Thursday, October 24, 2019

Blog Tour and Giveaway: That April in Santa Monica by Melody Deblois

That April in Santa Monica
by Melody DeBlois


GENRE:   Contemporary Romance



Madison receives acclaim for running a talent agency for people with disabilities, but she doesn't know how to take care of herself. When her altruism becomes life-threatening—a matter of either develop healthy habits or die—she joins a reality TV show that pairs her with hot, raven-haired Brandon. He is witty, sexy, and her teacher. That makes him off limits.

After a successful run on a soap opera, Brandon stepped away from empty fame and now focuses on his work as TV's most noted health teacher. He has one fast rule—never fall for a student. But when he meets Madison, their chemistry is combustible. There's no hiding their conflict or their attraction, especially when it's all caught on film.



“Don’t you feel the sun’s energy balancing and healing you?”

What Madison felt was Brandon’s body heat radiating through her, tightening her muscles, skimming up her spine. That kind of warmth should come with a warning— exposure might cause side effects. Maybe she could have blamed it on chemistry or like attracting like— called it a lethal injection. She was dying for want of him.

She managed to say, “I see a halo around the sun.”

“Feel it vibrate?” he asked, turning to look at her.

Somehow, she didn’t think watching the sky had anything to do with it. The heat had gathered at the sweet place between her legs— another side effect of her being close to him. If this didn’t end up in a kiss, she didn’t think she’d be able to bear it.

Drawing in a long shaky breath, she said, “I do feel the vibration.” Oh, did she!

“Being out in the middle of nature, with the birds and the sea creatures, it does something to a person, don’t you think?”

“Amen to Mother Earth,” she said dreamily.

“There’s harmony in the sounds.” His breath seemed to have caught in his throat.

“Yes, a more beautiful melody could not exist.”

“Do you feel your eyes blur? It’s the sun cleansing you.”

Cleansing? Try heating up as if some crazy so-and-so had switched on the gas.

She moaned, “My eyes have become pools of marvel.” No, that wasn’t right. They were pools of longing, no mistaking


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Born in California, award winning author, Melody DeBlois follows the sun. When she isn’t swimming laps, she’s writing sweet and sassy romances. Her heroines are self-reliant and smart and her heroes are kind by nature and love dogs. She lives in California during the summer and spends winters in Arizona with her husband. She has plotted her novels while hiking the beach or trekking across the desert. Her most treasured possession is family.



Who do you admire most?
There are so many people I’ve admired through the years that it’s impossible to narrow it down to a single person. The first and foremost is Mother Theresa, but I also admire Audrey Hepburn for her charitable work with UNICEF, and I admire Michelle Obama for all she did as the First Lady. The element that connects these women is their determination to improve the lot of the poor. I’ve always held that in high regard.

Who do you consider the most influential writer? And what book of theirs is your favorite?
Louisa May Alcott influenced me greatly when I was growing up. She was prolific and versatile. I’d not realized how much she had accomplished for the advancement of women writers until I was older. She lived independently and avoided the conventions of the day. Her book Little Women influenced my own writing. I liked the themes of growing to maturity, dealing with adversity, and developing good morals.  Although I’m writing in the Romance genre, I try to incorporate these same themes in my work.

What was the title of your first book written—published or non-published?
My first book was called Waiting for the Magic. It was a children’s fantasy that had no real plot because I didn’t know back then about such things as plotting.  I sat at the dining room table and strung together a conglomeration of stories without any introspection or point of view. I hadn’t as yet picked up a how-to-write book or taken a writing class. I hadn’t been introduced to a critique group. I had no writing pals. I just had this dream of being read. I sent the manuscript, wrapped in Christmas paper, to Bantam. In turn, they graciously wrote a personal rejection. “May you keep the joy we find in your writing.” Well, I believe I’ve kept the joy. If not, I wouldn’t be rolling out of bed each morning just as eager to write and to be read.



Melody DeBlois will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


October 14: Fabulous and Brunette
October 15: Viviana MacKade
October 15: Full Moon Dreaming
October 21: The Reading Addict
October 22: All the Ups and Downs
October 25: Our Town Book Reviews

October 25: It's Raining Books

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  1. Thanks so much for sharing your terrific book. I sure enjoyed reading about it and appreciate you taking the time to share it with us.

  2. Thank you for hosting me today here at Locks, Hooks, and Books. I am happy to see you posted the tour on your website. A great way for others to follow the book tour or to catch up on a blog they might have missed.

  3. So interesting to hear from the author! Thanks for sharing.

  4. What surprised you about this story?

    1. I was surprised that the more I wrote about the change in Madison, the more I found myself changing. My habits became much healthier. Thank you for asking:)

  5. Thanks for the great interview and the giveaway!

  6. Thank you for sharing an excerpt, this sounds great

  7. Good evening, Melody! My question for you tonight is, which type of character do you enjoy the most in a story? The hero, the villain or someone who is a little bit of both?

  8. Thank you for hosting me yesterday.

  9. Thank you for having me on your blog site.
