When Elizabeth Kaufman received the news of her husband's death at the Battle of Vicksburg in 1863, she felt only relief. She determined that she would never be at the mercy of any man again, even if it meant she would never have a family of her own. Then Aaron Zook comes home with her brother when the war ends two years later.
Despite the severity of his injuries, Aaron resolves to move West and leave the pain of the past behind him. He never imagined that the Amish way of life his grandfather had rejected long ago would be so enticing. That, and a certain widow he can't get out of his mind.
Yet, even in a simple community, life has a way of getting complicated. Aaron soon finds that while he may have left the battlefield behind, there is another fight he must win--the one for the heart of the woman he loves.
Welcome back to the Amish community at Weaver's Creek, where the bonds of family and faith bind up the brokenhearted
My Review:
I had the pleasure of reading the first two books from Jan Drexler’s series, The Amish of Weaver’s Creek. I really enjoyed them both and the third installment, Softly Blows the Bugle, does not disappoint. This one is by far my favorite of the series. Even though it is part of a series, I believe readers can read each book as a stand alone. I loved getting to know Elizabeth and Aaron. They were great characters. I enjoyed the twists that I did not see coming. I could not predict what would happen next in the following scenes.
I am giving The Amish of Weaver’s Creek a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers who enjoy clean Historical Amish Fiction. I thought it was a great read.
I received The Amish of Weaver’s Creek from the publisher. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
Award-winning book that recently earned acclaim from the prestigious 2020 Next Generation Indie Book Awards!
Acadia Powers knows herself to be too selfish, too sinful, and too skeptical in her faith to marry a preacher. And yet she does. God truly does work in a mysterious way. Acadia nearly lost her faith at an early age due to what she saw as the hypocrisy of her parents’ generation. In college—where the novel begins—she meets and falls in love with Peter O’Neil, who is fervent in his faith and wants to share the good news with the world. Can she reach deep enough inside, or beyond herself, to find what she needs to keep on trying, or has she made too many mistakes already?
Jeter is thrilled her most recent novel, Song of Sugar Sands, has received acclaim as a Finalist in the Christian Fiction category of the 2020 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. A Professor Emerita at Vanderbilt University, Debra Coleman Jeter has published in popular magazines, including Working Woman, New Woman, Self, Home Life, Savvy, Christian Woman, and American Baby. Her first novel, The Ticket, was a finalist in two categories for a Selah Award. Her short story, “Recovery,” won first prize in a competition sponsored by Christian Woman; and her book “Pshaw, It’s Me Grandson” was a finalist in the USA Book News Awards. She is a co-writer of the screenplay for Jess + Moss, a feature film which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, screened at nearly forty film festivals around the world, and captured several international awards.
She loves to be in the water—whether snorkeling, water skiing, boogie boarding, or just floating around—which may explain the setting for her newest series. Her family suspects her of being selkie. The Sugar Sands novels are set in a small beach community in LA (lower Alabama). Each book in the series stands alone.
More from Debra
I’m thrilled that Song of Sugar Sands earned recent acclaim by being named a Finalist in the 2020 Next Generation Indie Book Awards in the category “Christian Fiction.”
Although I’ve always been someone who seeks a higher power (and feels such a presence in my life), I’m also a person who struggles with doubts: doubts about churches, denominations, religion, and myself. So I decided to put a character with these kinds of doubts (Acadia) in a relationship with a man of such a deep faith he feels compelled to share his faith with everyone he encounters (Peter).
Song of Sugar Sands is a novel about—in the words of William Faulkner—the human heart in conflict with itself. Who hasn’t, at least occasionally, struggled with doubts about her faith in God or about God’s personal interest in her life? Also, relationships are difficult at their best, but particularly so when the individuals have differing views on faith. Still, there is hope. Song of Sugar Sands tells the journey of Acadia’s relationship with Peter and of her path toward deeper faith.
