Saturday, August 31, 2019

Grand Finale and Giveaway: Mind of Mine by CFE Black

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Mind of Mine
By C. F. E. Black

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Interview with the Author

What motivated you to write this particular story?

Two reasons: First, I fell in love with the characters and the idea of sharing thoughts. I just couldn’t get the characters out of my head once they arrived. Second, I want to encourage teenagers. I have been working with teenagers since I graduated from college, and I just can’t explain how great they are to work with every day. They deserve all the love and encouragement we can give them, and I hope my books do that. I hope this book in particular tells teenagers that they matter, that their thoughts and opinions matter, and that (really important to me) they take the time to consider how they define themselves.

Heidi Reads... - Excerpt

As I stand, I try to ignore the spinning in my head. Pru eyes me gripping the side of my chair for support. Marcus is rising, his arms boasting grooves and bulges as he pushes himself up. He sees me staring, and for just a moment longer, I wait to look away.

All sixteen of us are standing now. Dr. Yamaguchi says in her hypnotic voice, “To whom much is given—”

As one, we say, “—much is expected.”

Remembrancy - Review

"Mind of Mine is an interesting YA science fiction read but also a cautionary tale. Life on the other side of the fence comes with its own difficulties."

Only when I am with Marcus does the opaque white door before me not freeze my insides. Only with him am I not afraid of what happens behind this door. Streaming with Marcus is the one thing that feels like it belongs to me, even more than my research, which could be deleted at the touch of a button. Marcus cannot be deleted from my mind, nor I from his. And that makes me feel like, at least to him, I exist as an individual.

That is why we do this, after all. To remind us—most often just me—who we really are. Especially after a punishing day of deluge in the box—a day spent hooked up to fifteen other minds crashing simultaneously into my own—I need a grounder. I need this.

Colorimetry - Excerpt

Someone shuts the chamber doors and the lights above us dim. A man in a charcoal suit emerges from beneath us into a shaft of light on the stage. The Director. Daddy, as I like to call him. My teeth grind against each other.

“Thank you, Order members, for coming to this impromptu meeting.”

Like we had a choice.

"Wow! This one definitely sucked me in. I love it when speculative fiction explores a premise that seems to promise so many benefits—for example, overcoming our perceived shortcomings and limitations—but ends up demonstrating that the sacrifices made in the process actually de-humanize us rather than elevating us to a higher way of living. . . . this story really did have me hooked from cover to cover. I look forward to seeing more from this author!"

Wishful Endings - Excerpt

The rooftop. Oh, the air! The stars, hidden behind the city’s haze, pale in comparison to the blinking lights of Atlanta—each light a testament to human ingenuity and the desire to push harder, further, against the night. Marcus sits on the concrete, back facing me. He looks over at the sound of the door announcing my arrival. His smile flips into a frown in less than a second.

A week and a half have passed since they cut off our paired streaming. In almost eight months, a week hasn’t gone by without an exhilarating dose of Marcus’ emotions and the grounding feeling that I mean something to him. Until now.

Jypsylynn - Review

"The question at the heart of the story is a complex one with no right answer. The story is compelling, sharp and thought provoking. Although it is speculation, the premise is plausible. I liked V because of her daring. She questions the system that she has always accepted. I enjoyed the story because it really gives you something to think about after the last page. The ideas will stay with you. I've become a fan lately of speculative fiction, and Mind of Mine is a great example of excellent story telling in this genre. Definitely try it out!"

I'm Into Books - Excerpt

“Let him alone.” Pru’s stony voice edges in from the doorway. Her arms are crossed and her mouth flat.

Flavius whips an angry glare at her. “He’s been boxed. Can’t remember who he is. It’ll come. Just give him a minute.”

“Leave him,” Pru demands. “Each time one of us gets the box, it affects us all. Let him suffer. Maybe then he won’t do whatever it was again.” She spears me with her gaze then spins on her heel and disappears.

Jessica Belmont - Review

"I love that this is a debut because there is so much right about this book. The plot is captivating and keeps you drawn in. I really enjoy C.F.E. Black’s writing. She really knows her audience and pays close attention to what she’s writing. Fantastic. I recommend checking this one out!"

"A wonderful debut by C.F.E Black and a new to me author!!

This is more of a YA and if you love sci-fi then this is for you. A great mixture of both!!"

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post, if you haven't already...

