Monday, October 7, 2019

VBT and Giveaway: Lucky Chance by RC Welch

Lucky Chance
by RC Welch


GENRE: Fiction



Golf, love, life—Jack Weatherlow is more than familiar with all three. Is life a series of coincidences or is it linked by a greater thread? Returning from the brink of destruction, Jack lets his participation in recovery, his work at the hotel, and his close relationship with his wife, Samantha, guide him through some of life's most important questions and lessons. What do we do when opportunity knocks at our door? Is it fate that brings us together with those we love most? What constitutes a family and what obligations do we have to those around us? Through his relationships and experiences on and off the green, Jack discovers many of life's lucky chances.



I believe that my mother saw me as an offensive predator. That depiction is also a product of natural, but highly convoluted, logic. Inside my childhood home, typically accepted roles tended to become wildly skewed from commonly accepted norms. Such a thing seems to follow, when the rules of engagement are based on upon illusion, rather than truth and honesty. I had a legitimate mother, who was an adult, but she was, in equal measure, an unpredictable and unmerciful tyrant and fiend. I thought I saw my mom enter my bedroom at night, but I always engaged with a monster, instead.

Reconciling this sinister conundrum installed a type of internal courtroom scene in my heart, mind and soul. I visit that court of inquisition quite regularly, and I have done so, throughout all remembered life. I stand trial for crimes relating to common actions and simple decisions. The charges I face are modest. I am accused of being less than I might have been. The verdict is, always, guilty. The sentence is humble. I don’t think very highly of myself. That courtroom is the second distinction which hails from childhood days with my alcoholic mother.
Nevertheless, I learned to defend myself inside my home. I developed a dependable set of tactical engagement routines. Most of the time, they are stored away like cleaned guns, quiet and harmless, but they are also ready for loading, and aiming, and firing when needed. Sam is attempting to discourage the practice of opening my arsenal. I actually love her for that, and quite fittingly, I feel the scorch of shame whenever I begin to jingle the keys to my heirloom gun cabinet.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Summer is in full swing - folks are hitting the golf course by day, and reflecting on life as the sunsets go later into the evening. In the spirit of golf and life, Charlotte-based Warren Publishing has released Lucky Chance, a thoughtful and moving novel by businessman, golfer and public speaker, R.C. Welch.

Lucky Chance is a 346-page soft cover book that addresses some of life’s most thought-provoking and insightful dilemmas and lessons through the lens of Jack Weatherlow. A golfer, husband, and alcoholic in recovery, Jack returns from the brink of destruction, and through his recovery, work, and relationship with his wife, Samantha, he attempts to find the answers to some of life’s most important questions. What do we do when opportunity knocks at our door? Is it fate that brings us together with those we love most? What constitutes a family and what obligations do we have to those around us? Through his relationships and experiences on and off the green, Jack discovers many of life’s lucky chances.

Inspired by his love of golf, business, and storytelling, Welch wrote Lucky Chance to give readers insight into a character he loves, and connect certain apparent similarities in life between obviously different circumstances.

“Lucky Chance is a wonderfully crafted novel, rich with narrative originality, and emotional and philosophical depth,” added Mindy Kuhn, President of Warren Publishing. “It’s a fantastic, unique read for anyone who enjoys reading about sports or love, but also for those looking to delve into the truly intricate and complicated questions of life.”

R.C. Welch holds graduate and post graduate degrees from two universities, and is honorably recognized in various circles of the business world. He is also an accomplished golfer, storyteller and public speaker. Lucky Chance is an expression of his innate and unique gifts. He currently resides in Winston Salem, NC.

Amazon Link:



If you could pick one person, who would you say you admire most? Why?
His writing, regardless of subject, whether religious in nature or fictional seems so succinct and efficient.  However, his writing under those descriptors is also, everything that needs to be said.  I admire that talent.  I also admire the subject matter or themes that he chooses to tackle.  He is brave and articulate and expressive and polished all at the same time.  I can only hope to model my own aspirations after such an example.

What is the title of your first story you ever written? (published or non published) and what's it about?
The Great Senior Skip Day.  I wrote a fictional portrayal of an actual event that, in many ways, but also unexpectedly, shaped lives and revealed aspects of living that was and is quite extraordinary.  The story concerns the events surrounding a single day where the senior graduating class of a particular high school skipped out on an entire day of classes to celebrate their upcoming graduation.

What is your favorite snack while writing?
Lays Jalapeño Chips- Kettle cooked.  I’ll eat a whole bag.

When did you decide to become a writer?
I’m not sure that I decided.  One day, my wife found my old day planners from work.  She read them.  She said. “No one records their work like this!  Did you ever think about becoming a writer, for real?”
Me, “”
Wife, “Honey, I think you missed your calling, at least until now.”

I’ve been a writer ever since, but perhaps, I was a writer from the beginning.



RC Welch will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


October 11: Independent Authors 
October 14: The Avid Reader 
October 15: BooksChatter 
October 16: T's Stuff 
October 17: The Reading Addict 
October 18: Our Town Book Reviews 

October 18: Long and Short Reviews 

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  1. Thanks so much for sharing your terrific book. I sure enjoyed reading about it and appreciate you taking the time to share it with us.

  2. Great excerpt and interview - thanks for sharing!

  3. How long did it take you to write your book? Congrats on the release.

  4. Absolutely lovely, best of luck on the promo too.

  5. This book sounds like a terrific read.

  6. Thanks for the giveaway; I like the excerpt.

  7. happy wed whats your fave thing to do hump dayy

  8. happy thursday and thanks for the excerpt

  9. Hope everyone is have a super week!