Inspiration for characters: My daughter, like Acadia, went to Pepperdine University. She met her husband, Jared, in California. Jared’s father and brother were both ministers, but Jared had no interest in this career path. I decided it would be more interesting to make Peter O’Neil the opposite—the first man of faith in his family, while Acadia struggles with her faith. In the novel, Beatrice Wood is a widow who befriends Acadia and helps her through a difficult time. Beatrice is based loosely on a friend of mine from church, who mourned the passing of her husband even as she became a strong business woman. The character Sybil was inspired by one of my former students.
I had the pleasure of reading and enoying the first installment from Debra Coleman Jeter’s Sugar Sands series, Joy After Noon. I was excited to have the opportunity to read the next book Song of Sugar Sands. I was not disappointed. I thought this was a great book. Even though it is part of a series, I believe this one can be read as a stand alone. I adored Acadia from the start. She was by far from perfect and a character that so many readers can relate and connect to. I enjoyed watching her grow throughout the story.
I am giving Songs of Sugar Sands four and a half stars. I recommend it for readers who enjoy clean romance. I am hoping there will be a third addition from the Sugar Sands series in the near future.
I received Song of Sugar Sands from the publisher. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
Join Us for this Tour from Oct 30 to Nov 20, 2020!
Book Details: Book Title: Braidy Von Althuis and the Final Fight (Book 5) by Cassidy Dwelis Book Series: Braidy Von Althuis Category: Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12), 252 pages Genre: Paranormal Publisher: Precursor Publishing Release dates: October 2020 Content Rating: PG:Some mild profanity and some mild magical violence
Book Description: "Your husband willingly signed over his life to Azra. Boris owes Azra his life and services. There's nothing more to it than that." Braidy von Althuis is going to get his father back, no matter the consequences. Mr. von Althuis has been abducted by Azra, Queen of Djinn, and the family is in shambles. Half of the von Althuises no longer have their magick, and an army of djinn awaits them at Azra's gates. Somehow, despite all of the odds, Mrs. von Althuis, Uncle Rolo, Aunt
Liz, Blockhead, and Braidy have to band together to retrieve Braidy's father from the clutches of certain doom.Even though they hate each other, Braidy is determined to pull the fae and djinn together to fight against Azra's tyranny. He will have to work with old friends, and old enemies, to finally end the war between djinn and fae that has come to a nasty head. Will Braidy be able to unite an army at his back and save his father, or will Mr. von Althuis belong to Azra forever? Braidy von Althuis and the Final Fight is a story about working past differences, justice, and morality. This book is suitable for children aged 8 - 11.
Book Title: Braidy Von Althuis and the Pesky Pest Controller (Book 1) by Cassidy Dwelis Book Series: Braidy Von Althuis Category: Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12), 320 pages Genre: Paranormal Publisher: Precursor Publishing Release dates: May 2017 Content Rating: PG:Some mild profanity and some mild magical violence
Book Description: Ten-year-old Braidy von Althuis just wants one thing: to fit in. The other kids at school think he’s weird, and for good reason. Despite his oddities, Braidy wants more than anything for his dad to be able to come to Township Day, a fun-filled event at school, but Mr. von Althuis refuses. “It’s too dangerous,” he says.Things change for Braidy when Mr. von Althuis gets sick, and, even worse, this pesky pest controller won’t leave Braidy alone! Will Braidy be able to get his family to Township Day without his world falling apart?Braidy von Althuis and the Pesky Pest Controller is a tale of friendship, family, magic, and mayhem that takes a look at what it means to be bullied and how to rise above it. This book is suitable for children aged 8 - 11.
Content Rating: PG:Some mild profanity and some mild magical violence
Book Description:
“Braidy felt a churning cauldron of fear stirring in his stomach. Uncle Rolo had the habit of destroying good things.”Ten-year-old Braidy von Althuis finally has what he needs: a good friend, Saturday-Morning cartoons, and a loving family. While life has been perfect since Braidy defeated the warlock that attempted to kidnap his father, Braidy knows the quiet will not last. Strangeness creeps through Maple Hills, especially since a ghost hunter moved into town.This ghost hunter has Braidy’s dead Uncle Rolo worried sick, but Braidy’s family thinks the newcomer in town is harmless. Braidy feels otherwise, and to make matters worse, a friend from Uncle Rolo’s past comes to call. Will Uncle Rolo follow the rules and stay safe, or will Braidy watch his uncle tear their family apart? Braidy von Althuis and the Gullible Ghost Hunter is a story about telling the truth, taking responsibility, and what it means to be a family.This book is suitable for children aged 8 – 11.
