Sunday, February 28, 2021

Blog Tour and Giveaway: Alabama Days by Daphne Self

About the Book

Book:  Alabama Days

Author: Daphne Self

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release date: June 16, 2020

How could a loving God hurt so many people?

Paramedic Scott Wilson believes he can chase death away, but his spirit is shattered when people he loves are taken from him. As a paramedic, Scott sees every day the pain that people suffer, and he wants no part of a God that would allow bad things to happen to good people. As a result, he hides behind his work and addiction to ease the pain within his soul.

But once newspaper reporter Angela Mabry and her son, Max, move into town, Scott can’t help but notice the feisty redhead. Angela is determined to uncover the town’s seedy underbelly and reveal the strange coincidences of so many car accidents at one location.

When a prominent city official dies in a car wreck, Scott and Angela find themselves tangled in intrigue and deception. Together they search for the truth and discover that not all is what it seems.

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Daphne Self, formerly published under the name D.M. Webb, resides in Iowa. As a Mississippian transplant, she spends her days in the Midwest state writing, editing, reading, antiquing, and planning adventures with her husband and sons. She pursues her dream as an editor and author with one goal in mind: To Glorify His Name. Daphne is also an avid reader who devours books in many genres.

More from Daphne

Why Did I Write What I Wrote?

One question that is always asked of me: “How did you come up with your book?”

Well, it is simple and complex. Like the helix shape of a DNA strand that holds four proteins in an infinite combination, my ideas are a lot like that. My first book, Mississippi Nights, started off as a book from my childhood. I wrote One Big Happy Family when I was about 16. It was buried and put aside for so many, many years. And after the line-of-duty death of my husband in 2005, the idea of resurrecting that novel percolated for some time. Finally in 2010, I took the story, revamped it, and drew from life to create a story about the prodigal son who returns home to family. It wasn’t just his story, but a story about his brother, a family friend, and a little girl. Mississippi Nights brought to life the story of alcoholism and how a person can fall into that addiction.

After that book was published, I started thinking: “What if someone saw death, hurt, and sorrow on a daily basis? What if that person didn’t have Jesus to lean upon? What would he do?”

And that’s how Alabama Days was born. While Mississippi Nights dealt with alcoholism, Alabama Days dealt with drug abuse, and in this case, prescription drug abuse.

Yet it was much deeper than that. What if the person was a really good guy? He was likable, generous, loving, yet he lacked that one relationship that would bring him peace. If he were someone who did what was right, no matter what, what would happen if he committed a wrong act only to find that his wrong act saved the life of another?

I had so many ethnical questions thrown at my characters. How would a Christian and a non-Christian react to certain circumstances. Because life isn’t always clear-cut, yet the Bible is, I wanted to show the messiness of being human.

We know that as Christians, we all fall short. We all sin at times. The difference is that when we sin, we know we can receive forgiveness and “Go and sin no more.” But how would a person who ran from God think? How would I react if I were like him?

Writers play around with what-ifs. We see the many facets of humanity. And that’s how our stories are born. And why we write what we do. For me, I want to show the many sides of human nature and behaviour and show that in all things, Jesus is the answer. Jesus is there for us all.

So, why do I write what I do? To bring glory to His Name and hope that through my words, people will come (or return) to Christ.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, February 17

lakesidelivingsite, February 17

Among the Reads, February 18

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, February 19

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, February 19

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, February 20

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 21

Older & Smarter?, February 22

Sara Jane Jacobs, February 22

Betti Mace, February 23

Texas Book-aholic, February 24

Blogging With Carol, February 24

Inklings and notions, February 25

For Him and My Family, February 26

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, February 26

deb’s Book Review, February 27

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 28

Pause for Tales, February 28

Artistic Nobody, March 1 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 2


To celebrate her tour, Daphne is giving away the grand prize package of a copy of Mississippi Nights, a copy of Alabama Days, a floral mug, a leather Is. 40:31 bookmark, 2 mini notebooks, and a Paramedic Prayer keyring with velvet pouch!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Review: 

Alabama Days is my first introduction to Daphne Self’s books. It will not be the last. I thought this love to read a well written mystery, suspense, action, danger, adventure and romance. The story is slightly predictable but still so very good to read. It, also, highlights on some real life issues that many readers would be able to connect with and relate to. I enjoyed getting to know Angela and Scott. I thought they had great chemistry right from the start. I was entertained from start to finish.

