Thursday, September 19, 2024

Book Tour and Giveaway: Panic Peak by William A Liggett


Book Details:
Book Title:  Panic Peak by William A. Liggett
CategoryAdult Fiction (18+), 254 pages
GenreCli-Fi Thriller 
Publisher: Consilience Press LLC
Publication Date: February, 2024
Content Rating: PG-13: Very occasional f-word and sh*t in dialog
Book Description:

How can a single glacier grow dramatically while hundreds are shrinking around the world?

This paradox confronts a young glaciologist Kate Landry as she looks down at her research site buried under shocking mounds of new snow. Little does she know that Mount Olympus is in the bulls-eye for a sophisticated geoengineering experiment being conducted by a scientist who has convinced a secretive international oil cartel to fund his dubious climate modification techniques. While Kate struggles to understand why the glacier is growing and begins to unravel the entire nefarious scheme, she also struggles to avoid the unraveling of her developing relationship with social psychologist Grant Poole. The more Kate uncovers on the glacier, the more her own life is at risk. Can she expose the unethical and dangerous geoengineering operation without being caught before she’s stopped? And at what risk to her life?
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Meet the Author:

Bill Liggett writes fiction that blends behavioral and earth sciences in the recent cli-fi (climate fiction) literary genre. His goal is to paint a hopeful future based on solutions to global warming.

He holds a BS in geology and an MA in education, both from Stanford University, and a PhD in applied social psychology from New York University. Among the many positions he has held over the years, he taught in high school and college, conducted behavioral science studies for IBM, and consulted with health care and educational organizations.

Wherever he lives, he loves being outdoors. Home for him has included the West Coast, East Coast, Alaska, and now Colorado, the state of his childhood. He and his wife, Cathy, live in Niwot, Colorado.

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PANIC PEAK by William A Liggett Book Tour Giveaway

My Review: 

Panic Peak: A Cli Fi Thriller is the first book from the Warming World Adventures series. It is, also, a great debut for the talented author, William A. Liggett. This is the first experience with the genre of cli fi. I have never heard of it before and was intrigued enough to find out. I was not disappointed. This book was full of adventure, danger and action packed. It had quite a few of twists and turns that I could have never predicted. I never knew what would happen from scene to scene. I found the author's use of scientific facts to bring on an interesting story. It is a quick read and was easy for me to have it finished in one sitting. An overall, fast paced tale to be immersed in for a few hours.

I am giving Panic Peak: A Cli Fi Thriller a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers who love to read adult fiction and thrillers. I am curious to see what William A Liggett has in store for his characters and fans in the next installment from the Warming World Adventures series, Watermelon Snow: A Novel of Survival in the Washington Wilderness. I believe this one should not be missed.

I received a paperback copy of William A Liggett's Panic Peak: A Cli Fi Thriller from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

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