We are uniquely shaped by innovations that influenced us during our "coming of age" years between 10 and 25.
It is the technological interactions in our adolescence and college
years that guide our generational frames more than anything else, not the day we were born.We are generations of technology. We are GenTech.
- Dr. Rick Chromey
Join us for this tour from Mar 23 to Apr 3, 2020!
Book Details:
Book Title: GenTech: An American Story of Technology, Change and Who We Really Are by Dr. Rick Chromey
Category: Adult Non-fiction 18 yrs +, 328 pages
Genre: History / Cultural & Technical History
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
Release date: May 26, 2020
Tour dates: Mar 23 to Apr 3, 2020
Content Rating: G : This is a non-fiction book about our technical history and how it has shaped our culture.
Book Description:
Every twenty years a new generation rises, but who and what defines these generations? And could current generational tags mislead and miss the point? In this insightful analysis of technology history since 1900, Dr. Rick Chromey offers a fresh perspective for understanding what makes a generation tick and differ from others. Within GenTech, readers learn how every generation uniquely interacts with particular technologies that define historical temperament and personality and why current generational labels are more fluid than fixed, and more loopy than linear. Consequently, three major generational constellations emerge, each containing four, twenty-year generations that overlap, merge, and blend:
- The Audio Generations (1900-1950): Transportation-Telephone Generation (1900-1920), Motion Picture Generation (1910-1930), Radio Generation (1920-1940), Vinyl Record Generation (1930-1950)
- The Visual Generations (1940-1990): Television Generation (1940-1960), Space Generation (1950-1970), Gamer Generation (1960-1980) and Cable Television Generation (1970-1990)
- The Digital Generations (1980-2000): Personal Computer-Cell Phone Generation (1980-2000), Net Generation (1990-2010), iTech Generation (2000-2020), and Robotics Generation (2010-2030). Dive in and revel in this exciting, compelling, and novel perspective to understanding recent American generations with GenTech.
Official Scheduled Release Date is May 26, 2020.
Pre-Order Now:
Amazon.com ~ Barnes & Noble ~ IndieBound
BAM ~ Powell's ~ Indigo ~ Rediscovered Books
Pre-Order Now:
Amazon.com ~ Barnes & Noble ~ IndieBound
BAM ~ Powell's ~ Indigo ~ Rediscovered Books
Meet the Author:
Rick Chromey is a cultural explorer, social historian and generational
futurist. He’s also served as a pastor, professor, speaker/trainer, and
consultant. In 2017, he founded MANNA! Educational Services
International to inspire and equip leaders, teachers, pastors, and
parents. Rick has a doctorate in leadership and the emerging culture;
and travels the U.S. and world to speak on culture, faith, history,
education, and leadership topics. He has authored over a dozen books on
leadership, natural motivation, creative communication, and classroom
management. He lives with his wife, Linda, in Meridian, Idaho.
Connect with the Author: website ~ youtube ~ facebook ~ twitter ~ instagram
Connect with the Author: website ~ youtube ~ facebook ~ twitter ~ instagram
Guest Post:
What Goes Around Comes Around: How We View Younger Generations
They’re lazy, entitled, arrogant, non-committal, and disrespectful. That’s how many older people view the youth of today. In a 2019 survey of over 900 leaders, Carey Nieuwhof tapped into the frustration of many elders today.[1] Today’s younger generations are glued to their smartphone, lack loyalty to the company line and want now what took other people years to earn. Their reliance on social, cyber and digital media has created a general ignorance and arrogance. As one elder smirked, “They are experts at nothing but have an opinion for everything.”
One nation under Google
But these sentiments are nothing new. Four hundred years before Christ walked the planet, Socrates penned: “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”[2]
Socrates sounds like the average Boomer today.
And a Boomer should know
Back in their youth—the 1950s and 1960s—their G.I. Generation elders complained about their generation too. They were rebels without a cause. Beatniks and hippies. They were flower children and acid freaks. These Spock kids wore leather jackets, dungarees, and miniskirts. They greased their hair and listened to sexually charged music called “rock and roll.” They didn’t work as hard as their Depression-era elders, preferring to tune out, light up and drop in whenever they wanted. They were an opinionated anti-war generation raised on television (a.k.a the boob tube and idiot box).
In the 1980s and 1990s, Gen X became the new target.
The name “Gen X” says it all
Gen X carried negative monikers all their lives. They were Rosemary’s babies and Exorcist children. They were goonies, nerds, bad news bears and children of the corn. Later they were tagged the “dumb” generation, a nation at risk and slackers. Gen X listened to grunge, heavy metal and rap. They wore their baseball caps backward and their jeans (with holes) to their knees. They were tattooed and pierced. Gen X was raised on cable television, corporate rock and Sesame Street. They were an opinionated anti-institution generation.
Now it’s the Millennials turn to be dissed
And they don’t like it any more than we did.
Every generation matures to a point that it views youth (and youthfulness) with disdain. It’s natural and expected. Perhaps because, as we age, we pine for what was. We miss those days when we were carefree, irresponsible, reckless and impulsive. If we’re honest, we see ourselves in those kids…and cringe. And then we start sounding more like grandpas and grandmas…because we are.
What goes around, comes around.
It’s been that way since Adam and Eve lamented how Cain turned out.
GenTech is having a best seller party, Thursday, March 26, 2020, 7-8pm EST on Amazon and the book will be free for 1-hour. Join us, and please share!
Want to learn more about GenTech? Go to www.mygentech.us, and we are on Facebook: @authorrichchromey, Twitter: @MyGenTech2020, and Instagram @MyGenTech. You can reach Dr. Rick Chromey at rick@rickchromey.com.
[1] “5 Things Older Leaders Can’t Stand About Younger Leaders” by Carey Nieuwhof: https://careynieuwhof.com/5-things-older-leaders-cant-stand-about-younger-leaders/
Tour Schedule:
Mar 23 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Mar 23 - Working Mommy Journal – book spotlight / giveaway
Mar 24 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
Mar 24 - Splashes of Joy – book spotlight / giveaway
Mar 25 - Rockin Book Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Mar 25 - Celticlady's Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
Mar 25 – The Irresponsible Reader – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Mar 25 - Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Mar 26 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway
Mar 26 - Library of Clean Reads – book spotlight / giveaway
Mar 26 – Mystery Suspense Reviews – book spotlight / guest post
Mar 27 – The Avid Reader – book spotlight / giveaway
Mar 30 – Books and Zebras – book spotlight / giveaway
Mar 31 – T’s stuff – book spotlight / giveaway
Mar 31 - Sefina Hawke's Books – book spotlight
Apr 1 – Stephanie Jane – book spotlight / giveaway
Apr 2 – Books for Books – book spotlight
Apr 3 - Svetlana's reads and views – book spotlight / giveaway
Thank you for sharing this intriguing article and book.
ReplyDeleteThank you for joining the tour, we are grateful for your participation! Rick is delighted to provide a guest blog post. We will share to social media. Lynette Hoy and author Dr. Rick Chromey
ReplyDeleteWe are so grateful for your sharing this information and hope you will all join us tomorrow, Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 7pm EST for our bestseller campaign, it will last one hour! It will take place online on Amazon only. The eBook version, which is live now, will be free for one hour. https://amzn.to/2UAofah You may have to refresh this link tomorrow night! Thank you!