Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Goddess Fish Promotions Tenth Anniversary Party and Giveaway

Welcome to the Goddess Fish Promotions Tenth Anniversary Month Long Celebration!

Who is Goddess Fish Promotions? And what do we do? We're glad you asked!

We didn't want your visit here to be dry and boring, so we decided to have a poetry competition and put what we do into verse. Here are the initial entries:


Roses are Red.
Violets are Blue.
I'm awful at poetry.


You've written a book
And now you say
You want people to look
And hopefully pay.

So come see us
To create a tour for you
Without a fuss
And you won't be blue.

Yeah, for some reason, Judy won!

Even better, her poem is correct. We DO offer virtual book tours as one of our options! Here are a couple of testimonials from clients:

Working with Goddess Fish was such a pleasant and professional experience. Each and every morning, they were on top of the tour stops, thanking the host and engaging the readers. I’ve had such positive feedback on this tour and cannot thank Goddess Fish enough. I look forward to working with them again in the future. – John Feldman, author of Out of Hiding


It is a pleasure to work with such a professional company. I am so pleased with everything from start to finish. The tour hosts always do a wonderful job setting up the post and spreading the word. I appreciate the hosts who took the time to read my book and write an honest review. The response from the tour is amazing.

I look forward to working with Goddess Fish Promotions again for my next release. – Kathleen Ann Gallagher, author of Night Magic

We also offer Virtual Book Tours, Graphic Design, Social Media Promotion and more. You can see more testimonials here.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know us a little (more information is below) and we'd like to do the same. We'd LOVE to see a little poem that tells us a bit about you in the comments. We'll be awarding random book giveaways and $5 Amazon GCs to some of the best poetry we find. It might not be at every stop, but when something really makes us smile, we'll reward it! Come on, be daring...

And now, more about us:

About Goddess Fish Promotions
Goddess Fish Promotions was established October 14, 2008. Why? Well, when Marianne became a published author and got her the first taste of trying to promote a book on a budget, there was only one other virtual book tour company in place at the time, and their fees were simply too high for a small press author. After coordinating and running her own tour, she knew other authors could use the same service for a reasonable price. Thus, Goddess Fish Promotions was born.

Because both Judy and Marianne were authors and editors prior to running Goddess Fish Promotions, they approach the business with a unique point of view, and treat their clients how they would expect to be treated.

The people behind the fish

Judy Thomas -- The Goddess

Judy has a college degree in English and she’s worked in retail, education, at her local library as well as an editor for a small press and for the now defunct ShadowKeep Ezine. She’s also a published author so can see things from both sides of the fence. In 2013, she “retired” and now spends her days helping authors make their dream come true—as well as working as much as she can with her local theater group.

Marianne Arkins - Fish

Grammar freak and coffee lover, Marianne wrote her first novel at ten years old, built her first commercial website in 2000, and published for the first time in 2006. She worked as a professional editor for just over a year, and knows what it’s like to write, edit and promote a book on a budget.

One of our interviews during the tour explains our nicknames ... keep visiting daily to find out!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoddessFishPromotions
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoddessFish
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/goddessfish/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariannejudy/
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Goddessfish

Now, the goodies ... want to win stuff? Here are the rafflecopters:



October 1: T's Stuff
October 1: White Sky Project
October 2: Harlie's Books
October 2: Independent Authors
October 2: Bookish Reviews
October 3: Tory Richards
October 4: Kimmi Love
October 4: Books,Dreams,Life
October 5: Rainy Day Reviews
October 5: Christine Young
October 5: Books Direct
October 8: The Tired Buyer
October 8: The Layaway Dragon
October 8: Lampshade Reader
October 9: Bookaholic
October 9: Travel The Ages
October 10: Mythical Books
October 10: Kit 'N Kabookle
October 11: Beyond Romance
October 11: The Bibliovert
October 12: The Book Connection
October 12: Nana Prah's Blog
October 15: Danita Minnis
October 15: So Many Books
October 15: Reviews by Crystal
October 16: The Reading Addict
October 16: BooksChatter
October 16: Casey's Corner
October 17: Just Books
October 17: The Avid Reader
October 17: A Hippie's Bookshelf
October 18: Jane Reads
October 18: Bayou Book Junkie
October 18: Sybrina's Book Blog
October 19: fundinmental
October 19: All the Ups and Downs
October 22: Lisa Book Blog
October 22: Mixed Book Bag
October 22: Books in the Hall
October 23: Fabulous and Brunette
October 23: Emily Carrington
October 23: It's Raining Books
October 24: Erotica For All
October 24: Laura's Interests
October 24: Book Bite Reviews
October 25: Hearts and Scribbles
October 26: Bookstanista
October 26: Jazzy Book Reviews
October 26: Readeropolis
October 29: Dawn's Reading Nook
October 29: Regan Black
October 29: Books,Dreams,Life
October 30: Andi's Book Reviews
October 30: Edgar's Books
October 30: Iron Canuck
October 30: Deal Sharing Aunt
October 31: Bri's Book Nook
October 31: bookish bibliophile
October 31: books are love
October 31: Two Ends of the Pen

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  1. Thanks for hosting us! Readers, if you could read one book again for the very first time, which is it and why?

    1. Great question... soooo many.... but I'll have to go old school on this one and say The Count of Monte Cristo :)

  2. Dang, that's tough. I'd go with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Because then I'd theoretically get to re-read the following 6 books for the first time again. And considering how Harry Potter got me into reading fanfic...yeah, launching board for lot of what I read now.

    And on a side note...I am a big fan of Marianne's poem. Very relatable.

  3. Wishing you a very happy 10th anniversary!
