Friday, September 2, 2022

Book Blast and Giveaway: A Climate of Revenge by Tom Riley

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Tom Riley will be awarding a PDF file of "Writer's Guide to Our Climate Crisis" (International) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Sarah and JanetM, are a human/Artificial Intelligence pair who do private investigations in the near future where our climate crisis has hit and hit hard. A man with a long dark history tries to hire them but is then killed. His family hires the team to find who killed this man with a thousand enemies in a land with a million problems.

The United Nations IPCC report, “Climate Change 2022, Impacts, Adaption and Vulnerability contains:

C5.3 Enhancing knowledge
A wide range of … processes … can deepen climate knowledge and sharing, including … using the arts … (high confidence).

This can only be read as a clarion call for writers to produce the works that will help our people cope.

Read an Excerpt

“I cannot get you an appointment with your hair stylist before this trip. The first appointment I could get you is not until the day after.”

“OK, accept the appointment,” said Sarah, “and freshen up our playlist too. You know, I think I might I go for a weave, since we have some free money. Which do you think will look best: a body wave, a water wave, or a loose curl?”

Sarah was using the Mirror-Mirror App on her cellphone to look at images of herself with each of these hairstyles.

Janet didn’t seem to care. “This new job will not take us back to the club. You have no need to look that fancy. You will be tired of all the work it takes to maintain such a hair style like that within a week. Just because we got some unexpected money does not mean you should throw it away.”

“How about a manicure, then?” asked Sarah.

“I might try a full Extendo, or Pixie Crystals. And white, I have never done white. Or a pastel pink. I can certainly herd my ducks with any fancy nails you can name, all it takes is a cane switch.”

“You do not only herd the ducks. You have to take your turn at the dirty jobs too. What happens if one of your ducks makes a run for it, and you have to go scrambling through the bushes."

About the Author:
After an extensive career at NASA as an Instrument Engineer, Tom Riley started a people-based space program, The Big Moon Dig, compatible with the needs of our climate crisis. Our climate crisis clearly must now come first, and that effort needed positive stories of people in action.


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