Sunday, October 6, 2024

Blog Tour and Giveaway: The Gamekeeper's Reluctant Bride by Elva Cobb Martin

About the Book

The Gamekeeper’s Reluctant Bride

Author: Elva Cobb Martin

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: September 10, 2024

She fled from a gilded cage, only to find herself trapped in a marriage of obligation.

Helena Allston had it all—wealth, beauty, and a life of luxury on her family’s plantation. But when her father arranges a marriage to a man she despises, Helena takes matters into her own hands, fleeing on horseback, only to find herself half-drowned and memory-less in a simple cottage. And when her memory returns, Helena ends up back where she began—arranged to marry, this time to the handsome gamekeeper who rescued her.

Could there be more than obligation to this marriage? Or is he only after the Windemere Plantation her father promised him?

Gideon Falconer is at a loss when it comes to the stubborn, beautiful woman he rescued from the Ashley River. His predicament only worsens when he returns her to her family’s plantation, where her father shocks him with a demand that Gideon marry his daughter to prevent a scandal. As a man new to his faith, he feels compelled to do the right thing, but his own secrets and the past left behind in England threaten to complicate matters further.

In a marriage that began as a mere obligation, can Helena and Gideon find the strength to let love and trust conquer all, despite a determined enemy’s schemes to wreck their hope?


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Elva Cobb Martin is a wife, mother, and grandmother who lives in South Carolina with her husband and a mini-dachshund. A life-long student of history, her favorite city, Charleston, inspires her stories of romance and adventure. Her love of writing grew out of a desire to share exciting stories of courageous characters and communicate truths of the Christian faith to bring hope and encouragement.





More from Elva

In The Gamekeeper’s Reluctant Bride, I planned to develop a rich, spoiled heroine who had everything she wanted—beauty, wealth, reputation, an important Charleston family name, and even membership in a popular church of her day but who had no real relationship with Jesus Christ. Isn’t that like so many in America today with our many blessings and freedom but no real love for Christ, his written Word, or his love for the unborn and his biblical plan for marriage and gender? Yet our name may be on some church roll and we call ourselves Christian. I believe our Mighty God is calling America back to him in faith and obedience to the Bible. I believe He is calling forth godly leaders who will stand for truth and righteousness, but we must go to the polls and help raise them up. America has a mighty history and a covenant cut with God by our founders. Focusing our hearts and minds on Christ gives us courage and confidence, and we can look to the future with hope in our hearts.


Here’s part of a scene showing the “before Christ” Helena with her pride and arrogance after Gideon rescued her from drowning in the river:

Gideon ducked his head at her icy voice. “Look, young woman, I dragged you from the Ashley River and walked miles carrying you in my arms, to this cottage. You were soaked through and through and unconscious.”

She interrupted him. “I don’t want to hear any more of your wild story. Go from my presence and shut the door while I dress.” She pointed to the cabin door, then reached up and touched the lump on her forehead and groaned. “Why did you strike me, sir?” These words came from between gritted teeth.

Gideon’s nostrils flared. “Miss or ma’am, whichever you are, I did not strike you. You must have hit your head on your horse’s neck or a rock when you two jumped into the Ashley. For your information, all I did was save your life, if you’d like to thank me for that.”


Here’s part of Helena’s epiphany:

Captive on the pirate ship, Helena dropped to her knees beside the bed and cried out to God. Her life paraded before her, and tears blinded her eyes. The privileged life she’d led as a wealthy planter’s daughter now seemed frivolous and meaningless. She had never lacked for a thing and had not even imagined there could be such people as the pirate captain who now had her under his control, threatening to sail to the Barbary Coast and sell her to a sultan. Would Gideon and her father ever be able to rescue her before the ship sailed away? A chill rose from her heart to her fingertips. Slavery! Would she end up in slavery? Why had she never considered the poor slaves who met all their needs on the plantation? Ever since she was a child, slaves had done everything to make her family’s life easy and pleasant. Was she now to find out what it would be like to be a slave and at the mercy of someone else’s desires and moods?…Lord Jesus, please forgive me for my proud, selfish, unthankful life. If you’re real, come into my heart, deliver me, help me come to know Your plan and purpose for me.