Alabama Days is getting four stars from me. I recommend it for readers who enjoy reading romantic suspense. I look forward to reading more from A Southern Saga and Daphne Self. This one is definitely worth a read and should not be missed. I liked it.

I received Alabama Days from the publisher. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Blog Tour and Giveaway: The Lady in Residence by Allison Pittman

About the Book

Book:  The Lady in Residence

Author: Allison Pittman

Genre: Christian Historical

Release date: February 2021

Can a Legacy of Sadness be Broken at the Menger Hotel?

Visit historic American landmarks through the Doors to the Past series. History and today collide in stories full of mystery, intrigue, faith, and romance.

Young widow Hedda Krause checks into the Menger Hotel in 1915 with a trunk full of dresses, a case full of jewels, and enough cash to pay for a two-month stay, which she hopes will be long enough to meet, charm, and attach herself to a new, rich husband. Her plans are derailed when a ghostly apparition lures her into a long, dark hallway, and Hedda returns to her room to find her precious jewelry has been stolen. She falls immediately under a cloud of suspicion with her haunting tale, but true ghost enthusiasts bring her expensive pieces of jewelry in an attempt to lure the ghost to appear again.

In 2017, Dini Blackstone is a fifth-generation magician, who performs at private parties, but she also gives ghost walk tours, narrating the more tragic historical events of San Antonio with familial affection. Above all, her favorite is the tale of Hedda Krause who, in Dini’s estimation, succeeded in perpetrating the world’s longest con, dying old and wealthy from her ghost story. But then Dini meets Quinn Carmichael, great-great-grandson of the detective who originally investigated Hedda’s case, who’s come to the Alamo City with a box full of clues that might lead to Hedda’s exoneration. Can Dini see another side of the story that is worthy of God’s grace?

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Allison Pittman is the author of more than a dozen critically acclaimed novels and a four-time Christy finalist—twice for her Sister Wife series, once for All for a Story from her take on the Roaring Twenties and most recently for the critically acclaimed The Seamstress which takes a cameo character from the Dickens’ classic A Tale of Two Cities and flourishes her to life amidst the French Revolution. She lives in San Antonio, Texas, blissfully sharing an empty nest with her husband, Mike. Connect with her on Facebook (Allison Pittman Author), Twitter (@allisonkpittman) or her website,

More from Allison

From Haunting to Healing: How Stories Bring New Life to Old Ghosts

If you really think about it, every story is a ghost story. Not the floating spirits of the dearly departed kind, not bumps in the night or mysterious howling in the darkness—but the best stories come from examining a haunted heart. Memories that pursue the present.

A few years ago I took the walking tour of haunted San Antonio. It was a lark, a fun tourist-y thing to do with some visiting friends. I’m not a believer in ghosts, but I am a collector of stories. The tour opens at the Alamo—sacred ground of slain soldiers. The second stop is the Menger Hotel, listed as one of the most haunted hotels in the United States by those who measure and evaluate such things. And while the tour guide waxed on about the guests’ litany of haunted experiences (including Teddy Roosevelt raging through the lobby), my mind stuck with the story of Sallie White. Sallie White is the Menger Hotel’s most famous ghost—a chambermaid whose apparition is reported to be seen walking the halls, towels draped over her arm, or to be heard as an efficient two-rap knock on your door late at night. My mind, however, didn’t dwell on Sallie the ghost, but Sallie the woman—just a normal, hard-working, poor woman, murdered in the street by a man who claimed to love her. But for that, she would have passed into history unknown. Instead, her story is told every night as strangers gather on the very sidewalk where the crime took place.

Years after first hearing the story of Sallie white, I stayed in the Menger for a few days to gather details for The Lady in Residence. I booked what they call a “Petite” room—meaning it is a room that maintains its original structure. Read: tiny. Exposed pipes, creaky wooden floors, antique furniture—the only update, the bathroom fixtures. As it turned out, my room was directly above the place where Sallie White was murdered. One night I pressed my ear against the glass and listened to the ghost tour guide tell her story. The next morning, I stood in the exact spot with a fancy Starbucks drink, thinking about her. She lives on, not because people claim to see her walking and hear her knocking in the dead of night, but because she is a woman remembered.