Book Title: Braidy Von Althuis and the Dastardly Djinn (Book 3) by Cassidy Dwelis Book Series: Braidy Von Althuis Category: Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12), 210 pages Genre: Paranormal Publisher: Precursor Publishing Release dates: October 2018 Content Rating: PG:Some mild profanity and some mild magical violence
Book Description:
"He should have known this would happen. Wishes in movies and books seemed to go bad, so why would this one be any different?" Ten-year-old Braidy von Althuis misses his family dearly. Ever since his father, his aunt, and his uncle went to look for Gran in Europe, the house has been quiet and lonely. Even worse, Braidy’s cousin Blockhead is miserable after a breakup. Braidy wishes more than anything that he could do something to make his cousin happy.His wish is granted by a mysterious djinni, but the wish does not solve all his problems. Something is wrong with Blockhead, and Braidy learns a dark secret about his family that changes everything he knew. Will Braidy and Blockhead be able to undo the djinni wish, or will Braidy spark a war that may change the world as he knows it?Braidy von Althuis and the Dastardly Djinn is a story about identity, self-worth, consent, and responsibility. This book is suitable for children aged 8 - 11.
Book Title: Braidy Von Althuis and the Changeling Children (Book 4) by Cassidy Dwelis Book Series: Braidy Von Althuis Category: Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12), 249 pages Genre: Paranormal Publisher: Precursor Publishing Release dates: October 2019 Content Rating: PG:Some mild profanity and some mild magical violence
Book Description:
" All of the regret that she buried in her garden in America will grow up like weeds and swallow her like quicksand." Braidy von Althuis is celebrating his eleventh birthday, but not with his best friend. Mr. von Althuis has decided to move the family out of Maple Hills, and Braidy is forced to say goodbye to Kara and to eat his cake alone. Even though the von Althuises have lived in Maple Hills for hundreds of years, something has spooked the adults so badly that they feel helpless without Gran. Something is coming for them, though Braidy knows not who or what.When the family arrives in Ukraine, a whole slew of new problems arise. Mr. von Althuis gets a job, Uncle Rolo finds himself in more trouble, and Aunt Liz and Braidy are summoned to an audience with the Fairy King. In order to go home, Braidy and Aunt Liz must solve riddles or belong to the Fairy King forever. Will Braidy and Aunt Liz be able to escape the Fairy King's clutches or will heartache and memories of a life long gone tear Aunt Liz and Braidy apart? This book is suitable for children aged 8 - 11.
Meet the Author: I’m Cassidy, and I love storytelling! I’m incredibly passionate about writing, art, and anything that allows me to create my own worlds. My goal is to write dreamy fiction for all ages that is unique, inspiring, and imaginative. I want my books to instill wonderment in the reader. I like to write about themes that include coming of age, magic realism, identity, relationships, and bullying. My books are intended for readers ages eight to twenty-five, and are meant to connect the world of the fantastical to everyday life. I currently live in Colorado and just got my MA in Publishing!
There are many Middle Grade Paranormal books out there. What
makes yours different?
I would hope that what sets my books apart is the
inclusivity. I have a main character who is Black, who comes from a Jewish
family, and is bullied. Braidy’s family also includes characters who are
suffering from chronic mental illness, a family member who is mute and on the
LGBT spectrum, and a father who is adopted. My goal is to write inclusive
literature that’s natural where the characters presented aren’t only valuable
because of their tropes.
Do you have another profession besides writing?