Mind of Mine
By C. F. E. Black
Young Adult SciFi
Paperback & ebook, 302 Pages
August 7th 2019 by Illuminate YA

Raised to put science over self, V must link her brain with fifteen other people, making her one of the world’s smartest humans. With this privilege comes a life dedicated to continual research inside a secluded facility, a life devoid of freedom.

But V is losing her identity and unable to predict which face will peer back at her from the nearest mirror. Escaping this life will mean freedom to think for herself—and abandoning everything and everyone she’s known and loved.

When your thoughts and speech are no longer private, freedom comes at a price. But for V the price may be her life.

(Affiliate links included.)

About the Author

If you're a teen, I work for you.

I write for you. I teach for you.

Seven days a week I seek to shine light into the world-darkened lives of young people, whether it be in a high school Spanish class, a youth group Sunday school class, or a coffee shop with my computer writing my next book.

I want my writing to be a bright spot on a dark shelf, a source of truth among many lies. You guys deserve books like this.

I live in north Alabama with my son, two droopy hound dogs, a cat named Sprinkles, and my superhero husband. No, really, he saved my life once. It’s a cool story.

If you want to know more about me, my writing, or my escapades as a teacher, please visit my blog.

Mind of Mine is my first novel.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a print copy of MIND OF MINE and a $25 Amazon gift card
US only
Ends September 4, 2019

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Grand Finale and Giveaway: The Legendary Wolf by Ammar Habib

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Legendary Wolf
By Ammar Habib

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about my newest novel, The Legendary Wolf. I’m very excited about this novel, since it’s a work that I’ve been slowly piecing together since the summer of 2013. The Legendary Wolf is an action/thriller with a contemporary western flair. I’ve always been attracted to the idea of an older protagonist, one who has lost their purpose and become disillusioned with the world. This concept was the basic foundation for The Legendary Wolf. Along with the main theme of atonement, The Legendary Wolf also possesses major themes of growing old and renewing one’s purpose. . .

The Character of Grayson Wolf

Grayson Wolf was once the world’s greatest assassin. He left a mountain of corpses in his wake, and just the mention of his name struck fear into the hearts of his foes. Grayson was an unstoppable force, and his feats earned him the title of Mors, a title that was a reference to the Roman embodiment of death. . .

2.) What was one of your favorite scenes?

This is a tough question to answer because there are honestly so many! I don’t want to give away too big of a spoiler, but one of my favorite scenes happens toward the end of the second act. This scene is where Grayson shows his change of heart. Throughout the entire novel, he has been more of a passive protagonist, meaning that all the “action” he has gone through has not been because of his own will. In this scene, after going through an experience, Grayson takes matters in his own hands and swears to see out this last mission until the end. It’s a really powerful scene because it is at this point that Grayson chooses to shed his demons and rise back up.

Jessica Belmont - Review

"I wasn’t expecting to absolutely love this novel. It’s brutal, gritty, and action-packed. I was glued to this novel from beginning to end. . . . Ammar Habib’s writing is fantastic. He’s found the sweet-spot between description and action that keeps a reader obsessing from beginning to end. Highly recommended!"

onemused - Review

"I would recommend for people who like Jason Bourne/Mission Impossible style movies. Gritty, suspenseful, and full of action/danger, this is a fast-paced read about a unique character. There are also several twists and turns along the way that I enjoyed until the shocking but satisfying end."

"This was such an excellent action packed novel! I loved it from start to finish. The depths, the emotions, the drama -- it gave me Jason Statham feels. The writing was well done. I always felt pulled into a scene be it emotional or fight scene. . . . Totally recommend this if you're looking for an action packed read!"

“The men upstairs made two mistakes. One: they thought they could beat me. Two: they tried to. Don’t make the same mistakes.”

Hearing my words, the three punks glance down at the bodies lyin’ at my feet. My knuckles are bloodied as I tower over the fallen men. These remaining guards are mercenaries, but so were the others. I know why they’re hesitating, and it’s not just because of the beating they saw me deliver. They know who I am. More importantly, they know what I am. And after the firefight upstairs and the mountain of corpses I left behind, they know the stories they’ve heard are true. All of them.

Wishful Endings - Guest Post

Why I Wrote The Legendary Wolf

The Legendary Wolf is a story that I first conceived back in the summer of 2013. Though it’s gone through quite a few changes since then, the story’s core has remained the same. I’ve always been attracted to the idea of having a character who is an older warrior/soldier. The questions formed the foundation of this novel were: What happens to the warrior after they’ve grown old? What happens to the soldier who has no battle left to fight? . . .