So, is that beautiful? Is it ghoulish? Maybe it’s both, but when I was given the chance to write a story set in and around the Menger Hotel, I was determined to make Sallie White’s story a part of it. I didn’t want to write her story—that would have required embellishment beyond those few historic, factual tid-bits that such a woman left behind. Sallie White didn’t have correspondence to catalog or a journal to give us insight to her thoughts. Instead, I wanted to tell it to readers everywhere who might never make it to San Antonio to hear it for themselves. When you read The Lady in Residence, you are going to hear the true story of Sallie White, all of it taken from a newspaper account of the time. And then, I did what all historical writers do…I folded it into my own tale and folded that tale into another.

That’s really the joy of writing a split-time novel—being able to draw back and shoot a narrative-arrow straight through the hearts of two stories, threading them together, to bring a haunting to a place of healing.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, February 23

Artistic Nobody, February 23 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Fiction Aficionado, February 24

For the Love of Literature, February 24

Where Faith and Books Meet, February 24

Texas Book-aholic, February 25

Mia Reads Blog, February 25

Connie’s History Classroom, February 26

Inspiration Clothesline, February 26

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 27

Books I’ve Read, February 27

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, February 28

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, February 28

Remembrancy, March 1

Bigreadersite, March 1

For Him and My Family, March 2

Hallie Reads, March 2

deb’s Book Review, March 3

Blogging With Carol, March 3

By The Book, March 4

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 4

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 5

The Write Escape, March 5

Life of Literature, March 6

Inklings and notions, March 6

Godly Book Reviews, March 7

Vicky Sluiter, March 7

To Everything There is A Season, March 8

Pause for Tales, March 8


To celebrate her tour, Allison is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of The Lady in Residence!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

My Review: 

The Lady in Residence is the first book from the new Doors to the Past series. It is, also, Allison Pittman’s contribution. Wow! This book has to be my favorite that I have read by her to date. It is so very good. I love the mysterious Menger Hotel setting. I love going from present day to the past and back to the present day again. The suspense was great that kept me intrigued and not want to put the book down. 

The Lady in Residence will be getting a very well deserved five plus stars from me. I highly recommend it for readers who enjoy reading clean historical fiction and dual time lines. I will be eagerly waiting the other books from the Doors to the Past series. This one was a great introduction for it. 

I received The Lady in Residence from the publisher. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Book Blast and Giveaway: His Marriage Gamble by Nancy Fraser

His Marriage Gamble

by Nancy Fraser



GENRE: Historical Romance 



Felicity Beaumont, the rebellious daughter of Louisiana elite devises a plan to move her father’s illegally owned slaves north to safety using the gambling river boat known as the Lucky Lady. Dressed as a young farm boy, she attempts to sell family heirlooms to raise the funds she needs. Short the full amount, she continues her ruse and bargains her way aboard the boat as their chaperone.


Charismatic owner of the Lucky Lady, Jake McAlister doesn’t trust women, and when he discovers Felicity’s subterfuge, he remembers exactly why.


While they find themselves in agreement about helping the free men and women, they are at odds over everything else, including their quickly escalating feelings for one another. When caught between Felicity’s powerful father and the ire of a local judge, they’re forced into a marriage neither wanted.


Can they make the best of a bad situation? And, will gambling on love be a bust or reap them both a happily ever after? 



Jake McAlister lifted his foot to the railing above the Lucky Lady’s stern and lit a thin cheroot, its tip glowing bright red in the dark night sky. His cargo hadn’t yet arrived, and he felt the first stirring of concern. He’d asked permission to dock at this unfamiliar port under the guise of making some repairs. To overstay his welcome would draw attention he didn’t want or need. He’d give them twenty minutes and then…

“Excuse me, are you Jake McAlister?”

Jake raised his head. A young boy of no more than fifteen or sixteen stood before him. “Can I help you, kid?”

“I’m here to arrange passage for some of my friends.”

The boy coughed out his words, and Jake had to stifle a chuckle at the lad’s attempt to hide the obvious changes in his voice. “You’re the one who contacted me?” Jake asked.

“Yes.” The boy shuffled nervously from one foot to the other and kept his gaze narrowed on the ship’s deck.

“And, just where are these friends of yours?”

The boy let out a shrill whistle and a long line of blacks came out from behind a nearby building, first the men, then the women and, finally, the children. They arrived carrying their worldly belongings in a few large satchels, a handful of worn burlap sacks and, surprisingly, one rather expensive-looking steamer trunk. Jake counted heads as they came on board.

“I count four men, six women, and sixteen children. At fifty bucks a head for the adults and twenty for the children, that comes to eight hundred and twenty.”

“That’s right,” the boy confirmed, “how much extra for me?”