Like Helena, we can cry out to God in humble repentance and return with our whole heart, and He will always answer. We are never out of the reach of God’s eyes or  hand. Here is a simple prayer I invite you to pray for yourself and our nation in this election year:

Father God, I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son you sent to save me from my sins. I repent and turn from them to You and Your Word. Please forgive me and come into my heart, be not only my Savior, but my Lord and director of my decisions, especially my vote for righteous leaders. Help me find a Bible-preaching church family and do my part in bringing America back to You. I believe You are working mightily in my life, family and nation, and I give You praise. Amen

Blog Stops

Stories By Gina, October 1 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 2

For the Love of Literature, October 3 (Author Interview)

Pens Pages & Pulses, October 3

Texas Book-aholic, October 4

Tell Tale Book Reviews, October 5 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 6

Beauty in the Binding, October 7 (Author Interview)

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, October 8

Guild Master, October 9 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 10

Back Porch Reads, October 11 (Author Interview)

Devoted To Hope, October 12

Fiction Book Lover, October 13 (Author Interview)

Holly’s Book Corner, October 14

Pause for Tales, October 14


To celebrate her tour, Elva is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter. 

My Review

The Gamekeeper's Reluctant Bride is the sixth installment from Elva Cobb Martin's Charleston Brides series. I have loved each book from the series and this one is by far my favorite of the series. Even though it is part of a series, it can easily be read as a stand alone. I enjoyed every singe page and could not put down Helena and Gideon's story. I loved it and had no problem reading it all in one sitting.

I going to give The Gamekeeper's Reluctant Bride a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers who love to read clean historical romance. I will be eagerly awaiting more releases to come from the talented Elva Cobb Martin. 

I received a paperback copy of Elva Cobb Martin’s The Gamekeeper's Reluctant Bride from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Blog Tour and Giveaway: Virginia (Daughters of the Lost Colony Book Four) by Shannon McNear

About the Book

Virginia (Daughters of the Lost Colony Book Four)

Author: Shannon McNear

Genre: Christian Fiction / Historical Romance

Release date: September, 2024

The White Doe of the Outer Banks Grows into Womanhood

Return to the “what if” questions surrounding the Lost Colony and explore the possible fate of Virginia Dare–the first English child born in the New World. What happened to her after her grandfather John White returned to England and the colony he established disappeared into the mists of time? Legends abound, but she was indeed a real girl who, if she survived to adulthood, must have also become part of the legacy that is the people of the Outer Banks. In the spring of 1602 by English reckoning, “Ginny,” as she is called by family and friends, is fourteen and firmly considered a grown woman by the standards of the People. For her entire life she has watched the beautiful give-and-take of the Kurawoten and other native peoples with the English who came from across the ocean. She’s enjoyed being the darling of both English and Kurawoten alike—but a stirring deep inside her will not be put to rest.

One careless decision lands her and fellow “first baby” Henry Harvie, along with their Croatoan friend Redbud, in enemy hands. Carried away into Mangoac territory, out of the reach of Manteo and the others, she must learn who she truly is—not only the daughter of Elinor and Ananias Dare but also a child of the One True God, who gives her courage to go wherever the path of her life might lead.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Transplanted to North Dakota after more than two decades in the Deep South, Shannon McNear loves losing herself in local history. She’s the author of four novellas, the first a 2014 RITA® nominee and the most recent a 2021 SELAH winner, and six full-length novels. Her greatest joy, however, is in being a military wife, mom, mother-in-law, and grammie. She’s been a contributor to Colonial Quills and The Borrowed Book, and is a current member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Faith, Hope, & Love Christian Writers. When not cooking, researching, or leaking story from her fingertips, she enjoys being outdoors, basking in the beauty of the northern prairies.


More fron Shannon

So—here we are! I am just so, SO, sooo blessed to get to be on Celebrate Lit yet again. And book FOUR of my Lost Colony series! Initially I thought two, maybe three books. I pretty much disregarded the possibility of writing Virginia Dare’s story because, well, there’s a good bit of mythology surrounding her, and I felt absolutely no inclination to tackle any of that.

Until early last year. The idea dropped into my head and seemed too obvious to turn away. I didn’t have much idea of what would actually happen in the story, although I knew I wanted to explore the identity of the Mangoac, who held the interior of what is now North Carolina and Virginia when the Spanish and the English first arrived in the New World. They spoke an Iroquoian language and were referred to with dread and distaste among all their neighbors, including the Powhatan. Those people are what we know now as the Tuscarora.

