Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Blog Tour and Giveaway: The Golden Manuscripts: A Novel (Between Two Worlds, Book 6) by Evy Journey


Book Details:
Book Title:  The Golden Manuscripts: A Novel (Between Two Worlds, Book 6) by Evy Journey
Category:  Adult Fiction 18+, 340 pages
Genre: Women's Literary Fiction
Publisher:  Evy Journey
Release date:  April 2, 2023
Content Rating:  PG: Some kissing, no bad language, no sex scenes

Book Description:

Clarissa, an Asian/Caucasian young woman has lived in seven different countries and has no lasting connection to any place. She thinks it’s time to settle somewhere she could eventually call home. But where?

She decides to live in the city of her birth. There, she joins a quest for the provenance of stolen illuminated manuscripts—a medieval art form that languished with the fifteenth-century invention of the printing press—hoping it would give her the sense of belonging she craves. But will it be enough?

For her, these ancient manuscripts elicit cherished memories of children’s picture books her mother read to her, nourishing a passion for art.

The trail of the manuscripts leads to an American soldier who served in World War II. Clarissa is anxious to know what motivated him to steal and keep the artwork for fifty years. But instead of easy answers, she finds bigger questions.

Immersed in art, but naïve about life, she’s disheartened and disillusioned by the machinations the quest reveals of an esoteric, sometimes unscrupulous art world. What compels individuals to steal artworks, and conquerors to plunder them from the vanquished? Why do collectors buy artworks for hundreds of millions of dollars? Who decides the value of an art piece and how?

The Golden Manuscripts: A Novel is inspired by the actual theft of medieval manuscript illuminations during the second world war.

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Enjoy These Other Titles in Evy Journey's Between Two Worlds Series:

Book Details:

Book Title:  Sugar and Spice and All Those Lies (Between Two Worlds, Book 4) by Evy Journey
Category:  Adult Fiction, 300 pages
Genre:  Literary / Women's Fiction / Crime / Mystery
Publisher:   Evy Journey
Release date:  January 2018
Content Rating: R (Two bedroom scenes)

Book Description:

Chanterelles garnished with cream and mayhem.

Tantalizing…alluring…satisfyingly luscious Women’s Fiction—San Francisco Book Review

Cooking a sumptuous meal is an act of love. An act of grace. An art and passion Gina inherits from her grandfather —a French chef felled by a robber’s bullet.

Raised in a marginal neighborhood, she’s keen to taste life in the world where she’s been chosen to cook. A scintillating world of wealth and privilege, great food, new challenges and fascinating friends.

But beneath this new world, unexpected danger lurks. Gina’s passion for cooking is all she has to help her navigate it.

Amidst her culinary adventures, she befriends the pastry chef, worldly loyal Marcia. She falls in love in different ways with two very different men. Leon, a playboy, is rich, charming, and carefree but honest, complicated, and devoted to his legacy.

Serious and idealistic Brent is a lawyer turned brooding detective. Haunted by the many violent crimes he has worked on, he prefers to be alone.

​Can the lessons Gina learned about cooking and life help her survive and thrive in this other world of privilege, pleasure, and menace?

Buy the Book:
Amazon B&N ~ Kobo

Book Details:
Book Title:  The Shade Under the Mango Tree (Between Two Worlds, Book 5) by Evy Journey
Category:  Adult Fiction 18+, 400 pages
Genre: Women's Fiction-Literary; Contemporary Multicultural Fiction
Publisher:  Evy Journey
Release date:  November 2, 2020
Content Rating:  PG13 & M: There is suicide and mention of sexual encounters that are not described--nothing explicit

Gold Medal, Contemporary Fiction, 2021 Global Book Awards (formerly New York City Book Awards)
Finalist, 2021 SPR (Self Publishing Review) Book Awards
Finalist, Multicultural Fiction, 2021 International Book Awards
Finalist, 2022 Wishing Shelf Book Awards

Book Description:

Luna hungers for adventure. Lucien has chosen a solitary professional life. She’s breaking away from her sheltered existence while he’s a widely-traveled but disillusioned young architect.

Drawn together by an intimate journal that he found abandoned in a café, these two strangers begin to shed the shackles of their painful pasts.

Lucien opens himself up to Luna. But she isn’t ready. She travels far, into a world steeped in ancient culture and the ravages of a deadly history. Can she survive unscathed? And will she be the soulmate he has been searching for?

Book 5 in the series Between Two Worlds is an epistolary tale of courage, resilience, and the bonds that bring diverse people together.

Meet the Author:
Evy Journey writes. Stories. Blogs (three sites). Cross-genre novels. She’s also a wannabe artist, and a flâneuse (an ambler).

Evy studied psychology (M.A., University of Hawaii; Ph.D. University of Illinois) initially to help her understand herself and Dostoevsky. Now, she spins tales about multicultural characters dealing with problems and issues of contemporary life. She believes in love and its many faces.

Just as she has crossed genres in writing fiction, she has also crossed cultures, having lived and traveled in various cities in different countries. Find her thoughts on travel, art, and food at Artsy Rambler.

She has one ungranted wish: To live in Paris where art is everywhere and people have honed aimless roaming to an art form. She visits and stays a few months when she can.

connect with the author: website ~ blog ~ facebook ~ pinterest ~ bookbub ~ goodreads

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My Review: 

I have read the previous books from Evy Journey’s Between Two Worlds series and was looking forward to the newest and sixth release, The Golden Manuscripts. Even though this is a series, I believe each one can be easily read as a stand alone, but I would recommend not missing any of the previous books. The Golden Manuscripts is most definitely my favorite of the six installments. I found it to be a fun and entertaining. Clarissa’s story was intriguing. I instantly felt a connection with her while she tried to find where she belonged. I liked the mix of art, history, mystery, and suspense. I wanted to keep reading to find out what secrets there were to be discovered and where it would Clarissa to in the end. It was one that I had no problem spending the day, relaxing on my back deck, and reading the whole book in one sitting. A wonderful way to spend time away from the chaos of life. I loved it. 

I am going to give The Golden Manuscripts five stars. I recommend it for readers who enjoy reading fiction that includes mystery and history. I am hoping there will be more to come in the future from the Between Two Worlds series, as well as, more from the talented author Evy Journey. 

I received a paperback copy of Evy Journey’s The Golden Manuscripts from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.