Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Book Tour and Giveaway: Her Inconvenient Christmas Reunion by Nina Singh

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Her Inconvenient Christmas Reunion
By Nina Singh
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 256 Pages
November 1, 2020 by Harlequin Romance

Can a mistletoe kiss…

…heal the past?

When Zayn walks back into Izzy’s life, years after he was forced to walk out of it, she’s faced with the undeniable attraction that’s never faded. Finding themselves co-owners of the vineyard that means so much to Izzy makes tensions run high! But then she’s seduced into a kiss under the Parisian Christmas lights… Can Izzy find it in her heart to forgive the man who once broke it?

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SHE PRETENDED TO SLEEP in the car on the ride back to the hotel. She was in no mood to talk. The day felt like it had gone on hours too long. Had it really been just this afternoon when they’d attempted to tour the Eiffel Tower?

If Zayn knew she was faking, to his credit, he wasn’t calling her on it. Probably thought she was crushed by her defeat. Little did he know, that was only part of her disappointment this evening.

She fully intended to continue the charade until she heard him say something in French to the driver. “Arrêtez, si’l vous plait.” He was asking him to stop the car.

Izzy opened her eyes.

“Sleeping Beauty awakens,” Zayn said with a soft smile.”

Hadn’t she required a kiss first? She probably shouldn’t bring that up. “Just resting my eyes. It’s been a long day. Why are we stopping?”

He pointed outside her window. “We happen to be driving by the Champs-Élysées.”

“Why would we want to stop here?” The question was answered as soon as she turned to look behind her. The sight was breathtaking—an extravaganza of lights. There had to be millions of tiny bulbs set up like works of art. She gasped as the color theme changed from blue to red then a brilliant green.”

Excerpt From: Nina Singh. “Her Inconvenient Christmas Reunion.”

About the Author

Nina Singh lives outside of Boston with her husband, children, and a very rambunctious Yorkie. When not at her keyboard, she likes to spend time on the tennis court or immersed in a good read.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive an ebook of Her Billionaire Protector by Nina Singh and a $20 Amazon eGift Card
Four Winners will receive an ebook of Her Billionaire Protector by Nina Singh

US only
Ends November 18, 2020

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