Little was known of the Tuscarora before John Lawson wrote of his journey through the Carolinas in 1700-01. A few years later, Lawson himself met with a fairly horrible death at the hands of the Tuscarora (one wonders what he might have done to tick them off), and tensions soon escalated between settlers and indigenous peoples into all-out war. After their defeat by the English, the Tuscarora people moved northward and became the sixth nation of the Iroquois Confederacy.

They call themselves Skaru:re—pronounced sgah-ROOO-rah (with that long “ooh” held out a little extra)—translated variously as “Long-Shirt People” or “Hemp People,” for the garments they would weave from “Indian hemp,” also known as milkweed. The Tuscarora word for milkweed does indeed contain the same root as Skaru:re, but no one knows when as a people they might have made the transition from merely using milkweed fiber for cording or twine to spinning and weaving it into fabric, as the English did flax for linen.

I decided to have a bit of fun in my story, then, with Ginny being questioned about the making of a linen garment, and then a later mention of a “rough, twiny fabric.” I’d meant to expand upon that a bit, or at least address it in the historical notes at the end—and then completely forgot until working through the galleys.

So I get to talk about it—now. 😊

You might guess that both details, which may feel random to the casual reader, are a nod to the translation of the name Skaru:re, and to the influence that either the Spanish or the English might have had on various Native people groups. A good author endeavors, of course, to not have any random details littering a story. In Virginia, many small things point back to previous stories—there are hints of connection to Rebecca as well even though either story could be read before the other. By the same token, all four books are what we could term alternate history—a reach beyond what is known into what might have been. I think it most likely that as Native peoples acquired European fashions, they used what they already had (in the case of the Skaru:re, a familiarity with milkweed and other materials to provide fiber) to produce garments and other items modeled after what the Spanish and English used. They were nothing if not eager to take advantage of new technologies—and what if their contact with members of the Lost Colony was what sparked the idea behind their famed “long shirts”?

A stretch, for sure. But there’s a reason why I’ve always enjoyed writing speculative fiction as well as historical. 😊

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, October 4

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 4

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 5

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 6

To Everything There Is A Season, October 6

Devoted To Hope, October 7

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 8

lakesidelivingsite, October 9

Texas Book-aholic, October 9

Betti Mace, October 10

Melissa’s Bookshelf, October 11

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, October 11

Books You Can Feel Good About, October 12

Tell Tale Book Reviews, October 13

Bizwings Book Blog, October 14

Cover Lover Book Review, October 15

Lights in a Dark World, October 15

Holly’s Book Corner, October 16

Sylvan Musings, October 17

Pause for Tales, October 17


To celebrate her tour, Shannon is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon e-Gift Card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter. 

My Review

Virginia is my favorite installment from the Daughters of the Lost Colony. I loved the first three books from the series, but I loved this one even more. Shannon McNear’s use of vivid details made me feel as though I was right there with Ginny. I was intrigued with the “what ifs” of her story and were very much believable for me. I could not put the book down until I was completely done in one sitting. 

I am giving Virginia a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers who enjoy reading clean historical fiction, particularly those set during the American colonial period. I am hoping there will be more to come from Daughters of the Lost Colony series. 

I received a paperback copy of Shannon McNear’s Virginia from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Movie Review and Giveaway: White Bird

Be Brave. Choose Kind. You forget many things in life. But you never forget
kindness. WHITE BIRD is a deeply moving coming of-age story and testament
to the courage it takes to extend kindness and love during the harshest of times.

WHITE BIRD is the right story at the right time. From the best-selling author of WONDER,
the book that sparked a movement to “choose kind,”comes the inspirational next chapter.

The importance of faith films. Coming on Oct 4 and support a film that will make a difference.

Change the way you see the world. 
Get tickets now. #WhiteBirdMovie – in theaters October 4. 


From the world of Wonder, which sparked a movement to "choose kind," comes the inspirational next chapter: WHITE BIRD. Struggling to fit in at his new school after being expelled for his treatment of Auggie Pullman, Julian (Bryce Gheisar) is visited by his grandmother (Helen Mirren) and is transformed by the compassionate and heroic story of her attempts to escape Nazi-occupied France during WWII. From the director of Finding Neverland, WHITE BIRD reminds us to be brave and choose kind.

My Review:

White Bird is a wonderful story of courage, faith, and love during the time of chaos, fear, and horror. I loved what Julian and his family does for Sara despite her previous treatment of him. Their growing trust and friendship becomes so tender and beautiful. Julian's protection of her and how he tries his best to make things as normal for her as much as possible was so heartwarming that it brought tears to my eyes. The film was full of action that kept me on the edge of my seat. 

