Monday, January 8, 2018

Review Tour: Sanctuary of Lies by Chad Bishop

Sanctuary of Lies

by Chad Bishop


GENRE: Thriller (domestic)



There are 4.7 billion searchable sites make up 10% of the web, the other 90% is dedicated to the "Dark web". Within that environment there is a thriving economy where everything is for sale: Sex, Armies and Code for hire. Well-known companies buy and sell for governments and NGO’s (non-governmental organizations). They appear as a benign legal boutique companies and consultants, but their true purpose is to be the middlemen/cyber lynchpin for these illicit goods and services.​

ISABELLA NUNEZ owns a computer firm in Brooklyn with her lover JACOB COSTA. Accepting her infertility they have a blue nose pit bull called Justice as their “child” and live simple lives as techy nerds. Isabella’s idyllic life is shattered when several days after her lover’s ex-wife, SIMONE JOHNS, reported death, Simone sends Jacob an email to come save their child, he didn’t know they had.



Thursday 6:00 a.m, Orlando at Sanctuary

“Digging graves in a golf course is not as easy as it looks’ thought John Kooma. He stood up as the cool Florida morning wind dried the sweat from his soaked work shirt. A pair of chipmunks stopped a foot away and then turned and ran away. He should be use to it by now. It wasn’t like this was the first body he’d put here.

Watching the chipmunks retreat he thought ‘Look at that even animals have enough sense not to be nosy.’  John reached into his back pocket and pulled out a bottle of spring water. After taking a large gulp from the bottle he wiped his mouth and looked at the grave in front of him.

“It sure was a shame she had to go. At least she won’t be alone. I’ve buried the other five in this same area so you all can talk to each other if you need to. I think being nosy is a sin, so you might not be making it to the Lord any time so but. you’ll have each other.”

John looked at the other new grass plugs in the area.  He was a tidy man.  He always cleaned up after himself. After picking up his shovel, he continued to even the ground. Then, just like so many before her, he put the grass plugs over them. When he was done he noticed he hadn’t brought the water cans, so he just emptied his bottle of water over her plot. It wasn’t enough water but he knew he’d be back, there were always nosy people.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Being a child of divorce, I have experienced both sides of the American Family. I understand there is a loss to the family unit that no longer has a father in it.  In the face of that loss, I discovered a woman can rise to the occasion and not replace a man but offer her own strength, moral compass and guidance. In this environment a child can grow up feeling loved, accepted and ultimately successful in life.

Those experiences in my formative years have made me more aware of the women around me and the daily feats of resourcefulness and ingenuity that goes unnoticed and unacknowledged by society. My stories highlight societal issues and the ever-changing challenges women face that I've observed during my life.

Blog: Best Known Secrets




Chad will be awarding a $10 Amazon GC to 6 randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour.


My Review

Sanctuary of Lies is book one from Chad Bishop's new series, Chest of Secrets. It is not my normal read, but I thought it was a pretty good. I found the writing unique and the plot intriguing. It is full of action, suspense and mystery, making it easy to turn the pages and hard to put down.

I give Sanctuary of Lies four stars. I look forward to reading the next installment from the Chest of Secrets series.

I received this book from the publisher. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.

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  1. Sounds like a good Saturday read. Thanks for the giveaway

    1. Thank you for the comment. I try to write characters we can identify with.

  2. Great review, sounds like a wonderful book!

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you get a chance to read it.

  3. Thanks for the giveaway; I like the review. :)

    1. Thanks for coming by. As a writer I have to tell you I love all reviews. I look at reviews as an opportunity to connect with readers and the chance to see my work from someone else's eyes.

  4. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

    1. Thank you so much for coming by.

  5. I'd like to thank the host for having me today and Good Luck to everyone.

  6. Thanks for your honest review. This is not my first choice of reading material either, so I appreciate a trusted reviewer giving an honest opinion. Makes me want to read more.

    1. Thank you for the comment and I hope you get a chance to read the book.

  7. Who was your favorite author growing up? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. My favorite author growing up was R.A.Salvatore. I wanted to be as good a fighter as Drizzt and as cool as Dresden ( Jim Butcher)

  8. Justice the dog's name sounds like a prelude to the justice that will be meted out in this novel.

  9. Gonna have to add this to my TRL.

  10. How that excerpt is sick with burying people at golf course and then

  11. acting all nonchalant about it.