"This is a fast paced thrill ride of ups, downs, twists and turns. . . . Part movie feel, part novel feel, Grayson’s story will leave you begging for more. I am so glad that I gave this 4 star novel a chance and I am excited to read more work from this highly talented author!"

Harlie's Books - Excerpt

I have a ritual for nights like these, nights where the drinks and pills aren’t enough to put me to sleep.

It’s been hours since my home lost power. The muggy and still air grows warmer with every passing moment. Accompanying the blackness is dead silence, save for the splattering rain and chaos raging outside.

My head hangs low. Sittin’ on a weathered and bare chair in the darkness, I feel it in my right hand: the cold grip of my aged Colt Dragoon. After all these years, the grip has seemed to mold so that it perfectly fits into my hand. This gun is the only friend I have, the only thing that shares even a sliver of my pain.

Colorimetry - Guest Post

Themes of The Legendary Wolf

The Legendary Wolf is a tale of one man’s redemption. It follows the story of Grayson Wolf, a man who was once the greatest assassin the world ever knew. However, after going AWOL on his government decades ago, he disappeared and has been living under the radar for years. He is an old man when the novel begins, one who has grown bitter toward the world and is filled with regret. Grayson simply exists day-to-day as he waits for the Grim Reaper to come and take his soul. But that all changes when he suddenly finds himself thrust into a situation where he is forced to protect a young girl from the dark forces pursuing her.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post, if you haven't already...

The Legendary Wolf
By Ammar Habib
Adult Thriller
ebook, 226 Pages
July 12th 2019

From Bestselling & Award-Winning author Ammar Habib comes this brutal tale of redemption!

Men Die. Legends Don't.

Decades ago, Grayson Wolf locked away the demons inside him. Once a legendary assassin named after Mors, the Roman embodiment of death, Grayson is now a shadow of the man he was before. He suffers every waking hour, haunted by his past as he begs for death to end his torment.

However, Grayson is pulled back into the shadowy world of espionage when an old comrade shows up at his front door with a young girl he is trying to rescue from sinister men. Suddenly hunted by an army of deadly mercenaries, Grayson is left with no choice but to protect the girl. But deep inside, something happens. He finds a light in the darkness, a light he thought was dead. The demons Grayson chained up--the legendary Mors--will be unleashed. And anyone standing in his way will have hell to pay.

About the Author

Ammar Habib is a bestselling and award-winning author who was born in Lake Jackson, Texas in 1993. Ammar enjoys crafting stories that are not only entertaining but will also stay with the reader for a long time. Ammar presently resides in his hometown with his family, all of whom are his biggest fans. He draws his inspiration from his family, imagination, and the world around him.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a signed copy of Habib's national award-winning novel, Memories of My Future (US only). Memories of My Future is an historical/inspirational novel that was published in 2016. It received several accolades after its release, including the Independent Press Award in May 2017.

Ends September 4, 2019

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Friday, August 30, 2019

VBT and Giveaway: April in the Back of Beyond by p.m.terrell

April in the Back of Beyond
by p.m.terrell


GENRE: Romantic Suspense/Ghost Story





Writer Hayley Hunter has arrived in Ireland to complete a book on Irish history. When she discovers the old carriage house she is renting is haunted, she is determined to uncover the truth behind the burned ruins of a nearby manor house and the abandoned British barracks it overlooks. With the assistance of Shay Macgregor, an Irish historian, her quest will take her to 1919 and the Irish War for Independence, exposing the murders of two young men and why their mother, April Crutchley, refuses to leave the back of beyond even in death. With a budding romance and the opportunity to begin life anew, Hayley finds her own life is now in jeopardy as she gets closer to a truth the villagers have long sought to bury.


When I heard the soft sobs, I realized I had drifted off once more and in my half-awakened state, I thought the cries were connected to my discordant dreams. I lay there with a groan on my lips not quite ready to spill out and wishing I could simply sleep peacefully before it was too late and I would be forced to arise for the long day ahead. I felt the bedcovers slip away from my bare shoulders and I fought to open my eyes.

When they finally did open, I discovered that I was completely uncovered. The bedcovers had been pulled to the foot of the bed and were shivering inches from my feet as they lay heaped into an unkempt triangle about three feet in height. I blinked once and then twice, my mind not grasping what my eyes were witnessing, for surely it must be a trick of the eyes to think the covers were still moving.

It was then that I realized the soft sobs had continued even after I had fully awakened and they were not part and parcel of my overactive dream state but they were real and they were coming from the direction of the blanket.