I am giving White Bird five stars. I highly recommend it for viewers who love to watch clean historical and inspiring films. 

I received an early screener link to view the White Bird film from Kingdom Faith Marketing Services, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.  


Many thanks to Kingdom Faith Marketing Services for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.


$10 Amazon Gift Card

Leave a more than two word completed sentence telling me who you will be watching White Bird film with. Don’t forget to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win. Winner’s name will be drawn on October 14, 2024.

Giveaway Rules:   

Giveaway is limited to US winners only.        

Two word comments will be deleted and will not be entered into the giveaway.

Chosen winner/s will be contacted by email to verify information needed to give to the appropriate channels to get the prize to you. 

Winner/s MUST reply to this email within 24 hours

If no response, a new winner’s name will be drawn and you forfeit the prize.

Locks, Hooks and Books is NOT responsible for lack of response from the chosen winner. 

Winners from previous Momentum campaigns within 90 days will be disqualified. 

Please note: Locks, Hooks and Books is NOT responsible in sending the prize.

Double Review: Sins of the Past / Tomorrow's Promise by Bethany Klassen


My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Matthew Ellison escapes his dangerous lifestyle to take refuge in the small town of Albury, Texas. Wanting only to forget his past and the pain associated with it, he settles into the community with hopes of a new beginning. But danger has a way of following him, and Matthew soon has to make a decision – leave town, or stay and protect it.

Emma Royce travels West with her brother after her heart is broken by the man she thought she loved. With a new home and new friends, she’s ready to start over. Before Emma has a chance to gain her footing, however, she has stumbled into a dark and puzzling mystery – the new stranger in Albury.

My Review: 

Sins of the Past is a fabulous debut for Bethany Klassen. I enjoyed reading this beautiful tale of love, the power of forgiveness, and inspiration. I loved getting to know the main characters, Matthew and Emma. It was great taking this journey with them and seeing how the story ends for them. It was full of adventure, faith, and suspense. I thought it was great way to spend a rainy afternoon.

I am giving Sins of the Past a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for fans of clean historical fiction. I would love to read more from Bethany Klassen in the near future and see where she will take her readers to next.

I received a digital copy of Bethany Klassen's Sins of the Past from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

View all my reviews


Matthew Ellison thought he had left his life as a lawman far behind. But when tales surface of a killer on the loose near Albury, his experience and skill are once again put to the test. Can he earn back the townspeople’s trust while protecting those he has come to love?

Tucked out of sight on her father’s ranch, Hazel McKinney’s dreams of finding love seem to grow more distant every day. Then a chance encounter with a charming young preacher changes everything - tossing her between dreams of the future and the present stark reality.

Nathan Royce traveled West years ago to join his uncle in the ministry. Dedicated to serving the townspeople of Albury, Texas, he tackles the job with all its challenges and heartache. Then one day Nathan runs into an intriguing young woman with a faith that matches his own. Can he protect her when danger threatens their newfound friendship and possibly even her life?

My Review:

Tomorrow's Promise is the perfect sequel to Bethany Klassen's Sins of the Past. It was great travelling to Albury, Texas, catching up with Matthew, and meeting new friends, Nathan and Hazel. Their story was full of adventure, action, love, faith, and mystery. It was easy to keep reading and hard to put down until I was done reading the whole book in one sitting.

I going to give Tomorrow's Promise five stars. I have no doubt lovers of clean western fiction, will love it as much as me. I would love to see what other releases Bethany Klassen has in store for her fans and characters for years to come.

I received a digital copy of Bethany Klassen's Tomorrow's Promise from the author, but was not required to write a positive, nor a positive one. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

View all my reviews

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Blog Tour and Giveaway: Ignite by Kara Swanson

About the Book


Author: Kara Swanson

Genre: YA Fantasy

Release Date: August 20, 2024

Can Mara survive in a world where the fire in her veins is worth killing for?

In a frozen wasteland suffocating beneath a dying sun, Mara is a young phoenix raised by her father to explode at his command. He’s the only one who can help her control her fire, and Mara desperately follows his orders to protect their phoenix family from relentless human hunters.

Her sheltered existence is shattered when her family mysteriously vanishes, thrusting Mara into a perilous quest to find them. Along the way, she unravels a devastating truth: her people may not be the innocent victims she’s been taught to believe.

