Friday, May 25, 2018

Virtual Book Tour: Off Season: A Novel of Healing by ES Ruete

Off Season: A Novel of Healing
by E.S. Ruete


GENRE: Fiction



Dottie woke up wondering where she was and why she was so cold. The first thing she noticed was that she must be outside – she was lying on cold ground and snow was hitting her in unusual places. That’s when she noticed the second thing. Her skirt was pulled up past her waist and her panties were gone. Damn those bastards. It started to come back to her.

Dottie is now on an odyssey; a journey not of her choosing; a journey of healing, integration, and reconciliation that will involve her partner, her friends, her enemies, her church, her whole community. And her rapists. As she fights her way through social stereotypes about rape and rape victims, she also finds the strength to overcome society’s messages of who she should be and lays claim her true self. But the memories, the loss, the anger – and the fears – never go away. No woman chooses to be raped. I asked Dottie why she chose to tell me a story of rape. She said that millions of women, hundreds every day, have stories of rape that never get told. She told her story because she could. Because she had to. Because maybe people would hear in a work of fiction a Truth that they could not hear in any other way.



Mostly what Dottie remembered is that they kept giving her choices. Blood or vaginal exam first. Left or right arm for the blood draw. Keep her clothes or change into the comfortable, impersonal sweats the SACC counselor had brought. Should they call her church. She tried to appreciate what they were trying to do. But I’m so tired, she thought, and still a little cold and god my headache is getting worse. And all these decisions don’t help. Didn’t I hear something on NPR about decision fatigue? Or something like that.

She remembered a book from her youth. The Captain. The new skipper of an ocean-going tugboat couldn’t handle all the arbitrary decisions, so he just alternated “yes” and “no” answers. It seemed to work for him. She tried it.

“Do you want soup?”


“Do you want coffee?”


“Do you want us to call someone at your church?”

“Yes.” Damn!! Did I just say that? I love those judgmental bitches, but they’re the last people I need to see right now.

She wasn’t doing much better when Mandy showed up and said all the wrong things. How could this happen? Why weren’t you more careful? Are you sure you weren’t at some level asking for it?


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

E.S “Ned” Ruete is an author, speaker, group facilitator, women’s rights activist, LGBTQIPA+ ally, lay preacher, guitar picker, and business analyst. He is the author of Seeking God: Finding God’s both/and in an either/or world and Lead Your Group to Success: A Meeting Leader’s Primer.

Now retired, Ned lives in Niantic, Connecticut with his second wife. He continues to offer pro bono group facilitation and facilitation training to schools, churches, community groups and not-for-profit organizations. He has led strategic planning retreats for United Action Connecticut (UACT), Fiddleheads Food Co-op, and ReNew London. He is actively involved in LGBTQIPA+ advocacy and annually attends and presents sessions at the True Colors Conference. He is a member of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF) formerly served on the Association Coordinating Team (ACT, the IAF Board of Directors). He was associate editor of Group Facilitation: A Research and Applications Journal and has contributed articles to Group Facilitation, The Facilitator, and other publications on group facilitation and management consulting.

Off Season is Mr. Ruete’s first fiction work

See his consulting products at

and his books at (The book is $0.99 during the tour)



One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.


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May 1: Edgar's Books
May 4: BooksChatter
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My Review

I have to admit Off Season: A Novel of Healing was a hard book to get through. It deals with heavy issues but yet it has to be told. It is one I could relate to. One that I wished was around 25 years ago. Dottie is one strong woman and I admire her courage. 

Off Season: A Novel of Healing is a fabulous book that I give 5 plus stars and highly recommend it!

I received this book from the author. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.

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  1. Thank you for hosting my tour and reviewing my book.

    Readers, how old were you when you discovered a love for reading?

  2. I enjoyed getting to know your book and thanks for the chance to win :)

  3. Congrats on the tour and I appreciate the book description, excerpt and the great giveaway as well. Love the tours, I get to find books and share with my sisters and now my twin daughters who all love to read. We have found some amazing books for everyone. So, thank you!

  4. Sounds like a great book, thanks for the awesome tour. :)

  5. Do you have any ideas for your next book? Bernie Wallace BWallace1980@hotmail(d0t)com

  6. I have enjoyed the tour. The book sounds great.

  7. Thanks 4 the giveaway and congrats on the tour again.

  8. Thank you for posting your review on Amazon. My 5 star rating is intact!