I am also a professional artist! I illustrated and designed
all the Braidy books. My art career involves selling fine art, going to comic
book conventions, and drawing commissioned art for clients. I’ve also just
recently graduated with a Masters in Publishing, and hope to start doing
publishing consultation to help other indie authors get their books out there.
How long have you been writing?
My first “book” that I ever wrote was a collection of short
stories about superheroes that I wrote when I was nine! It’s… terrible. Luckily
for me, with a lot of time and practice I can safely say that I’ve improved!
Do you snack while writing? Favorite snack?
Absolutely. Who writes without snacks? My favorite things to
much on while working are coffee and pastries, hot chocolate, or a good cup of
Any hobbies?
Too many! If I had to pick one hobby that I do often, it’s
gaming. I’m a huge fan of Overwatch and Red Dead Redemption.
Tour Schedule:
Oct 30 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Gullible Ghost Hunter / guest post / giveaway
Oct 30 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Pesky Pest Controller / author interview / giveaway
Oct 30 - Working Mommy Journal – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Changeling Children / giveaway
Nov 2 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Final Fight / giveaway
No 2 - Lisa-Queen of Random - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Nov 3 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Gullible Ghost Hunter / giveaway
Nov 3 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Final Fight / giveaway
Nov 4 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Final Fight / giveaway
Nov 4 - Rajiv's Reviews – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Pesky Pest Controller / giveaway
Nov 5 – Working Mommy Journal – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Final Fight / giveaway
Nov 6 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Nov 9 – Book Bustle – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Pesky Pest Controller / guest post / giveaway
Nov 10 – Leels Loves Books – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Gullible Ghost Hunter / giveaway
Nov 11 – Rajiv's Reviews – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Final Fight / giveaway
Nov 12 – Book Bustle – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Final Fight / giveaway
Nov 13 – JBronder Book Reviews – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Pesky Pest Controller / giveaway
Nov 16 – Leels Loves Books – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Final Fight / giveaway
Nov 17 – Books and Zebras @jypsylynn – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Changeling Children / giveaway
Nov 18 – – JBronder Book Reviews – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Final Fight / guest post / giveaway
Nov 19 – Books and Zebras @jypsylynn – book review of Braidy Von Althuis and the Final Fight / giveaway
Nov 20 - DZA Blog – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Enter the Giveaway:
My Review:
And the Changeling Children is the fourth installment from the Braidy von Althuis series. It is, also, my first introduction to the series, as well as, to the talents of Cassidy Dwelis. Even though, it is part of a series, I thought it can be read as a stand alone. However, I would love to go back and read the first three books to see what happened previously. I thought this was a pretty good children’s science fiction and fantasy read. It was full of danger, adventure, horror mystery, suspense and action. I found it to be quite a thrilling roller coaster ride with some of the twists and turns within the pages. I enjoyed getting to know the characters Braidy and Aunt Liz. Their tale is one that teaches some wonderful valuable life lessons that all readers, young and old, could learn and / or be reminded of.
And the Changeling Children gets four and a half stars from me. I look forward to reading the next addition to the Braidy von Althuis series, Final Fight, in the near future. I recommend this one for young middle grade readers who enjoy science fiction and fantasy era books. I think the younger readers will feel connected to Braidy and relate to some of the situations he gets involved in and some of his emotions and struggles. It is definitely worth a read.
I received And the Changeling Children from the publisher. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
Katrina White’s garage explodes and she fears someone is out to get her.
Not long after Katrina overhears two people talking about robbing the bank where she works, her attached garage explodes. With the help of her neighbor, Frank Davis, she escapes the burning home after a storage shelf falls over, trapping her beneath it.
The co-owner of Protection Inc. has one thing on his mind for the week of Christmas—rest and relaxation, but when his favorite neighbor needs his help he calls in his team. Unable to turn their backs on someone Frank clearly has feelings for, the co-owners agree to help out Katrina.
When things escalate, Frank is certain of two things—he cares a lot for Katrina and he can’t let anything happen to her.
Join the team of Protection Inc. this Christmas where love is in the air even in the midst of danger.