When she comes face-to-face with the kindhearted Eli, she begins to wonder if the humans aren’t the monsters she’s always feared. What if the greatest danger doesn’t lie in the icy world outside—but in the truth of who Mara really is?

Fire and ice collide in this thrilling tale of a phoenix girl born with the power of a dying sun.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Kara Swanson writes stories about fairy tales and fiery souls. She spent her childhood a little like a Lost Girl, running barefoot through lush green jungles which inspired her award-winning Peter Pan retellings, Dust and Shadow.

She is also the cofounder of the Author Conservatory ( where she has the honor of teaching young writers to craft sustainable author careers.

You’ll find Kara with her toes in California sand as a SoCal resident, belting Broadway show tunes on weekend drives to Disneyland with her delightfully nerdy husband, or chatting about magic and mayhem on Instagram.


More from Kara

This story is one that has lived a hundred lives, a little like the phoenix it’s about —dozens of iterations and nearly eight years discovering Mara’s story. In this icy world beneath a dying sun, I was able to craft a story of a young phoenix girl who was more terrified of her own fire than the dangers of the frozen wasteland outside her underground hideaway. Who has been convinced by the father she loves that her flame is only capable of pain and damage — until suddenly, he disappears. And for the first time, she ventures out of her hideaway to discover that the frozen world outside is actually dying for her flame. And that the parts of herself that she has feared and run from…that there may be beauty, even there. That she can choose to rise from the ash of a world that doesn’t understand her, and use the fire in her veins to bring warmth and healing.

I hope you enjoy the adventure!

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, September 27

By the Book , September 27

Texas Book-aholic, September 28

Live.Love.Read., September 29

Inspired by Fiction, September 30

The Lofty Pages, September 30

Hannahbandanarama, October 1

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, October 1

Faery Tales Are Real, October 2

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 3

Min Reads and Reviews, October 3

Wishful Endings, October 4

Book Zone Reviews, October 5

Simple Harvest Reads, October 5 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

Tell Tale Book Reviews, October 6

Where Faith and Books Meet, October 7

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 8

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, October 8

Book Butterfly in Dreamland, October 9

Blogging With Carol, October 10


To celebrate her tour, Kara is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Review

Ignite is another book of fantasy from the talented author, Kara Swanson. It is, also, the start to her The Phoenix Flame series. I thought it a good beginning. I enjoyed getting to know Mara and I adored her character. Her story is one that had me fascinated until the very end. This is one of those tales that are thought provoking and making me feel inspired. 

I am giving Ignite four and a half stars. I recommend it for readers and fans of clean young adult fantasy fiction. I am curious to see what could possibly happen next and second installment in the The Phoenix Flame series. I have to know what Kara Swanson has in store for her fans. 

I received a digital copy of Kara Swanson's Ignite from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Review: The Christmas Tree Farm by Melody Carlson


My rating: 4 of 5 stars


When Madison McDowell returns from several years teaching overseas, she has high hopes of picking up where she left off at her family's Christmas tree farm in Oregon. But between damage from a recent wildfire and the neglect due to her sister Addie's unwillingness to invest, the farm is in sad shape. In fact, Addie is intent on selling the property. And to top it off, her former high school flame, the now-widowed Gavin Thompson, has plans to break Madison's heart again by turning his neighboring property into a dusty, noisy dirt bike track for his daughter. With the odds stacked against her, Madison decides there's only one thing to double down on her dreams. It will take a ton of hard work--and some help from an unlikely ally--to save the farm she so dearly loves. But it may take a miracle to restore her relationship with her sister. Bestselling and award-winning author Melody Carlson charms and delights with this uplifting Christmas story full of old memories and new beginnings.

My Review: 

The Christmas Tree Farm is a fun and quick novella. I was entertained with Madison’s story. It was a delight taking this journey to the quaint little town in Oregon. I like the second chances theme with the addition of faith that is not overly preachy. I thought it was cute.

I am giving The Christmas Tree Farm four stars. I believe readers and fans of clean holiday fiction will not want to miss out on it for this upcoming Christmas season. Since it is a novella, it would be easy to fit in for busy schedules. I would love to read more books like this one from Melody Carlson in the future.

I received a hard cover copy of Melody Carlson’s The Christmas Tree Farm from the publisher but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Blog Tour and Giveaway: All an Act by Melissa Wardwell

About the Book

Book: All an Act

Author: Melissa Wardwell

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: August 27, 2024

Not all weddings end in marriage. Not all hurting hearts remain broken.