“I don’t take spectators on these runs, boy. The agreement is to take the blacks north to freedom. From the looks of them, they don’t need a caretaker, unless it’s to help them read.”

“My friends all know how to read, Mr. McAlister. And write.”

“Then they don’t need you, do they?”

“I’ve got the money.”

“Which you are going to give to me.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Jumping Across Romance Genres with Gleeful Abandon—is an Amazon Top 100 and Award-Winning author who can’t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

Like most authors, Nancy began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.

Nancy has published over thirty-five books in full-length, novella, and short format.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

Author Social Media:



Twitter:  @nfraserauthor


Amazon Author Page:





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Will doing the right thing be his first mistake? Or, his last?

He's the owner of a gambling riverboat. She's the willful daughter of a rich man, hoping to free his wrongfully indentured slaves.

Can he help her with her quest without consequence? Or, will he end up with a bride he didn't want?

Purchase Links:  The Book is on sale for $0.99 During the Tour.




Barnes & Noble:;


Universal Link:

Custom Link:

Print Link:





Nancy Fraser will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


Blog Tour and Giveaway: A Dance in Donegal by Jennifer Deibel

About the Book

All her life, Boston-born Moira Doherty has relished her mother's descriptions of the Emerald Isle. When her mother dies unexpectedly in the summer of 1920, Moira is compelled to fulfill her dying wish--that she become the teacher in Ballymann, the beloved village in Donegal, Ireland, she's heard so much about.

After an arduous voyage, Moira begins a challenging new job in an unfamiliar and ancient country. Though a few locals offer a warm welcome, others are distanced by superstition and suspicion. Rumors about Moira's mother are unspoken in her presence but threaten to derail everything she's journeyed to Ballymann to do. Moira must rely on the kindness of a handful of friends--and the strength of Sean, an unsettlingly handsome thatcher who keeps popping up unannounced--as she seeks to navigate a life she'd never dreamed of . . . but perhaps was meant to live.

About the Author

Jennifer Deibel is a middle school teacher whose work has appeared on (in)courage, on The Better Mom, in Missions Mosaic magazine, and other publications. With firsthand immersive experience abroad, Jennifer writes stories that help redefine home through the lens of culture, history, and family. After nearly a decade of living in Ireland and Austria, she now lives in Arizona with her husband and their three children.

You can find her online at www.jenniferdeibel.comFacebook (@JenniferDeibelAuthor), and Instagram (@jenniferdeibel_author).

What Others are Saying

"Jennifer Deibel's debut is rich in atmosphere, family mystery, and sweet romance. A gem!"
~ Julie Klassen, author of The Bridge to Belle Island

"With an authenticity born of having lived in Ireland herself, the author deftly paints a lush landscape, colorful customs, and memorable characters with personal journeys of their own. This impressive debut marks Jennifer Deibel as an author to watch."
~ Jocelyn Green, Christy Award-winning author of Veiled in Smoke

"Fans of Catherine Marshall's Christy will want to clear room on their favorites shelf because this one's earned a place alongside!"
Kristy Cambron, bestselling author of The Paris Dressmaker and The Butterfly and the Violin

Book Trailer
Book Giveaway

My Review

A Dance in Donegal will probably be in my top ten of best reads for 2021. I adored this book. The story is so so good. The historical details were so vivid, I felt as though I was transported back in time in the gorgeous and beauty of Ireland. I loved Moira right from the start. 

A Dance in Donegal is getting a very well deserved from me. I highly recommend it for readers who enjoy reading books clean Historical Fiction. I will be eagerly waiting for more by Jennifer Deibel in the future. She has earned herself a new fan. 

I received A Dance in Donegal from the publisher. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion. 

Blog Tour and Giveaway: A Rendezvous to Remeber by Terry Marshall and Ann Garretson Marshall


Join us for this tour from Feb 9 to Mar 1, 2021!

Book Details:

Book TitleA Rendezvous to Remember: A Memoir of Joy and Heartache at the Dawn of the Sixties by Terry Marshall, Ann Garretson Marshall
CategoryAdult Non-Fiction (18 +), 378 pages
GenreMemoir, Romance
PublisherSandra Jonas Publishing
Release date:   Feb 2021
Tour dates: Feb 9 to Mar 1, 2021
Content Rating:  R. This memoir contains mature themes, explicit sex scenes, one f-word, and occasional profanity.

