Monday, December 10, 2018

Blog Post and Giveaway: The Storm Within by Cerian Hebert

The Storm Within
by Cerian Hebert


GENRE:   Contemporary Romance/Paranormal



Healed from her own loss, Juliana Hopkins wants nothing more than to mend reclusive artist Aidan Byrne’s heart, and help close a chapter in his life that has haunted him for over twenty years. Risking their newfound love, Juliana is determined to release the ghosts he can’t let go.

Aidan has been in love with Juliana since the first moment he saw her, but if she can’t leave the tragedies of his past alone, he won’t be able to make a life with her.

She offers him a love he never dared to want, but loving her could rip open all the old wounds he’d never been able to heal.




Her husband’s name was ripped from her throat, twisted up with the sound of metal crushing around them. Juliana fought to grab on to anything as the car tumbled like a child’s toy, an endless somersault. She wanted to close her eyes, but the sight of Todd’s limp body, flung back and forth, held her horrified attention. Blood from the gash on his head splattered across her face.


Before his name could leave her lips, Juliana sat up in bed, her fingers clutching the sheets around her body in a death grip until the sensation of being thrown around subsided, and the sight of Todd’s broken body faded to black.

“It’s just a dream,” she whispered.

When she swallowed—too hard—her throat hurt, as if she’d screamed it raw. She probably had. Over the past year she’d woken this way more often than not.

A dream, but based on reality.

And she relived it over and over again.

Juliana eased her hold on the sheet and ran a hand over the empty side of the bed where Todd used to sleep. For five blissful years they’d shared this bed, had planned on sharing it for another sixty or more.

Fate had different plans for them.

Her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and now the room filled with moonlight and a green glow from the clock on the table next to her bed. She focused on the numbers on the display. Midnight. Again.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Originally from Minnesota, Cerian is currently settled in southwestern New Hampshire with her husband and two of her four children plus a dog, cat and two geckos. She's known she wanted to write since she was twelve, and between mucking stalls in New York and booking cruises in Maine, she's been filling notebooks and flash drives with her stories in pursuit of her dreams.

Currently she has 10 published books (No Going Back, Where One Road Leads, The Staying Kind, Going Going Gone, and  The Storm Within from Soul Mate Publishing, and The Better Man, Do Overs, Finally Home, Light The Way Home, and That Kind of Magic self-published at Amazon). She’s looking forward to adding to this list.

Cerian is a PAN member of RWA, Contemporary Romance Writers and New Hampshire Romance Writers of America.
Social Media Links:



Cerian Hebert will be awarding a $10 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


December 3: The Reading Addict
December 3: Bookaholic
December 3: Andi's Book Reviews
December 3: T's Stuff
December 10: Locks, Hooks and Books
December 10: Sue's Romance Reviews
December 17: Fabulous and Brunette
December 17: Kit 'N Kabookle
December 17: Writing is my Oxygen
December 17: Enchanting Reviews

My Review

The Storm Within is the eleventh installment from the Soul Mate Tree series. I have read several of these stories and have enjoyed most of them. I was not sure how I would like this one at first. However, it is definitely my favorite from the series to date. I was captivated as soon as I was introduced to Juliana. I felt a connection to her. The turmoil she was going through made me understand her. Then walk in the mysterious Aidan. Those two were great together and enjoyed their chemistry with one another. I did not want to say goodbye to them. 

I give The Storm Within 5 plus stars and recommend it for those who love a great and quick romance.

I received this book from the publisher, but was not required to write a review. This review is 100% my own honest opinion. 

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  1. I appreciate you taking the time to give us a great book description and giveaway as well. Thank you so much!

  2. How many drafts did you have to write before you were finished? Congrats on the release. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. Hi Joseph. Thanks for stopping in. The number of drafts depends on the story, but usually I write about 4 drafts.

  3. Did you design the cover? Congrats on the release. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  4. Would you ever like to see your book turned into a movie? Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. I would love to see that happen, Joseph. I've got my fingers crossed!