In the year since Something Suamalie started, the dynamic trio Kiana, Lulu, and Meilani have accumulated a glowing reputation at home and abroad for brides and their wedding day dreams. But when a triple-booked weekend forces Lulu to manage the wedding of the Onirique events coordinator by herself, panic sets in. Her lack of confidence and ADHD, not to mention the return of a devilishly handsome man, could easily spell disaster.

When André left the Suamalie Islands to pursue a career in Paris, he never dreamed of returning. The islands hold a treasure chest of memories he wishes to keep locked away, but recent changes in his life force him to face those very things. And a choice for his future that will break more than one heart.

With neither of them able to talk about their feelings, how will Lulu and André be able to set aside their pasts and move on?

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Melissa Wardwell resides in Owosso, Michigan with her husband and three teen-aged children.

She doesn’t mind alternating between the world of writing and the reality of being a mother, but she would rather sit with a good book or a good friend and a cup of coffee.

When she isn’t penning works of fiction, she is busy reviewing books for her blog, Back Porch Reads.



More from Melissa

All An Act is probably the most honest form of self-representation this author has ever created.

How could I say such a thing if I put my heart and soul into every single story I create? It’s a pretty straightforward statement when I have kept most of myself out of the stories. I tried to tell stories about the people I admire around me —my best friend in high school, my first boyfriend, or the men and women who serve our country both at home and abroad. These are the kind of people I typically write about. But when I developed Lulu’s character and found the picture that you see on the cover, my first thought was, “I bet she’s just like me… a little scattered, a lot wounded, and putting on a mask to hide that she fears that no one would like her.”

One of my beta readers, who was a teacher when I was in high school, picked up in the first two chapters that Lulu had undiagnosed ADHD. I know some people don’t like to put labels on themselves that make them have unusual behaviors, but like myself, being able to put a label on it gives Lulu a little clarity. Lulu and I both understand that it doesn’t give us the OK to get away with certain things or to use them as excuses. However, it shines a light on why we do those things (like knowing fine details from high school, but you can’t find your A5 binder that you just saw the day before).

It’s not just forgetfulness that is an issue; sometimes, we mask how we feel through anger or frustration because those emotions are more accessible for the rest of the world to understand. Again, that doesn’t mean that it’s OK.

Like Lulu, I went through a season of holding onto unforgiveness that lasted 15 years. You can imagine that that unforgiveness quickly turned into bitterness. My bitterness wasn’t towards a man but instead revolved around church hurt. Learning to forgive and let go of the things that hurt me took a long time. Lulu and I both discovered that forgiveness is like peeling an onion. There are a lot of layers to it, depending on how many years you’ve held on.

Lulu also deals with a lot of thoughts in this book. Many of them revolve around her feelings of being inadequate compared to her friends. I’m sure many of us can identify with that. Eventually, she learns that she brings her own kind of knowledge to the Something Suamalie team. This is what makes this trio work – they each bring their own traits to the table to make this wedding planning business top-notch in the islands.

Like An Unexpected Gift, All An Act is loosely based on another one of my favorite romcoms—The Wedding Planner, featuring Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey. I wonder if you will be able to see it. Let me know if you do.

I hope you enjoy this one. It really was a joy to write, even when I was faced with some of my own issues.

Blog Stops

Texas Book-aholic, September 25

Stories By Gina, September 26 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, September 26

Library lady’s Kid Lit, September 27

Karen Baney Reviews, September 28

For the Love of Literature, September 29 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 30

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 1

Through the Fire Blogs, October 2 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Acdemy, October 3

Fiction Book Lover, October 4 (Author Interview)

Holly’s Book Corner, October 4

Lighthouse Academy Blog, October 5

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 6

Simple Harvest Reads, October 7 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Guild Master, October 8 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Melissa is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Review

All An Act is the fifteenth installment and Melissa Wardwell's contribution to the multi author series, Suamalie Islands. I enjoyed this addition to the series. It was a pleasure to meet the duo, Lulu and André. I adored getting to know them both. Their story was one of love, moving on, and letting go. I thought it was a great book to read.

I am giving All An Act four and a half stars. I believe that readers and fans of clean contemporary romance will enjoy it as well. I would be interested in reading more books from Melissa Wardwell in the future. I hope there will be more books to come from the Suamalie Islands series. 

I received a digital copy of Melissa Wardwell’s All An Act from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.