Book Description:

In June 1964, Ann Garretson skips her college commencement to tour Europe with Lieutenant Jack Sigg, a tank commander on the German-Czech border, with the hope of returning as his fiancée. A month into their rendezvous, her best friend, Terry, proposes marriage—by mail—throwing all their lives into turmoil.
Jack offers the military life Ann grew up with. Terry, a conscientious objector, will leave for the Peace Corps at the end of the summer—unless the draft board intervenes and sends him to jail. Her dilemma: she loves them both. Caught between the old mores and winds of change, Ann must make an agonizing choice. 
In alternating voices, A Rendezvous to Remember presents firsthand accounts by the two who eventually married, enriched by letters from the rival, whose path led him elsewhere. Provocative and delightfully uncensored, this coming-of-age memoir, anchored in the tumult of the sixties, is a tribute to the enduring power of love and family.

Buy the Book:
BAM ~ B&N ~ IndieBound
add to Goodreads

Meet the Authors:

Terry Marshall and Ann Garretson Marshall taught English in the Philippines as Peace Corps volunteers and later served as Peace Corps country co-directors in the Solomon Islands, Kiribati, and Tuvalu. Back in the States, they worked side by side as community organizers and activists in Colorado. Terry went on to write fiction and nonfiction works on discrimination, poverty, rural development, and intercultural conflict. Ann has thirty years of experience as a writer, editor, and community-government go-between for issues related to nuclear and hazardous waste cleanup. Always seeking adventure, Terry and Ann have traveled to forty-three countries. They live in Las Vegas, Nevada.

connect with the authors:  website ~ twitter ~ facebook ~ instagram

Guest Post:

The (Unexpected) Joys of Research: Lima Calls

The core of A Rendezvous to Remember is a trip that Ann and Jack took though Europe in the summer of 1964. As we were writing the memoir, Ann and I concluded we really needed to do that trip again—both to refresh her memories and to give me the lay of the land.

In the spring of 2014, we spent seven weeks in Europe following the trail Ann blazed with Jack in 1964—several short trips through Bavaria, then three weeks driving the route Ann and Jack took from Landshut, Germany, to Paris, Saint-Tropez, Nice, Monaco, Verona, and Lake Garda.

Jack had wanted to take Ann on a cruise down the Danube River, but he couldn’t work it in. So we (Ann and I) did it 50 years later—12 days on the Danube from Prague to Budapest. A grand time: gourmet meals, castle tours, a wine tasting, historic sights, stops in Regensburg, Vilshofen, Passau, Linz, Melk, Krems, Vienna, Bratislava, and a side trip to Salzburg.

But best of all were the people we met, especially a young couple from Lima, Peru, on their honeymoon. We made friends, chatted away evenings with them, and, as we always do, invited them to visit us in Las Vegas.

They did. A year later they came to Las Vegas to celebrate their first anniversary. They stayed with us. We toured the city—the casinos, the shows, the shops, the restaurants, and the nearby countryside. And again, we chatted away the evenings.

So a couple of years later, Ann and I detoured to Lima on our trip to Patagonia, Argentina. We spent five days in Lima, staying with them in their small apartment. We cuddled their three-month-old daughter, joined them at work in their delightful coffee shop, hiked their childhood neighborhood, and partied with their extended families.

We still keep in touch. We follow their stories on Facebook and exchange emails regularly. Their gorgeous daughter now babbles on in both Spanish and English.

Our takeaway? Yes indeed, good, solid research for your story is a must. But more importantly, it can lead to discoveries you never imagined and never planned.—Terry Marshall, coauthor, A Rendezvous to Remember

Tour Schedule:

Feb 9 –
Working Mommy Journal – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 9 - Book Corner News and Reviews - book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 10 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Feb 11 – Pick a Good Book – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Feb 12 – Splashes of Joy – books spotlight / giveaway
Feb 12 - Laura's Interests – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 15 – Read and Review – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 16 – Lisa's Everyday Reads – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 17 – Westveil Publishing – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Feb 17 - Sadie's Spotlight – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 18 – Pine Enshrined Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Feb 19 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 19 – Books for Books – book spotlight / author interview
Feb 22 - Kam's Place - book spotlight / author interview
Feb 22 - Bookish Ramblings - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Feb 22 - Book World Reviews - book spotlight

Feb 23 – Stephanie Jane – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 24 - Books Lattes & Tiaras – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Feb 24 – I'm All About Books – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 25 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 25 - Sefina Hawke's Books – book spotlight
Feb 26 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Mar 1 - High Society Book Club & Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Mar 1 - BookishKelly2020 – book spotlight

Enter the Giveaway: