Wednesday, March 6, 2019

VBT and Giveway: Tinsey Clover by Chelsea Flagg

Tinsey Clover
by Chelsea Flagg


GENRE: Middle Grade



Tinsey Clover is smart. She’s brave. Also, she can’t carry a tune to save her life. Oh yeah, plus she's an elf the size of a chipmunk. When her bizarre magical power grows in and makes her feel like a total outsider in her own village, Tinsey sneaks into the forbidden forest on a journey to find someone more like her. From trolls to dragons, what she discovers along the way challenges everything, and everyone, she thought she knew.

A coming of age story for early middle grade fans of Sarah Mlynowski, Kate DiCamillo, and Chris Colfer.



We speed through the forest, zig-zagging between tree trunks so huge not even a giant could wrap his arms around one, let alone find the radius and diameter on the thing. The morning fog’s mostly gone now, which makes it much easier to see the little burst of reds and yellows from the  wildflowers that grow here. The most colorful item around though is Aspen’s hair. Although, I must say, it looks less like hair and much more like a blue blur as he races ahead of me on his fox.

Pretty soon, all the head honcho trealfurs come into view, sitting knee to knee to form an oval. At first, each of the trealfurs looks like a tiny ant, but they quickly grow as our foxes dart closer toward the council spot.

Aspen barks sharply, and his fox comes to a halt right away. Of course. My fox, on the other hand, doesn’t even slow down, let alone stop. Maybe it didn’t hear Aspen’s orders, but I know better. This fox is just being cheeky, because that’s how wild animals are with me sometimes. It’s like they know I don’t fit in here, too. All I can do is hold on as my rowdy critter runs at full speed straight into the circle. Trealfurs scatter and roll everywhere, trying not to get run over. And still, my ride barrels forward. That’s another thing about animals: they are not always sensible.

Tucking my chin to my chest, I let go and bounce off, hitting the cold green blanket of moss and leaves on the ground. I don’t have much time to notice how it feels to have the air knocked out of my lungs before my whole body rolls noggin over knees and shoulders over shins. Funny sounds pop out of my mouth that I have absolutely no control over.    

“Ooof! Eeef! Ouch!” And, my personal favorite: “AIEEEEE!”

I summersault straight toward Uncle Vondur, the King of the Bungaborg Trealfurs, forcing him to dive out of my way. But, I don’t stop there. No sirree. I careen right past him and into a large bush. Some might think rolling into a bush is a lucky thing, and usually I would agree. Unless it happens to be a very healthy thistle plant. Don’t get me wrong, the purple burrs on a thistle plant are quite beautiful, but just not so much when you’re rolling around in them.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Chelsea was born and raised in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado, where she spent countless hours writing stories. Mostly about cats.

In 2015, she published her first book: a quirky memoir for adults called I'd Rather Wear Pajamas that talks all about the journey through her young adult life that led to her becoming an author. It was an Amazon #1 best seller for five straight days and continues to elicit full belly laughs from its readers.   

After the birth of her children, Chelsea shifted her writing to the kidlit world. She’s thrilled to share her newest baby: Tinsey Clover.

Chelsea lives in Boulder with her husband and three practically perfect daughters. Unfortunately, she doesn’t own any cats.




Chelsea Flagg will be awarding $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

February 25: Long and Short Reviews
February 25: Rogue's Angels
February 26: Books in the Hall
February 27: Our Town Book Reviews
March 5: BooksChatter
March 6: Locks, Hooks and Books - review only
March 6: Literary Gold - review
March 8: Kit 'N Kabookle - review

My Review

I enjoyed Tinsey Clover. I found it to be quite the heartwarming, delightful and magical tale. Miss Tinsey is a brave little thing. It was fun to find out what she would get herself into on the follow pages. I never knew what she would do next.

I give Tinsey Clover four stars. I would love to read more by this author in the future.  I think younger readers would enjoy it as much as I did.

I received this book from the publisher. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.

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  1. Great post, I enjoyed reading it and thanks for the giveaway :)

  2. Wow. I really like the cover and the lettering. Very attractive!

  3. It has been great hearing about your book and although I am not the reader myself, my 2 sisters and 2 daughters are. They love hearing about the genre's they like and me helping them get to find books they will enjoy. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Awesome - so great to hear, James! I hope you'll check it out for your sisters and daughters!
