Friday, October 27, 2017

Review and Giveaway: A Simple Wish by Charlotte Hubbard

A Simple Wish
by Charlotte Hubbard


GENRE:   Amish/Inspirational Romance



Making rugs for the Simple Gifts store has taught Loretta Riehl that an unassuming pattern can reveal surprising depth. People, too, have a way of defying first impressions. Drew Detweiler came to Willow Ridge under a cloud, but the  handsome craftsman has gained the community's respect for his upholstery skills and commitment to making amends for his mistakes. As her new brother-in-law's twin, he's joining the family for dinners and Sunday visits, and Loretta can't deny enjoying his attentions.

If only  her dat were willing to let a little joy into his life. Cornelius Riehl grows sterner with each day, and Drew suspects there's more to his moods than missing Loretta's late mamm. Hoping to fulfill Loretta's wish to live in a  peaceful, happy home again, Drew sets out to learn the truth. It's a journey that will bring to light painful realities—but also the chance to forge a new, honest, and loving future together...



Ordinarily, the shaded front porch was the coolest place to spend a July afternoon, but the sweat trickling down Loretta Riehl’s back had nothing to do with Missouri’s heat and humidity. Will Gingerich, her former fiancé, sat on the other end of the porch swing from her, and his back-and-forth motion was becoming so quick and jerky that she could barely guide her toothbrush needle through the loose knots of the rag rug she was making.

“The biggest mistake I ever made was to let your dat end our engagement, Loretta,” Will said urgently. “I should’ve stood my ground. I should’ve believed that our love was strong enough to withstand my losing the farm to my brothers.”

Loretta swallowed hard, fearful of where this conversation was leading. She’d been devastated when Dat had come between her and Will a couple of years ago, but she’d accepted it as her father’s will—which was second only to God’s will. “Who among us has ever stood up to Dat and won?” she asked in a tight voice. Her hands were trembling as she drew the strip of sage green fabric through the next rug knot with her needle. “I cried my eyes out and pleaded with him again and again, but he was convinced you weren’t gut enough—that you could never provide me a home.”

“He was wrong!” Will declared. “I should’ve insisted that you and I could live at your place—back when we were in Rosewood—the way a lot of newlyweds do until they have the money for a home of their own.”

Loretta stifled a sigh. Why was Will thinking this way, when they both knew they would’ve been miserable living under Dat’s roof after Mamm had died? Even with her sisters, Edith and Rosalyn, to support them, their marriage would’ve gotten off to a rocky start.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Charlotte Hubbard is the acclaimed author of Amish romance and fiction that evokes simpler times and draws upon her experiences in Jamesport, the largest Old Order Amish community west of the Mississippi. Faith and family, farming, and food preservation are hallmarks of her lifestyle—and the foundation of all her novels. A deacon, dedicated church musician and choir member, she loves to travel, read, try new recipes, and crochet. A longtime Missourian, Charlotte now lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, with her husband and their border collie, Vera. Please visit Charlotte online at
Facebook: Facebook

Order Ebook

Order Print
Zebra September 26, 2017 ISBN-13: 9781420138719 ISBN-10: 1420138715



Charlotte Hubbard will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Don't forget to follow the other stops of the tour and comment. 

The more you comment, the more chances of winning! 

October 9: Sea's Fire
October 11: Punya Reviews...
October 12: Maureen's Musings - review
October 12: Nana Prah's Blog
October 13: T's Stuff - review
October 17: Splashes of Joy - review
October 18: Amish Reader - review
October 19: The Reading Addict
October 23: A Writer's Life
October 24: Book Lover Promo
October 24: Rogue's Angels
October 25: Miss Tina's Snitz Pie Book Review - review
October 26: Vickie's Kitchen and Garden - review
October 27: The Book Connection - review


A Simple Wish is book two from Charlotte Hubbard's Simple Gifts series. I enjoyed the people of Willow Ridge. The story is a good, heartwarming and quick read. It, also, includes a sweet and clean romance.

I look forward to the book three in the series to see what happens next.

Though, it is slightly predictable, I would still give this book four stars. I recommend it to those who enjoy a light Amish story.

I received this book from the publisher. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.

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  1. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

    1. Thanks for following my tour all the way to the end, Lisa!

  2. Thanks for featuring my book on your blog today!

  3. Great review! I've enjoyed following the tour and I'm looking forward to checking it out :)

  4. What book would you like to see turned into a movie? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com