“You don’t understand,” came the sound of a woman’s voice, wracked with anguished sobs. “They are still here.”

“No, sweet darling,” returned a weary man’s voice that sounded so close I nearly jumped out of my skin. “They are with God now.”

“I’m telling you they are not,” the woman answered, her weeping growing more tormented. “They’ve never left. They’re still here.”

Within the space of a single heartbeat, I saw myself just a few nights ago, convinced the voices came from outside my window. Then I was pulled into the present to fight the horrifying realization that I was sharing my bed with two apparitions.

I slid my feet away from the covers in excruciatingly slow progress, afraid at any moment my movements would alert the phantoms of my presence. I tucked my feet and knees close to my torso as I came to an uneasy seated position, almost fetal in an attempt to occupy as little space as possible. 

The room had become an icebox despite the radiators and I found myself shivering almost in tandem with the blanket. I had no idea how long I sat there, curled against the headboard and pillows, watching the foot of the bed and listening to the disembodied voices that filled the air. But then something seemed to snap inside me, fully awakening me to the present time and despite my fear, despite my trepidation, I grew impatient with myself. I reached a trembling hand toward the bedcovers, intent on pulling them over me to fight the chill as well as reassure me that they were not wet.

But at the precise moment I felt the dampness under my fingers, the sobbing stopped, replaced by a gasp that was not my own. I yanked the covers to the side, determined to discover what mechanical device lay beneath. The material jerked away from me as though I was engaged in a tug-of-war and the gasp was replaced with a woman’s blood-curdling scream and a man’s shouts.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

p.m.terrell is the pen name for Patricia McClelland Terrell, the award-winning, internationally acclaimed author of more than 23 books in multiple genres, including contemporary suspense, historical suspense, computer instructional, non-fiction and children’s books.

Prior to writing full-time, she founded two computer companies in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area: McClelland Enterprises, Inc. and Continental Software Development Corporation. Among her clients were the Central Intelligence Agency, United States Secret Service, U.S. Information Agency, and Department of Defense. Her specialties were in the detection of white collar computer crimes and computer intelligence.

A full-time author since 2002, Black Swamp Mysteries was her first series, inspired by the success of Exit 22, released in 2008. Vicki’s Key was a top five finalist in the 2012 International Book Awards and 2012 USA Book Awards nominee, and The Pendulum Files was a national finalist for the Best Cover of the Year in 2014. Her second series, Ryan O’Clery Suspense, is also award-winning. The Tempest Murders (Book 1) was one of four finalists in the 2013 International Book Awards, cross-genre category. Her historical suspense, River Passage, was a 2010 Best Fiction and Drama Winner. It was determined to be so historically accurate that a copy of the book resides at the Nashville Government Metropolitan Archives in Nashville, Tennessee. Songbirds are Free is her bestselling book to date; it is inspired by the true story of Mary Neely, who was captured in 1780 by Shawnee warriors near Fort Nashborough (now Nashville, TN).

She was the co-founder of The Book ‘Em Foundation, an organization committed to raising public awareness of the correlation between high crime rates and high illiteracy rates. She was the founder of Book ‘Em North Carolina, an annual event held in the town of Lumberton, North Carolina, to raise funds to increase literacy and reduce crime and served as its chairperson and organizer for its first four years. She also served on the boards of the Friends of the Robeson County (NC) Public Library, the Robeson County (NC) Arts Council, Virginia Crime Stoppers and became the first female president of the Chesterfield County-Colonial Heights Crime Solvers in Virginia.

For more information, book trailers, excerpts and more, visit the author’s website at

Twitter: @pmterrell



p.m.terrell will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.



August 6: The Reading Addict
August 8: Christine Young
August 12: A Writer's Life
August 14: Jessica Belmont
August 15: So Many Books
August 16: Viviana MacKade
August 20: Jazzy Book Reviews
August 22: Danita Minnis
August 26: BooksChatter
August 26: Fundinmental
August 27: Iron Canuck

My Review

I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed April in the Back of Beyond. Hayley is a great character and I loved the mystery she gets involved with. I was fascinated with all of the Irish history I discovered in this book. It is not a long read and I was disappointed to see it end so soon.

I highly recommend April in the Back of Beyond for readers who enjoy mystery, suspense and Irish history. I would love to read more like this by p.m. terrell in the future. I am giving this one five plus stars. 

I received this book from the publisher. This review is 100% my own honest opinion. 

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