas. To date, there are more than five million copies of her novels in print. She has been awarded the prestigious Romantic Times Storyteller Award and two Career Achievement Awards. Her books have appeared on the New York Times Best Seller List, the USA Today Best Seller List and the Wal-Mart Best Seller List.

The rights to Ms. Smith’s books have been sold to China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Russia and Sweden. Bobbi has also written two faith-based contemporary novels – Haven and Miracles – using the pseudonym Julie Marshall.



Bobbi Smith will be awarding $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Blog Tour and Giveaway: Canceled by John Faubion

About the Book

Book: Canceled

Author: John Faubion

Genre: Christian Thriller

Release date: November 14, 2021

Jerold Steele has been canceled. His identity is stolen. His job is gone. Even more bizarre, the people around him are dying.

Each one was stalked and killed by a supernatural menace that hides

in darkness, and preys on the mind.

Facing exposure, the killer is eliminating every person that threatens him. In his world, there’s only room for one superman, and that superman is going to be him.

Brenda Neal wants to trust him, but the deaths terrify her. Is it better to hide, or fight with him?

CANCELED is a cutting-edge, page-turning thriller, a story you hope won’t be in tomorrow’s headlines.

Read CANCELED to find out what happens when the only thing that will stop a killer is Power no one never imagined.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

John Faubion was a foreign missionary in Vietnam, Guam and to the Chinese for nearly thirty years. Then a professional software engineer for more than twenty years after that.

He’s the father of five children, and lives in central Indiana with his wife.


More from John

Cancel Culture? This is worse.

All around us we see our culture changing, and not for the better. Sometimes it seems like all the voices we hear are filled with anger, hatred and intolerance.

There’s a reason for that:  They are all rooted (you guessed it) in anger, hatred and intolerance.

It was time to step back and look at what it’s like to be canceled, but from an entirely different source: The Supernatural.

The main character is a preacher, but one of those who does NOT believe in a supernatural god. He doesn’t know what he believes. But when he’s finally confronted with a supernatural experience he cannot deny, he finds that walking on the dark side is going to cost him his life.

The only solution, both for him and the one he falls in love with, is to know God, and get access to the supernatural weapons he never dreamed existed.

Blog Stops

Texas Book-aholic, April 22

For Him and My Family, April 23

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, April 24

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 25

Inklings and notions, April 26

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, April 27

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 28

Through the Fire Blogs, April 29 (Author Interview)

deb’s Book Review, April 29

Blogging With Carol, April 30

Pause for Tales, May 1

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, May 2

Spoken from the Heart, May 3

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 4

Mary Hake, May 4

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 5


To celebrate his tour, John is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card, along with a paperback copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Review

I had the pleasure of reading previous books by John Faubion. I was excited that he had a new release called Canceled and jumped at the chance to read it. I was far from being disappointed. He has a unique style of writing that keeps me intrigued. In this book, I was entertained from start to finish. I felt like I was on a thrilling roller coaster. This is not an easily predictable tale. I never knew what was going to happen next. 

I am giving Canceled a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers who enjoy reading clean romantic suspense. I look forward to reading more like this by John Faubion in the future. 

I received a digital copy of Canceled from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Blog Tour and Giveaway: Sweet Rivals by Kari Trumbo

About the Book

Book: Sweet Rivals

Author: Kari Trumbo

Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance

Release date: March 29, 2022

Fay is about to lose her business…

…to the only guy she’s ever thought might be good for her.

Fay Ravven has spent years building a floral business on Mimosa Island. Too bad a chain florist has moved in right down the street. As her business wanes, she realizes her rival is none other than Corbin Lowel, the very man who swept her heart away at her friend’s wedding.

Corbin knows he’s not good enough for Fay. His friends remind him all the time that, as a florist, he’s not really man enough for anyone. That doesn’t stop him from stepping out of his comfort zone and going to Fay’s store to see if she remembers him. That’s when he discovers that his business is killing hers.

What are rivals to do when they can’t stop thinking about each other? Plan the flowers for someone else’s wedding, of course.

When Corbin and Fay must see each other and work together, will they dive through their pain and reach for the stars? Or will the roses be too prickly for two hurt hearts?

Read the next Sparrow Island novel in the Independence Islands Series featuring five islands, six authors, and a boatload of happily-ever-afters.

The Independence Islands Series: beach reads aren’t just for summer anymore.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Kari writes swoony heroes and places that become characters with detail and heart.

Her favorite place to write about is the place her heart lives, (even if she doesn’t) South Dakota.

Kari loves reading, listening to contemporary Christian music, singing when no one’s listening, and curling up near the wood stove when winter hits. She makes her home in central Minnesota, land of frigid toes and mosquitoes the size of compact cars, with her husband of over twenty years. They have two daughters, two sons, one cat, and one hungry wood stove.


More from Kari

Nudge from the Almighty or personal desire?

Sometimes what we should do is as clear as mud. When I first felt the call to write, I worried that it was a “me” thing. I worried that the nudge that I felt was for my own glory. It didn’t matter that I felt the desire to write Christian fiction. We can do all the things we think are right and still be in the wrong place according to God’s will.

When I literally felt captive to the idea of writing—like, I couldn’t move forward without doing something about it—then I finally considered that perhaps this was God’s will and not just me wanting something. But it took years of the Holy Spirit prodding me before I ever acted.

Fay is like that. She starts her flower business certain she is doing the will of God and it helps that she really wants it too. But she works so hard, putting in so many hours, that she forgets about why she started it and it becomes all work for her own glory. Her business.

Enter Corbin, a really sweet guy who is in the wrong place at the wrong time and is used by God to nudge Fay away from her idol and into a deeper relationship. He’s a rival flower shop owner, and the only guy she’s ever felt a connection to. Which makes for some pretty interesting dialogue for the two of them.

Fact is, none of us likes to hear that our desire—especially when we think we’re doing the right thing—is wrong. No one ever wants loving correction by a Heavenly Father who cares about us deeply. We’re supposed to get it right.

Fay has to find out if it’s her business that’s getting in the way of her relationship or if it’s really a heart issue. I hope you’ll enjoy finding out along with her.


Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 19

lakesidelivingsite, April 20

Texas Book-aholic, April 20

Inklings and notions, April 21

For Him and My Family, April 22

By the Book, April 22

deb’s Book Review, April 23

Blossoms and Blessings, April 23

The Christian Fiction Girl, April 24

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, April 25

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, April 26

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, April 26

She Lives To Read, April 27

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 27

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, April 28 (Author Interview)

I luv the books, April 28

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 29

Miriam Jacob, April 29

CarpeDiem, April 30

Connect in Fiction, April 30

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 1

Simple Harvest Reads, May 2 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Splashes of Joy, May 2


To celebrate her tour, Kari is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Review

Sweet Rivals is Kari Trumbo’s contribution to the Sparrow Island portion of the Independence Islands series. I have enjoyed previous works from this author and this one is no different. I loved the beautiful island setting and getting to know Corbin and Fay. I adored their story and felt that it could be relatable for many readers. It is a short read and perfect way to spend time relaxing on the beach. 

I am giving Sweet Rivals four and a half stars. I recommend it for readers who enjoy reading quick, sweet, and clean romantic fiction. I look forward to reading the next installment from the Sparrow Island part of the Independence Islands series, Rachel Skatvold’s Stranded on Sparrow. 

I received a digital copy of Sweet Rivals from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.