Wednesday, October 14, 2020

VBT and Giveaway: The Unholy by Paul DeBlassie III

The Unholy
by Paul DeBlassie III


GENRE: Thriller



Winner of the International Book Award and Pinnacle Book Award for Visionary Fiction! The Unholy is a dramatic story of Claire Sanchez, a young medicine woman, intent on discovering the closely-guarded secrets of her past. Forced into a life-and-death battle against an evil Archbishop, William Anarch, she confronts the dark side of religion and the horror of one man's will to power.



Claire took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and quieted her mind so she could focus on the day’s work ahead. She noticed the unease that came with anticipating Elizabeth’s grating voice and demanding presence, knowing it was a signal that the work with Elizabeth would be demanding. Soon, a mild sense of heat went up her spine to the center of her forehead, the place of the mystic third eye, and into her hands and fingertips. Claire meditated on this feeling,
which gradually became stronger, softer, and kindled empathy, an ability to feel what her patients felt, to understand their pain, to help them to heal. She had learned about the mystic third eye as a young child when her mother had taught her to respect the world of invisible realities. After her mother’s death, Claire had continued to learn from the medicine women who had been friends of her mother, one in particular who had assumed responsibility for her care
and instructed her well in the art of healing and natural magic.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Paul DeBlassie III, Ph.D. is a depth psychologist and award-winning writer living in his native New Mexico. He specializes in treating individuals in emotional and spiritual crisis. His novels, visionary thrillers, delve deep into archetypal realities as they play out dramatically in the lives of everyday people. Memberships include the Author’s Guild, Visionary Fiction Alliance, Depth Psychology Alliance, International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, and the International Association for Jungian Studies.

Who do you admire most? 

I most admire Kate, my wife, mother, grandmother, fantastic wife, artist and art historian for over forty
years! She an amazingly loving and creative woman.

When did you decide to become a writer? 

I knew at age 16 that I wanted to be a psychologist/writer. The unconscious mind interested me in
clinical practice and translated to writing supernatural thrillers.

What does your writing space look like? 

My study is an intimate space of books, an old desk, Native fetishes, and magical symbols that
inspire archetypally charged novels like The Unholy.

What motivates you to write? 

There's been a fire in me to write (a steady heartbeat as one editor said). I write daily because it clears
my mind, fills my soul, and sets me right.



Paul DeBlassie III will be awarding $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


July 29: Aubrey Wynne
July 29: Rogue's Angels
August 5: T's stuff
August 12: Viviana MacKade
August 19: The Avid Reader
August 26: Two Ends of the Pen
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November 18: It's Raining Books
November 25: Long and Short Reviews

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  1. Thanks for the excerpt! The book sounds fascinating!

  2. Good morning and thank you for the book description and giveaway. 

  3. Enjoyed reading the excerpt and interview, sounds like a thrilling book to read, thanks for sharing!

  4. It sounds like a really interesting book. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Thanks for sharing! Paul, if there were to be a cookbook based on your story, what would an appetizer, entree, and dessert look like?

  6. Love the excerpt and this series.