Award winning author Kimberly Rose Johnson married her college sweetheart and lives in the Pacific Northwest. From a young child Kimberly has been an avid reader. That love of reading fostered a creative mind and led to her passion for writing. She especially loves romance and writes contemporary romance that warms the heart and feeds the soul.
Kimberly holds a degree in Behavioral Science from Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington, and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers.
More from Kimberly
Certain Threat was one of my favorite books to write. There are three point of view characters. Two have been in the series from book one and the third is a new addition in this book.
I adore Frank, the hero of this book. The man is tough, honest, and always does his best to do the right thing. He’s a good example for his younger business partners who like to do things their own way, especially Carissa.
For me the most fun part about writing this book was getting inside Frank’s head. He comes across as tough and sometime gruff, but he is a marshmallow on the inside when it comes to Katrina, his neighbor. Katrina brings out a side in Frank we haven’t yet witnessed and it was a blast to write—no pun intended. LOL you’ll understand when you read the book.
I look forward to writing future books in this series and going deeper with the rest of the Protection Inc. team and their friends.
Certain Threat is the third installment from Protection Inc series by Kimberly Rose Johnson. Since it is my first book I have read in the series, I believe it can be read as a stand alone. I did not feel as though I was missing anything by not reading the previous books. I thought this was a pretty good read. It was full of intrigue, danger, adventure, mystery, suspense and romance. It was not one I could be able to predict. It had some twists and turns that I did not see coming that kept me on the edge of my seat.
I am giving Certain Threat four stars. I would like to go back and read the first two books from the Protection Inc series. I recommend this one for readers who enjoy clean Romantic Suspense.
I received Certain Threat from the publisher. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
Ella and Little Feat are brought together, their devotion to each other grows.
Their awe and love of the night sky with sparkling stars and constellations
takes them on a journey that will change their lives forever. Big Wishes for
Little Feat is a wonderful tale that will ignite the imagination with its rich,
colorful illustrations by award-winning Italian illustrator Paolo d'Altan.
Central to the book's charm is the imagery of stars and constellations to which
a little girl and her horse both look for inspiration, confidence, and faith in
themselves, as they learn how to turn disappointments into achievements. A
quirky aunt adds to the fun of this tale of happy endings and new beginnings.
For young girls who love animals with a special fondness for the magic of
This is a story about a horse who never stopped believing.
His name is Lafitte De Muze. Lafitte was born on a horse farm called Bonneville
in the Kingdom of Belgium.
Lafitte was a happy colt who played with his friends from
the early dawn of the misty mornings through the warmth of the late-afternoon
sunshine. Most of all, he loved running through—and rolling in—the delicious,
sweet clover that covered the green pastures.
There was something magical about Lafitte. His brown eyes
sparkled with mischief and humor.
His soft, mahogany-colored coat gleamed, especially in the
late-afternoon sunlight. His tail was as glossy and dark as the nest imported
As the months passed, the other foals grew taller, and their
legs grew longer and longer. But try as he might to catch up when his friends galloped
in the field, La tte was often left behind.
“It doesn’t matter,” he told himself. “I’ll run twice as
And even though there were times when he was out of breath,
that’s exactly what he did. It made him happy to see his friends raise their heads
and whinny their admiration at his agility and speed when he caught up—and
eventually passed them.
Besides, he thought, as he sailed over anything that crossed
his path, no one can jump as high as I can.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Cheryl Olsten
was formerly the publisher of two New Jersey Magazines, New Jersey Life and New
Jersey Life Health and Beauty.She
resides in Pennsylvania with her husband, while their grown children are living
their happy lives on different parts of the globe.
Cheryl Olsten’s Big Wishes for Little Feat is such a beautiful and magical tale. I really enjoyed reading this cute book. I loved every single page and enjoy the beautiful, colorful and vibrant illustrations, as well.
I am giving Big Wishes for Little Feat a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for young readers, especially for those horse lovers.
I received Big Wishes for Little Feat from the publisher. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.