Monday, November 5, 2018

Blog Tour and Giveaway: Storm Taken by William Michael Davidson

Book Details:

Book Title: Storm Taken by William Michael Davidson
Category: Adult fiction, 268 pages
Genre: Thriller, Sci-fi
Publisher: Clean Reads
Release date: July 16, 2018
Tour dates: Oct 15 to Nov 9, 2018
Content Rating: PG-13 + M (There's a few graphic scenes with violence, alluded to adult situations as far as sex is concerned. But no real profanity and anything explicit.)

Book Description:

Trapped on Naples Island, Eddie Dees does everything he can to hold his family together. A supernatural storm is feeding on people’s fear and paranoia. The more people turn on each other, the stronger it becomes.

Believing there are small, systematic breaks in the storm, he plans to make his way off the island with as many residents as possible. But he must first deal with the crazed gunman roaming the streets as well as another growing threat: Klutch, a violent army vet suffering PTSD, has recruited a band of followers who believe the storm is a weaponized weather experiment gone awry. Klutch plans on stopping anyone from leaving the island, and one of his followers is Eddie’s own teenage son.

To read reviews, please visit William Michael Davidson's page on iRead Book Tours.

Buy the Book:

Meet the Author:

William Michael Davidson lives in Long Beach, California. A believer that "good living produces good writing," Davidson writes early in the morning so he can get outside, exercise, spend time with people, and experience as much as possible. He is a writer of suspense and speculative fiction. If he's not writing, he's probably at the beach.

Connect with the Author: Twitter ~ Facebook

Guest Post

The Beginning

I’m not sure if most writers can remember the first time they knew they wanted to write, but I think I can. 
I was in the fifth grade.  I remember we used to go to Language Lab and we would have a chance to do some creative writing and listen to stories.  I vividly remember sitting down one day on the floor while one of the teachers took out a book and began to read us a short story called Charlie.  As I listened, my eyes wandered to the board and I saw a poster with a hot air balloon.  The words on the poster read something like: YOUR IMAGINATION CAN TAKE YOU ANYWHERE.
I don’t know what other students thought of that picture, but for me, I actually believed it.
I remember sitting there as a young boy, thinking, this is amazing.  With my imagination, I can do absolutely anything I want!
And I remember thinking I wanted to write stories.
Lots of them.
And that’s where it all began.
Not long after, I walked into class and I saw my name on the board.  I remember wondering, why is my name on the board?  Am I in trouble?  What did I do?
I was pretty talkative in that class, so I assumed I had done something wrong.
But then Mrs. Hugo, my teacher, walked up to me and told me: “Billy, you won the radio contest.  Remember the poem you wrote that I submitted for you?  They are going to read your poem on the radio today.”
I was stunned.
Later that day, Mrs. Hugo turned on the radio, and the whole class listened while some woman on the radio read my poem.  I can still remember the first line: “Rainbow mist and sandy shores open magic corridors, and if someone steps in one, they’ll go far beyond the sun…”
It was the best feeling in the world.
I was kind of a nerdy kid at that point, but I remember thinking: Wow, I’m not an athlete, I’m not a surfer, but I’m good with words.  I’m like this feeling.  I like it a lot.
I’m going to keep doing it.

Enter the Giveaway!
Ends Nov 17, 2018

My Review

Storm Taken: A Supernatural Thriller is the first book I have read by William Michael Davidson. I thought it was pretty good. Eddie Dees and his family stuck on Naples Island. A “supernatural storm” is making many people scared and making them crazy, causing the storm grow. As Eddie tries to escape for help, he encounters Klutch and his violent followers, including Eddie’s son. Klutch and his followers will do anything to keep everyone on the island. What will Eddie do to keep his family safe from these forces?

Storm Taken is one book that has quite a different story line than I am used to. It started a little slow at first and confusing to me, but about a quarter of the way through, I was hooked. It started getting fast paced and hard for me to stop reading. It is high on action, adventure, mystery and suspense. I had never imagined it was going to end the way it did. To me, it was no way at all predictable.

I thought Storm Taken was a great read. One I did not expect to enjoy reading it as much as I did. I would love to read more by William Michael Davidson in the future. This book is proves that he definitely has talent to write unique supernatural thrillers that will keep a reader engaged (and make them feel a little creeped out, too).

I am giving Storm Taken four and a half stars. I recommend it for Stephen King fans.

I received this book from the publisher. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.

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