Monday, September 9, 2024

Review: The Smell of Fall: A Smells of the Seasons Book by Mary Ann Hake

My rating: 5 of 5 stars


How would a blind child experience the world?

Join April as her nose leads her through autumn adventures in nature and at home, at school and on a farm. Children will enjoy the sensory experiences with April and her menagerie of pets. Fall smells may be the best of all!

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My Review: 

The Smell of Fall: A Smells of the Seasons Book is another entertaining addition to this series by Mary Ann Hake. I loved "seeing" the season of fall through sweet April's nose. It gave me a new perspective of the season by using the sense of smell. I enjoyed it all with April while going on this adventure with her. The illustrations were a perfect a addition to her story. I loved it.

The Smell of Fall: A Smells of the Seasons Book will be getting a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers who are between the ages of three and eight. As always, I am interested in reading more books like this one from Mary Ann Hake in the future.

I received a digital copy of Mary Ann Hake's The Smell of Fall: A Smells of the Seasons Book from the author, but was not required to post a review, nor a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

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